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The Journey to Embracing My Power

The Journey to Embracing My Power by Jacqueline Kane| #AspireMag

Looking back on my youth, I realize now how many things I missed out on by being shy and living with fear on a daily basis. It appeared to me that it was normal to live with fear and worry.

Back then I was meditating with an Indian Master, taking yoga classes, and doing personal development, psychotherapy, and bodywork and yet I was not able to clear this internal fear and anxiety in my life. I was never able to get to the root cause. And then I learned how to heal ancestral karma and I discovered that this fear and anxiety was actually inherited from my mother.

I learned that everything we learn about society we learn in our first three years of life. What we learn in those years about society and how we fit in gets hard wired into our brain and our thought patterns. These patterns will then be applied over and over again in our relationships, unless we consciously change them.

For example, babies who experience stress or were ignored learn to not trust that their needs will be met. They grow up feeling insecure about themselves, not trusting the people in their lives and the world in general. They grow up to be inflexible, insecure and easily stressed out.

This helps me understand my mother and what she experienced growing up. She was born in Sardinia, Italy during WWII. Her father was away fighting in the war while her mom was home worrying about the future and survival of not only her husband but herself and her three very young children.

I can only imagine the level of fear my grandmother endured while German soldiers were walking around her village. The stress of that life permeated my mother’s cells and energetic system. Her entire life was consumed with fear and distrust.

We create our beliefs from our experiences because that is all we have to go by. We are too young to differentiate what is right and what is wrong. We are too young to understand that we are taking on all of our parent’s beliefs. We have no idea that we are not creating our own beliefs and thoughts but are actually responding to life just like our parents react to life.

It’s not until we are older that we can decide to believe what we want. But first we have to become aware that our thoughts and beliefs are not ours. Many times we only do this after we experience a trauma or midlife crisis. We find ourselves not happy in our marriage, or living with a chronic illness and it can cause us to examine why we ended up there.

For me, it took fifty years to learn that my thoughts and programming were not mine. I realized I was operating from programming that was passed down to me. It was passed down to my mother and her mother before her. The fear of that war was passed down to me and to my children.

That fear kept me from speaking up. It stopped me from having the confidence to bring my gifts into the world. When I opened my massage therapy business that lack of confidence held me back. It stopped me from speaking up, from being seen and from trusting in my own gifts and abilities.

I completely believed those fears and spent money and time investing in coaches, thinking that they would help me to create the business I so desired. I had no idea that first I needed to release this Ancestral Karma Energy and then step into my power to create the life and business I wanted. It’s impossible to create the business and life I desire without owning my power.

Stepping into and owning our power is so scary for so many women. In my practice I see so many women who desperately want to be seen and heard and loved for being themselves. Yet they have such a hard time believing in themselves. They have such a hard time believing that they deserve to be seen and heard. It’s scary to speak up and say I deserve love, I deserve to be me.

The more work I do around healing my past and clearing my ancestral karma the more my mission in life becomes clear. My mission is to help more women to be free of their ancestral karma and wounds and be free to step into their power. It’s time for women to connect to their own inner strength and gifts.

The effects of healing this karma is watching more women, moms and caregivers have the energy to love and support their families. When we allow ourselves to be who we were meant to be, we then give those people around us permission to be themselves. Which allows people to feel relaxed, loved, confident and free.

This is the gift I wish for all women here is to embrace your power. Tap into your essence of who you are.

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About the author 

Jacqueline Kane

By diving deep underneath the surface and symptoms of chronic pain, Jacqueline Kane, the Stop the Pain Specialist, supports women in discovering and healing the crucial hidden links between physical pain, finances, and the ability to live a full life. With over 15-years in private practice as a healer, and over 30-years in health care, Jacqueline has merged her innate wisdom with a multitude of healing modalities, including Bowenwork, Emotional Freedom Technique, Evolutionary Meditation, Soul Clearing and more to create unique, results-oriented methods for healing.

Jacqueline’s powerful programs, available to individuals, groups, and organizations, liberate clients from both physical pain and financial struggle, so they create a path to energy, health, ease with money, and personal fulfillment. She is the creator of the Healthy Wealthy Success System© that guides women in creating a joyful, pain-free life full of energy and financial success. Claim your Four Steps to Pain Free Living eguide today at

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