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The Seven Main Chakras for Health and Healing

The Seven Main Chakras for Health and Healing by Robin Fitzsimons | #AspireMag

There are seven main chakras—or energy centers—in the body. Chakra is the Sanskrit word for ‘spinning wheel’. Chakras control and affect a person’s spiritual and physiological well-being by storing your emotions. If a chakra is blocked or not functioning, it could result in physical or emotional symptoms. There are several things that could cause a chakra to become blocked: an unhealthy lifestyle, negative thinking, a lack of physical exercise, too much stress, an unhealthy diet, or not enough sleep are a few common reasons, as well as simply being an empath and ‘taking on’ others’ energy easily.  

If you’ve ever had a Reiki session or other healing modality, your chakras were cleared and balanced to help you feel lighter, more energized and balanced. Other ways to balance your chakras are through meditation, yoga or Tai Chi, acupuncture, visualization, crystal healing, physical exercise, affirmations, breathwork, getting out in nature, or heat such as a sauna, whirlpool or Amethyst BioMat with infrared heat. And one last big one: forgiveness, for yourself or others. Forgiveness releases the charge of old imprints and changes the way you think.  

There are several interesting facts about the chakras that you usually have to dig a little deeper to find, including the Archangel and planet associated with each chakra, crystals and oils that work with them, as well as the spirit animal that parallels the chakra. First, the color associated with each chakra moving up correlate with the colors of the rainbow. If you were taught “ROY G BIV” in grade school, it will help you remember them easily: Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet.  

Let’s look at each charka beginning with the root at the bottom and working up. 

Root, the first chakra (red) located at the base of the spine has to do with earthly matters such as home, possessions, money and career and finances. 

  • Archangel Uriel: angel of wisdom (sign Aquarius) 
  • Animal: Mole represents our learning to respect our dependence on the alchemy of the Earth. This chakra represents our first awareness of physical form, relationship to Earth, honoring the Source, respecting the alchemy of the soil that supports all life. 
  • Planet: Mars, the “Red Planet” due to the reddish color of its surface 
  • Essential Oils: Valor® or Abundance™  
  • Crystals: red or black crystals such as Red Jasper or Black Tourmaline 
  • Affirmation: “My energy is grounded to bring in healthy energy flow.” 

Sacral, the second chakra (orange) located two fingers below the naval is related to creativity, emotions, desires, and sexuality.  

  • Archangel Chamuel: “He who sees God” (sign Taurus) 
  • Animal: Badger represents the recognition of individual needs, care of self as a separate physical entity 
  • Planet: Moon crescent, which represents the relationship between the tides of water and the phases of the moon. 
  • Essential Oils: Peace & Calming or Harmony  
  • Crystals: Orange crystals such as carnelian or orange calcite 
  • Affirmation: “I forgive my past and embrace all of the positive moments of the present.” 

Solar Plexus, the third chakra (yellow) located in the stomach area between the naval and the rib cage, the solar plexus represents self-esteem, self-control, power, vitality and confidence.  

  • Archangel Jophiel: “Beauty of God” (sign Libra) 
  • Animal: Bear symbolizes self-knowledge and growth, standing in your power and transition of change through introspection. 
  • Planet: Sun – the element of the Solar Plexus is fire. We receive fire from the sun in the form of heat.  
  • Essential Oils: Harmony or Lemon 
  • Crystals: Yellow crystals such as citrine 
  • Affirmation: “I am enough and everything that I do in life is enough.” 

Heart, the fourth chakra (green) located in the center of the chest is your link between mind, body and spirit.  

  • Archangel Raphael: “Angel of Health & Healing and the Patron of Soul Mates”  
  • (no sign associated with Raphael) 
  • Animal: Wolf symbolizes the ability to love and care for others, community awareness of relationships, nurturing and receiving the same for yourself.  
  • Planet: Venus, the planet of love and relationships  
  • Essential Oils: Joy® or Lemon 
  • Crystals: Green crystals such as Green Malachite or Green Aventurine 
  • Affirmation: “I give love and love comes back to me.” 

Throat, the fifth chakra (blue) located as you might expect, in the throat area, is associated with communication, sound, creativity, self-expression and authenticity.  

  • Archangel Michael: “Who is like God.” (no sign associated with Michael) 
  • Animal: Your Personal Power Animal 
  • Planet: Mercury, the Planet of Communication 
  • Essential Oils: Believe or Valor®  
  • Crystals: Blue crystals such as sodalite or lapis lazuli 
  • Affirmation: “I express my feelings easily and freely.” 

Third Eye, the sixth chakra (indigo) located in the center of the forehead is associated with intuition, perception and spiritual insight.  

  • Archangel Zadkiel: “Righteousness of God” (sign Gemini) 
  • Animal: Mountain Lion has the ability to differentiate between human knowledge and universal truth.  
  • Planet: Saturn represents time and matter and the boundary between ‘above’ and ‘below’.  
  • Essential Oils: Frankincense or Peppermint 
  • Crystals: Amethyst, Blue Kyanite 
  • Affirmation: “I am open to my intuitive abilities and use them for my highest good.” 

Crown, the seventh chakra (violet) located at the top of the head, known as “the receiver of light” is associated with your spiritual connection and higher consciousness. 

  • Archangel Gabriel: “Messenger of God” (sign Cancer) 
  • Animal: Eagle has the ability to see the big picture, the balance between Earth beings and spirit.  
  • Planet: Jupiter, the planet of spirituality, faith and optimism 
  • Essential Oils: Frankincense or Lavender 
  • Crystals: Clear quartz, selenite or amethyst 
  • Affirmation: “I am guided by my inner wisdom.” 

* The crystals, oils and affirmations listed are just an example and are not all-inclusive. The oil blends listed are Young Living oils but there are several others you could use. 

Archangels & Crystals Of The Zodiac Guide

Ready to embrace the magic within, and around, you? This enlightening guide introduces you to the Archangel and the Crystals associated with each Zodiac sign. Learn to work with these celestial partnerships to amplify your connection to yourself, your intuition, and your Divine support team.

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About the author 

Robin Fitzsimons

Intuitive Spiritual Teacher, Healer & Holistic Life Coach Robin Fitzsimons consciously blends her treasure trove of healing modalities, including Usui Reiki, Akashic records, Archangels, Silent Counseling and others to intuitively and compassionately support the divine wellness of her client's body, mind and spirit. Through her popular online classes, courses and private sessions she brings women deeper into the truth of who they are in a safe container. She is also the founder of Robin's Center for Wellness in Platteville, WI where she offers in person sessions. Learn more at

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