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The Goddess’s Guide to a Magical Springtime

The Goddess's Guide to a Magical Springtime by Lisa Marie (Rosati) Grantham | #AspireMag

My core belief is: life is magic.

As a present day Goddess what I know for sure is that if you choose to look at life through a magical lens… life becomes a joyful, interesting and pleasure-filled adventure of EPIC proportions.

How do I know this? Because, I live it… each and everyday of my life and have for a very, very long time.

There are quite a few ways to connect with the magic of life and my intention for this article is to highlight for you what is in my opinion the easiest way to get connected – aligning with the flow of nature.

NOTHING improves your life experience more than living in the flow of Mother Earth’s natural rhythm. Each month of the year has it’s own magical correspondences –  “things and themes” that directly relate or correspond to that month. Correspondences are fundamental in how I view the world… I simply cannot stop looking at my life and the world symbolically! There are connections everywhere; nothing exists in isolation and everything is intertwined in the magnificent web of life.

Integrating my spirituality with everyday life has been something I’ve been working towards for as long as I can remember… and as I age and evolve, I realize that the practice of living magically and intentionally is an essential ingredient to my overall happiness, well-being and life success. Using correspondences magnifies my magical life experience, helping me to stay at a high vibration and therefore attracting all of the good stuff. That sounds yummy doesn’t it? High vibrations – attracting the good stuff … yum, yum, yum!

Being an expert at the art of manifestation, I know that in order to receive the yummy things that you desire, your “being” (the way you hold space) must be a vibrational match to that which you desire. So in a nutshell, if you want more love, prosperity and happiness you must live life, think thoughts and hold space at the same vibrational match. Love, prosperity and happiness are high vibrational in nature, this is quantum physics – proven science.

If you’re feeling unlovable on any level, have a sense of lack and think the glass is half empty … the high vibrational “stuff” is not going to be able to find you… I see it happen all the time with women… their juicy, heartfelt desires are traveling on a parallel but higher energetic highway… leaving them feeling frustrated, overwhelmed and at times hopeless.

My soul work is to help women connect with Magic; The Sacred, Universal Laws, The Flow of Nature and her Personal Power.

[Tweet “When a woman connects with her magic, miracles happen… she creates the life of her dreams and she lives her divinely contracted purpose.”] This is the juicy stuff that lights my soul on fire and makes my heart smile…

So my lovely, getting back to correspondences… the simplest way to start playing with magical correspondences is to take note at what’s happening around you that particular month in nature; what colors typically dominate the landscape, what animals are out and about frolicking, what smells are wafting through the air, what’s blooming in the gardens, what old world holidays or celebrations are coming up, etc. This will give you a beginner’s glimpse into living in the magical flow. I’ve put together a summery of basic correspondences for April and May below. My hope is that you’ve become intrigued and begin to take notice of the magic that exists all around you in any given minute… that’s the first step.

On March 20th we celebrated the Spring or Vernal Equinox and Ostara in the Northern Hemisphere which marks the official start of springtime. The magical theme for March is renewal, rebirth, breaking inertia, new beginnings, potential and possibility. The most important question for one to ponder in March is: What is possible for my life this year? Below are some basic correspondences and ways to bring the magic of springtime into your life…

With the turning of The Great Wheel of the Year comes longer hours of daylight and the growing season; literal, metaphorical and energetic. Let me take you on a magical journey into April… April winds are blowing gently through the trees, spreading the seeds of life all around us. The trees are budding… daffodils, tulips and other spring bulbs are emerging from the defrosting soil, the grass is greening up all over the place, small animals like bunnies, chipmunks and squirrels are scurrying about and the birds are chirping – life is stirring everywhere!  April is a time of fertility and new growth.

April is a the month to decorate eggs, work on creating balance, plant seedlings for your garden, collect moon water, make holy waters and floor washes, form friendships, take advantage of opportunities, commune with nature, look for rainbows and four-leaf clovers, and witness the trees begin to sprout their flowers and leaves… it’s a time to discover yourself again and do whatever it takes to rejuvenate your soul.

It’s a great month to work on practical and intentional magic related to new beginnings, bringing new love into your life, or conceive a child. It’s time to stop planning and start doing – take all those ideas you’ve been brewing and bring them to fruition!

Next… the month of May.

The Month of May is our ascent into light; it’s bright, illuminating, celebratory and sexual (oooh la la – yup, we’re going there). Beltane falls on May 1st (which is also May Day), so this month’s magical theme swirls around fertility, frolicking, sensuality and human connection. Time to get outside and plant your seeds for the growing season… put your hands in the dirt. May is fiery and full of lust and passion; it’s the perfect month to reflect on sex and your sexuality. Some introspective questions to ask yourself and journal about during the month of May: What is my relationship with sex? Is it healthy or unhealthy? Do I overuse or suppress my sexuality? What are beliefs surrounding sexuality? Are they my own or are they downloaded beliefs from my childhood?

May is the month to work with practical intentional magic related to careers and jobs. Have you been thinking about switching to a new position, or perhaps trying a new field altogether? Have you desired to take a class on something or work towards a degree? Take the thoughts, etc. you conceived in April, plant them now and allow them to thrive and grow!

I hope this article tickled you hot pink and sparked some ideas and inspiration within you. Wishing you a spring blessed with infinite abundance and practical magic. So it is.


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About the author 

Lisa Marie (Rosati) Grantham

Business Mentor and Lifestyle Expert Lisa Marie Rosati-Grantham is an International Best-Selling Author, Leader of The Goddess Lifestyle Sisterhood™, and Founder of The School of Magical Living™. Believing that women CAN have it all, Lisa has successfully created a thriving, global brand while raising her children. It’s Lisa’s passion to teach ambitious, soul-centered women how to create an abundant, purpose-filled life, and prosperous laptop business they love!

Lisa’s unique combination of strategic thinking, laser sharp intuition, vast knowledge of holistic health, psychology, human behavior, healing modalities and women’s spirituality plus 20+ years of metaphysical study and practice, results in an effective mix of spirituality and “real world,” no-nonsense practicality that supports her private clients and community in embracing their own Inner Goddess. Lisa exemplifies the Goddess Lifestyle as she embraces her powerful feminine nature with pride and encourages other women to do the same. Learn more at 

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