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The Soul Purpose Remedy for Your Business

The Soul Purpose Remedy for Your Business by Lisa Fitzpatrick | #AspireMag

Imagine if you knew that the entire cosmos was working to support you in your business. Would you throw yourself more courageously into each and every task? If you knew you could not fail, would you be more dedicated to your unique skill-set and natural talents? Creating a success story takes more than just a good idea. For your business to thrive beyond the start-up phase, it needs to be in alignment with your greater purpose. You need to move beyond your logical and limiting beliefs into the realm of divinely fueled action. Your business needs to fit you like a good pair of shoes or it will wear you out in all the wrong places. Life’s too short. There’s a simple remedy for success. Find your purpose first and then start your business – in that order.

Here are five reasons why.

1. It Puts the Universe on Your Side
Imagine knowing that every time you doubted yourself, strong pillars of righteousness were holding you up, keeping you strong. This is the Buddhist concept of dharma, which means ‘cosmic law and order.’ A business built on your purpose means that you are operating in a way that is in agreement with your dharma. There is something profoundly supportive about knowing that the entire universe is on your side. The classical Sanskrit term dharman means ‘to hold, maintain and keep’. The ability to move beyond the start-up phase in business presents many challenges, which is why a majority of businesses fail in the first two years. Imagine being able to hold, maintain and keep your business viable and robust beyond all expectation. This is what happens when you take the time and space to look within and do what it takes to find the path that will be best suited to your natural genius zone.

2. Your Purpose is the Fuel that Ignites the Engine Room
Sarah used to run a successful shoe business. The problem was, Sarah had always dreamed of being a writer. She would fantasise about writing while she was fitting customers with their shoes. Every day after work, Sarah would go home feeling physically and mentally exhausted. She noticed that every time she wrote her blog, she would feel inspired and uplifted. Writing gave Sarah energy. Selling and fitting shoes drained her. Soon, Sarah’s shoe business felt like a noose around her neck and she was feeling less than accommodating with every sale she made. After she found a way to turn her writing skills into a copywriting business, Sarah sold the shoe business and never looked back. If you want to keep sparks flying in the engine room, have the courage to do something that ignites you. That way, you’ll have the fuel to keep going no matter what challenge presents itself.

3. Business is a Spiritual Pathway
Business is a series of decisions. Every decision you make in business will either grow and expand your business or contract and diminish it. Finding your purpose first gives you an opportunity to practice stretching into being the person you’re meant to be, living your highest path. Every heroine has a calling on her life. You may have refused the call several times before. Ask yourself how you would feel if you knew you were putting your calling on hold, while you chase another idea? Being in business will stretch and test you but it will only feel possible to reach the pinnacle of your highest potential in your business if it is based on your true innate strengths and talents. Business can be the perfect vehicle for you to experience personal and spiritual growth which is greatly enhanced and dependent upon your commitment to bringing your unique gifts to the world.

4. You Only Live Once
When you look back on your life, would you feel content knowing that you stumbled along in a business that didn’t truly reflect who you are? Would you feel better knowing that you had chosen to value your precious time and energy, by doing what felt right and in accordance with your purpose? Make every moment of your life count. Choose in favour of your highest ideals and values. That way, you’ll never have any regrets that you didn’t do what you loved.

5. For Love or Money?
All too often, people go into business because they are eager to make money. The truth is that a business is rarely successful if it is based on monetary gain only. This is because longevity in business requires a level of commitment, enthusiasm and passion that money can’t buy. If your heart isn’t in it, you probably won’t feel inspired to do what it takes on those days when all you have is the love for what you do and a whole heap of challenges. Do it for the love of it first. Then commit to making it a financial success.

Finding your purpose before you start a business can save you years of frustration and regret. Inspired action in alignment with your natural talents is powerful and potent for achieving greatness in business and beyond. There will come a day when you are reflecting on your life’s work. Being able to say that you valued your life enough to do what you love and became the greatest version of yourself possible in the process, is a rare and precious achievement. Don’t settle for less. Let your life and business be a true gift to the world.

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About the author 

Lisa Fitzpatrick

Lisa Fitzpatrick is a best-selling author who revels in supporting women to find their unique life purpose and heal their businesses so they can enjoy holistic success. She is the founder of Sacred Women’s Business, a coaching and training organisation supporting conscious women in service-based business who have a legacy to leave. Lisa is a certified coach, writer, yoga teacher, workshop facilitator, speaker, registered physiotherapist and mother. She lives in a subtropical paradise near Byron Bay, Australia with her two sons. Learn more at

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  • Virg Lewis says:

    “Finding your purpose first gives you an opportunity to practice
    stretching into being the person you’re meant to be, living your highest
    path. Every heroine has a calling on her life.”
    Lisa – this is a really important point because most of us are continually learning and discovering what we can do to make our life a bit better, Understanding the deeper urge helps us focus on directions to take and techniques to try.

    • thanks so much for your insight Virg. You’re so right – we are all continually learning and discovering what we can do to make our life a bit better. I wish you many blessings on your path to understanding the deeper urge that brings you the most fulfillment, joy and peace xo

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