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The Breath Awakening™ Daily Practice: 4 Steps to Living an Empowered Life

The Breath Awakening™ Daily Practice: 4 Steps to Living an Empowered Life by Tara Nieves Green | #AspireMag

“Breath is the bridge which connects life to consciousness…”  – Thích Nhat Hạnh 

Did you know that you live the way you breathe?   

You have answered three emails, thrown in a load of laundry, fielded two new client phone calls, picked up the kids from school, and you finally sit down.   

In this moment, you let out a big sigh.  

You have not taken a full breath in hours.

Or maybe you are feeling…. 

As if you have lost your sparkle, weighed down by all that is going on in life, or by things not happening the way you thought they would. You may feel as if you are going through the motions of life, but cannot seem to get excited about anything.  You notice that after your exhale, you don’t even have enough energy to take your next breath.   

It may be one or the other, but it could flip from one to the other depending on the day. We all have days like that.  

Breath Masters around the world say, “You live the way you breathe.” 

Think about that. 

Full, easy, gentle breaths with moments of stillness and moments of movement. Doesn’t that sound so delightful?   

The Breath Awakening Daily Practice can help you cultivate this state.   

Every morning, practice these 4 simple but powerful steps
(if you have physical, mental or emotional health issues, please check with your medical professionals before engaging in this or any breathing practice) 


Step 1: body-breath awareness (arrive): 

Find a comfortable quiet place to lie down. Notice the surface below you supporting your body. Take a gentle breath in through the nose and imagine melting into that surface as you exhale.  

Place one hand on the upper chest and one on the lower abdomen. As you inhale, apply a bit of pressure with the hand on the abdomen, and imagine the breath filling the space beneath your hand. Feel the lower abdomen and low back gently expand. Take a few more breaths here.   

Now, invite the breath to flow from the abdomen/low back, up the spine.  Imagine the lower rib cage and then the shoulder blades slightly expanding. As heart-center opens, luxuriate here for a moment.  

The exhale flows out, gently with no effort.  


Step 2: circular breath (awaken):
In our natural breath, we pause between the inhale and the exhale, and then again between the exhale and the inhale.  When you remove the pauses, you create a circular breath.  Without the pauses, it’s a more rapid breath pattern that awakens and energizes the body.    

Take a full breath in and as soon as you reach the top, let the exhale fall out.  This longer inhale and slightly shorter exhale activates the sympathetic nervous system making us more alert and aware. 

If this is uncomfortable or if you get light-headed, it is time to move to step 3.  

Do this up to 3 minutes 


Step 3: move and sound (clear):   

This is my favorite part!    

At this point you have increased your energy flow which heightens your awareness of tightness or stress in the body.   Let’s give the body an outlet to clear the stress.  As you breathe, wag your tail like a happy puppy.  Yes, you read that correctly!  You are invited to wiggle-n-waggle, shake-n-shimmy, pound-n-kick to awaken your whole body… your feet, legs, hips, torso, arms, and head. Let it loose!    

As you exhale, you can add a sound to intensify the release…  

My go-to sound is the “AAAAHHHH” sound.  

What sound does your body want to release?    

Do a few breaths while moving your body and releasing your sound.  


Step 4: slow conscious breath (align):  

Make your way back to the gentle nose breath.  Invite your body to settle in once again softer and freer now.   

Become aware of the breath slowly filling and expanding your torso.   

The breath, then ever so slowly leaves your body.    

Once empty, stay here until the body nudges you to breath in again. As you repeat this 3-4 cycles, what do you notice?  What message is your body and soul sharing with you?   


By practicing this each morning, you are prepared for whatever comes your way in the day ahead of you.  

Throughout your day, stop and become aware of how you are breathing.   

Then, choose a breath pattern that allows you to be fully present and aligned with what is best for you.  For example: 

  • If you notice you are rushing around like crazy and doing short quick breaths or holding your breath in, choose to counter that with a slow gentle full nose breath. 
  • If you are feeling exhausted and unmotivated, take a moment and do the energizing circular breath with a full inhale and relaxed short exhale.  
  • If you are stressed and/or unfocused, move your body.  Then, experiment with the box breathing (equal parts: inhale, hold, exhale, hold) Start with a few seconds and increase the number of seconds for each part over time. 

The more you practice, the more command you have over shifting your response to your experiences… 

and Living an Empowered Life. 

***To deepen your practice and for more support Tara offers a complimentary Discovery Session here 


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About the author 

Tara Nieves Green

Tara Nieves Green MS, founder of Breath Awakening™ and an international breathwork master practitioner and trainer, helps empowered individuals excavate and clear the unconscious triggers caused by their wounds and self-sabotaging beliefs so they can access their divine wisdom and inner truth to create a more authentic and passion filled life.

For close to two decades Tara has been merging her education background and training with her deep commitment to personal healing that lead her to the creation and birth of Breath Awakening™ Practitioner Training. Learn more at and download your 4-part Breath Awakening™ Gift set here

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