We talk a lot about alignment and authenticity as a path to business or career success. But what does it mean to be aligned and why is it important?
Business alignment has two parts:
- The first is the container you operate inside of or the business structure. (Alignment)
- The second is how you operate and respond inside that container. (Authenticity)
Both must be a good fit with who you are, your values, and allow you to be and express your true self so you can operate at your peak potential. When you are operating at your peak potential, everything becomes easier, you are more creative, expressive, more attractive, and you get more done!
The Aligned Business Container
The number one reason people are unhappy or don’t feel successful at work is that the container doesn’t respect and honor their values and who they are as a person. This is true for business owners and career professionals alike.
The business container (structure) of your business or place of work includes the culture, the people you work with, management philosophies, and the business rules and systems around the work you do.
Some businesses are formal, have a lot of rules and protocols, strict business etiquette, even a formal dress code. Other businesses are more casual, open, and collaborative, fostering camaraderie and teamwork. There is no right or wrong business container but there is a container that is right for you and any employees you have or want to attract.
As a business owner you have more say over the business container because you create it. But there can still be parts of your container that are not supporting you or even blocking your success because you created them based on what you were taught or how you were told business should be rather than on your values and your Human Design.
Whether you are a solopreneur or have a larger business, you have created a business container to operate in and all the aspects of it. If it is not a container that supports you, being you, allows for your creativity, honors your core values and allows you to show up and shine your light, you will have difficulty finding success because your environment prevents you from being yourself, sharing your gifts, and living out your soul purpose.
How You Operate and Respond in Your Business Container
The second part of business alignment is how you show up and operate in your business container. Quite simply, can you be your true self in your business container, or do you feel like you must act like someone else or wear a mask to hide the real you?
Your business container should be a safe environment where you can rise to your highest potential. It should support and encourage you to be authentic. It should be a place where you are free to explore, learn, and experiment. It is only through that journey of exploration that we can find our true self and make our contribution to the world.
So, the big question to ask yourself about Business Alignment is:
Is Your Business Container Blocking the Abundance You Deserve Because It Isn’t Aligned with the Way You Are Designed for Success and It Doesn’t Allow You to Be Authentic?
How you are divinely designed to achieve abundance is encoded in your Human Design in something I call your Business Success Path. You have a unique way of being in business just like you have a unique way of being in life.
Your Human Design Business Success Path is the authentic you when it comes to business or career. It is also the fastest and easiest way to align yourself and use that alignment to get in the flow of more clients, more abundance and less overwhelm.
Following someone else’s path for success may stand in the way of your business breakthroughs to growth and success. When we look at how you are responding in your business container, we can discover areas where you are not in alignment with it that may be blocking your success.
Your Business Success Path is already encoded inside you and to use it you simply have to re-awaken it. ‘You’ve had the answer all along, my dear’ and it holds the answers about how you came here to make a difference.
- It holds key information about your business genius
- How you are divinely designed to make a positive impact
- How you can become more visible and your brand message
- How you create authentic communication and what you should be highlighting in that communication
- What attracts clients to you
- Your leadership style and what clients look to you for
- How you are divinely designed to grow and scale your business so you can make more money. The Universe wants you to be abundant!
- How to balance your life and stay out of overwhelm
- How to become ready to step into your next level of success
You already know how to be abundant by being your authentic self. Your Human Design Business Success Path is a roadmap to success.
When you align with your Human Design Business Success Path and start running your business in a way that matches the way you are divinely wired, it’s like magic.
Things become easier, overwhelm melts away and business flows. But we have been conditioned to make business harder than it has to be.
Your Human Design Business Success Path helps you discover the businessperson inside you. Do the inner work to be sure you are living in the highest potential of this energy. If you are operating in the shadow of any of your energies, investigate why.
The first place to look is in your business container. Is there some artificial constraint or inherited culture or belief that prevents you from aligning and being you? Is there some place where you are hiding or settling? These are clues that your business container is holding you back.
You can create or tweak your business container to support you and line up with your values and the way you are divinely designed. Not only can you, but this is the only way to achieve true business alignment. Give yourself permission to break from the cookie cutter models, to do things your way, and create a business container with a culture, rules, systems, and people that encourage you to soar! It takes a little courage to break free of the business rules we have been conditioned to run our businesses by, but it is worth taking that entrepreneurial risk because it is the fastest path to success.