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The Power of Listening to Your Womb

The Power of Listening to Your Womb by Rhoda Jordan Shapiro | #AspireMag

When we’re younger, many of us aren’t informed of the sacred power our bodies hold. We grow from young girls to women, unaware of the ocean of potential that is inherent in the womb space.  

But the wisdom is there, just waiting for us to feel and hear it.  

The womb is the source of power in a woman’s body. It’s a place where the spark of creativity, potential, and expression reside. The womb carries our emotions and allows us to process the most challenging aspects of our lives, so that we can come back to the core of who we are.  

Our wombs play a vital role in aligning us to our feminine power, to that deep state of flow, to the sensual nature that is inherent within all of us.  

When we ignore the womb, we cut ourselves off from our inner wisdom. We lose that connection to our vitality and vibrancy. We fall out of step with the natural rhythms of our bodies. We’ve all come up against things that have distanced us from our womb space. Toxic relationships, grief, heartbreak, surgeries involving the reproductive organs, difficulties with pregnancy or childbirthing, and sexual abuse are all experiences that can contribute to keeping a woman disconnected from her womb.    

But if we can start coming back to the womb and honoring this sacred part of ourselves, we can open the door to healing, to stepping into our deepest potential. By simply giving the womb our time, our love, and our focus, we can create more joy, peace, ease, and flow in our daily lives.  

Connecting to the Womb  

There are endless ways that you can connect more deeply to the womb. One of the first things that I recommend – especially if you’re just starting to forge a relationship with your womb – is to simply take the time to “listen” to your womb each day. Place both hands over your lower belly, below the navel, breathe, and notice what is being communicated to you.  

Our wombs are always communicating with us, even if we’re not paying attention. Usually, that communication is more subtle; it may come through as a feeling, a sudden urge to create, or an inner voice telling us it’s time to slow down. The key is to start paying attention to what is happening inside of you, without trying to control or force your own perspective or expectation. Sometimes we become set upon controlling every aspect of our lives. This goes against the ways in which our feminine bodies want to live and be expressed in the world.  

Letting go of our attachments to how we think things should be will allow us to hear more clearly what our wombs are trying to communicate to us.  

When you start to practice listening to your womb, you might not hear anything at first. There might be silence. Don’t get frustrated. Just trust that the silence is right for what you need in this moment. Breathe into the silence and allow yourself to merge within its depths. Trust that it is enough.  

Remember, by listening to the womb, it’s not necessarily that you’re hearing words. You might hear an inner voice speaking to you, or you might see pictures in your mind or experience certain sensations in your body. All of us are going to feel and receive communication differently from our wombs.  

Be intentional and carve out the time 

If you take a little time each day to sit and listen to your womb, you’ll be able to strengthen your connection to your womb. You don’t have to set aside too much time for this practice. One minute of giving your womb your attention is enough; and if you have more time to devote to it, you can even go for 5-15 minutes.  

The most important thing is to be intentional about connecting to your womb and hearing what is present inside of it.

We usually only pay attention to the womb during times of menstruation, pregnancy, and childbirth. But the womb’s scope extends so much further than that. The state of the womb is a reflection of a woman’s emotions, moods, and energy levels. It is her power.  

The womb is a space of magic and creation. It’s a space that we can always turn to – to gather our strength, to process our emotions, to boldly start living life on our own terms. Centuries ago, our ancestors were in alignment to this wisdom. They immersed themselves in practices of healing and honoring the womb space. They stepped into their wild feminine knowing, and they let that wisdom serve as a compass to guide them day-to-day.  

Now is the moment to reclaim and reimagine our relationship to our wombs. Now is the time to accept and cherish our feminine bodies. Let’s consciously move forward to activate the energies inherent in our womb space. By doing so, we bless the goddess within all of us; we open the door to limitless self-love and transformation. 

Note: This womb practice is for all who identify as women, whether you have a womb or not. If your womb was removed during surgery, or you were not born with a womb, you can still do this practice. Ultimately, the womb is an energy, and the body will still hold this energy, even without a physical womb present.  

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About the author 

Rhoda Jordan Shapiro

Rhoda Jordan Shapiro has worked for over a decade as a tantric educator, teaching others to step into their power by way of meditation, movement, dance, and yoga. She leads womb healing circles for women, and has a YouTube channel where she teaches meditation classes and shares wisdom on the ancient practices of tantra and kundalini yoga. Rhoda is the author of Fierce Woman and Magic Within. She is also the Founder and Editor in Chief of The Milpitas Beat, a local newspaper. Rhoda lives in the San Francisco Bay Area with her husband and two children. Visit her at

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