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The “Soul Hunger” Wake-Up Call: When the Soul Rebels

The “Soul Hunger” Wake-Up Call: When the Soul Rebels by Bev Janisch | #AspireMag

For many of us, there comes a time in our life when we begin to ask the big questions:  Who am I?  Is this all there is? What is the purpose of my life? 

There is something inside us that knows that there may just be something in life that we’re missing.  

Inside, this often feels like a gap between who we are, how we’re living our lives and who we are meant to become. I’ve heard some women say that they feel “two-faced”. Meaning, who they are on the inside, does not match how they live on the outside. 

I hear it on a daily basis—women feeling like something inside of them is starving, not in the physical sense, but in a spiritual sense. 

This sense that something may be missing in the midst of an abundant life may subside for short periods of time when we’ve distracted ourselves with something exciting.  At some point, however, we begin to realize that no amount of distraction is going to alleviate the inner longings. Our soul is hungry, but not for more things or distractions; it’s craving a new way of being.  

Our souls are summoning us to become more and not to have or do more. 

This becoming more isn’t the same as what our small self or ego might have us think; which is you’re never good enough. You need to become more famous, rich, educated, deserving, respected, beautiful or just plain “more.”  

The type of becoming that the soul is inviting us to evolve into is about becoming more of our authentic self and who we are at the core of our being. The soul wake-up call is summoning us to become more grounded in our own essence as a spiritual being having a human experience.  And with that awareness, we move forward making decisions that are in alignment with our deepest truths.  

Sounds simple enough, but the truth is it’s not simple. It’s not simple or easy because to honor our soul we often need to go against the grain. The grain being a force within us that is powered by societal and familial conditioning. A deep seeded message in each of us, containing the seed of who we’re “supposed” to be. This creates a powerful pull in us to “fit in” and not rock the boat. But, there is an even more powerful force that rebels until we pay close attention and begin to listen. This opposing powerful force is the energy created by the voice of the soul.  

One of the key needs of the soul is to be known and acknowledged. The soul asks one thing of us:  To be aware of and make decisions that are in alignment with our own unique blueprint. The challenge for many of us is that we often define ourselves by things external to us, and live our lives based on other people’s values, rather than the needs of our own souls.  

Women often tell me that they have no idea who they are anymore. Many of us have been defined by our roles as a mother, wife, partner, daughter, etc.  

The problem is that when our roles change, which they always will, we have no idea who we are. As long as we define ourselves by someone or something external to us, we will experience some degree of soul hunger. 

If your soul tells you that it needs be creative and free in order to thrive, even if that means you won’t make a lot of money, and you choose to listen to society or conditioning that says you’ll never be happy unless you have a certain type of job or make a certain amount of money—your soul will rebel. 

If your soul needs you to be in a relationship with someone who is growing, evolving and stepping more fully into who they’re meant to become, and society or conditioning leads you to be in a relationship for security and comfort—your soul will rebel. 

If your soul needs you to live in alignment with your core values and you have society or conditioning telling you that you need to compromise in order to make “it” work—your soul will rebel.  

If your soul needs you to be forgiving, compassionate, and grateful and society or conditioning has you feeling angry, resentful and victimized—your soul will rebel.  

If your soul needs you to embrace and honor all your feelings, and society or conditioning has given you the message that you’re just meant to be happy and positive all the time—your soul will rebel. 

If your soul needs you to accept life as it is, and society or conditioning has you believing that you need to be in control of everything and how life turns out—your soul will rebel.  

When the soul rebels, it is a wake-up call to create space in our lives in order to look within and listen to the deeper truths of our souls. The soul thrives on three things; feeling completely alive, feeling deeply connected in our relationships and living a life that feels meaningful and purposeful. In order to do this, the soul needs us to live our lives from the inside out, not the outside in. When we honor this, we begin to thrive! 

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About the author 

Bev Janisch

Bev Janisch is a transformational coach and certified meditation teacher who is on a mission to end “soul hunger.”  After leaving a 30-year career in nursing, Bev began mentoring and teaching awakening women being summoned to live in alignment with the deeper needs of their souls. Bev is the author of, Awakening A Woman’s Soul: The Power of Meditation and Mindfulness to Transform Your Life, which was released in January 2019.

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