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The Power of Thought: Your Thinking Can Make or Break Your Business

The Power of Thought: Your Thinking Can Make or Break Your Business by Paula Houlihan | #AspireMag

Did you know it only takes 68 seconds of pure, focused thought to activate the Universe to manifest what you want?

If it’s this easy, why do so many struggle?  Because most people focus their thoughts on what they DON’T want, and they don’t even know it.

Let me explain.  Typically when I ask a client what they want, I get responses like “I don’t want to be in debt;”  “I want to up-level my business and serve more clients;” or “I want more time for myself and my family.”  On the surface, it appears they are describing what they want, but if you look closer, you’ll see, these statements actually focus on what they DON’T want.

Let’s break these down:

  1. “I don’t want to be in debt.”

This statement is completely focused on what you don’t want:  debt.

When asked to rephrase this statement, I often hear something like “I want to be debt free.”  To be debt free, means to be free of debt.  The focus is still on the debt.

Another rephrased statement I get is “I want financial freedom.”  Closer, but this states that you want to be free from something (usually debt or worrying about money) which is a subtle way of focusing on what you DON’T want.  Tricky, I know.

Focusing on what you want is not as simple as it would seem to be.  That’s because you’ve been conditioned to think in terms of scarcity and lack.

To rephrase this statement, simply focus your thoughts on prosperity, and all that being prosperous means to you.

  1. “I want to up-level my business and serve more clients”

The statement is more subtle.  On its face, it appears that you are saying what you want: to up-level your business and serve more clients. BUT (you knew a but was coming) its actually focusing on where your business isn’t and your desire to have more clients.  (Whenever you use the word “more” you’re identifying a level of lack.) There’s an implication that there’s not enough.

Another way to restate this “want” is:  bliss.  Bliss is the joy you feel when you are doing what you love and making a difference in someone else’s life.

  1. “I want more time for myself and my family”

Which brings us to the third example.  Have you figured out what the focus of this statement is?  Lack of time.  Remember what I said about the word “more.”   This statement implies that there is a lack of time.  Lack is a limiting, scarcity way of thinking.

Alternatively, what you truly want is:  love.  You want to be with the people you care about and share the love you feel for them, and from them.  And you want to take care of your body, develop your mind and connect with your spirit.

The power of thought: Your thinking CAN make or break your business.

To quote an old adage: “What you think about, you bring about.”

When you focus on what you don’t want (whether you are consciously aware of it or not) you activate the Universe to manifest more of it.

So when you focus on where your business isn’t yet, the clients you don’t have or the money you aren’t making, your thinking will perpetuate what you are already experiencing…a lack of what you want.  Your thoughts can make or break your business.

It’s time to retrain your brain!

So how do you focus pure thought to activate the universe to manifest what you want?  Learn how to control your thinking.

Ask yourself “What am I wanting?” and see what thoughts come up.  If you notice your thoughts are focused on what you don’t want, recognize that there’s nothing wrong with you, it’s just the way you’ve been conditioned to think, and simply choose a new thought that focuses on what you DO want.

Then, think only about what you want, for 68 seconds.  Infuse your thoughts with what it feels like to have that (whatever that is for you) as part of your new life, your new reality.  “See” yourself in your mind’s eye living it, experiencing it, BEing it.

This also may not be as easy as it would appear.  In addition to being conditioned to focus on lack and scarcity, most of us are not taught how to focus our thinking.  Focus is a way of exercising your brain.  It may take some practice.

If this is you, no worries, start out by setting a timer for 17 seconds and build from there. According to the Law of Attraction, 17 seconds of continued focus elevates the vibration of a thought to the next level of manifesting, connecting it with other thoughts that support your desire and increasing its power with each 17 second increment.  68 seconds of continuous, focused thought brings what you want into the “seen” world and the realm of probability.

Do this every day and watch what “appears” for you, including inspired thought and opportunities that help you to bring what you want into your life.

The Universe works in co-creative partnership with you.  You tell it, through your thoughts and actions, what you want and it gives you the opportunities to make it happen.  Every YES you tell the Universe, through the thoughts you think, the choices you make and the actions you take toward making what you want a reality in your life, brings more and more opportunities to manifest it.

Your thoughts are POWERFUL!  Use them wisely.

Pay attention to what you are thinking.  Choose only the thoughts that support what you want.  Follow inspiration, take advantage of the opportunities that the Universe brings you and watch your business grow.

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About the author 

Paula Houlihan

An international feminine success mentor, best-selling author and award winning speaker, Paula Houlihan empowers women to discover their brilliance and create truly bedazzling lives of purpose, passion and prosperity. Learn more at

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