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The Most Important Part of the Day: Me Time

The Most Important Part of the Day: Me Time by Alex Bratty | #AspireMag

Ever have one of those weeks where it just feels like you’re trying to keep your head above water?Between being crazy busy at work and that never-ending to-do list you can start drowning in overload. And when that happens, it’s all too easy to lose sight of what matters most: taking care of you!

Maybe you’re rolling your eyes at that thinking, “I don’t have time to worry about me!” Or you’re feeling guilty at the thought of taking a little time out for yourself. But before you just dismiss the idea, I’d like to remind you why flight attendants tell us “in case of emergency, put your own oxygen mask on first before helping others.” It’s because unless you’ve taken care of yourself, you’re little use to anyone else.

The fact is, if you don’t engage in some self-care, you’re headed for much bigger problems than getting your work and errands done. It’s no secret that stress has a major impact on our physical, emotional, and mental well-being. And research shows that taking some time for ourselves can help reduce stress and improve our health.

Here are five key reasons that giving yourself just a little “me-time” each day is so important and some different ideas for how to do it:

1. Rest & Recovery. Yes, believe it or not, you need to rest. We’re all so busy running from here to there, crossing off things on our list. If we don’t pause for just a few minutes to give ourselves a break, we’re inevitably going to run out of steam. Make it a priority to get a good night’s sleep and give yourself just a little down time during the day to relax and rejuvenate – nap, listen to some music, or just read a good book.

2. Preventing Burnout. These days, more and more people are feeling burnt out. The volume and pace of work combined with the ever-increasing demands of everyday life can be overwhelming. If you don’t stop the merry-go-round, chances are you’re heading for burnout, where chronic exhaustion becomes your life. Go have some fun. Be spontaneous and do something that’s not a scheduled activity tied to your work or other obligations!

3. Reducing Stress. Burnout is often accompanied by stress, which can come from all corners of our lives. Maybe we feel stress to get our work done faster or perhaps we’re stressed about taking care of parents, kids, and partners. Whatever the source, stress is often referred to as the “silent killer” because it creeps up on us. Go get a massage or treat yourself to a facial so you can de-stress your whole self for just a little while.

4. More Energy & Productivity. Your car doesn’t keep going when the gas gauge reads empty, so why do you think you can? By giving yourself some me-time you’re essentially recharging and refueling. A great way to really boost your energy is to get some exercise and fresh air. Get outside, take a walk and see how refreshed you feel afterwards.

5. Greater Clarity. If you give yourself some quiet time each day to unwind and breathe, you’ll find you can take a step back from the chaos to get clear on your priorities and what’s most important to you. Meditate or just lie down for 10 minutes and quiet your mind. The beauty of this is that things you previously thought were urgent can fall off your to-do list just as soon as they jumped on there in the first place!

What are you waiting for? The people who love you want you to live a long and healthy life – they want you to be around for many years to come. It’s actually selfish NOT to practice me-time so you can be the best version of yourself – for you and others.

What one thing can you do today to give yourself a little me-time?

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About the author 

Alex Bratty

Alex Bratty is an online business strategist and coach. She works with female coaches and consultants to help them book more clients, change more lives, and make more money.

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