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The 5 Core Practices of Highly Successful Conscious Writers

The 5 Core Practices of Highly Successful Conscious Writers by Julia McCutchen | #AspireMag

The image of an iceberg is a wonderful metaphor for the creative writing process.

The 10% we see above the surface of the water represents the actual words of the blogs, books and other communications we write. It arises out of the 90% that is largely hidden from view yet without which the iceberg would not exist at all.

The same principle applies to our writing. A large proportion of the work we do as writers is invisible to our readers but greatly determines the quality of our work and the contribution it makes to the world.

The following 5 practices may not be obvious as part of the mix from the outside looking in when we read the latest book from our favorite author.

Yet, having spoken with thousands of highly successful Conscious Writers, and from both personal and professional experience of Conscious Writing in action, these practices come up time and again as the foundation for authentic success.

I invite you to dip into one or all of these practices to the extent it feels right for you at this time and see from your own personal experience what contribution they make to your writing, your authorship, and your life.

  1. Yin Style Journal Writing

Conscious Writers approach the immensely beneficial practice of journal writing with both focus and flow. The focus is required to show up on a regular basis to do the practice without judgement or any expectation of an end result. Ideally this will be daily and first thing in the morning (most of the time).

The flow or yin style leads away from a rigid structure or number of pages that have to be completed. Instead, it invites us to develop a more intuitive relationship with the practice based on what is required in the moment.

This approach builds awareness into our experience of writing which also benefits all the other writing we do or want to do.

  1. Conscious Movement

Conscious Writers understand the importance of engaging the body as well as the mind and emotions in the creative process. According to research published in the journal Psychological Science, people can become more creative simply by changing their posture.

In one study, participants explored creative problem solving using physical movements of their hands to emulate the phrase “on the one hand … on the other hand”. Those who gestured with both hands came up with the most novel ideas.

Adding awareness to physical movement delivers up even more powerful results. Paying full attention when out walking, and undertaking conscious movement practices like yoga create an energetic alignment which enables us to bring our whole self to the creative writing process, and see the positive results of that on the page.

  1. Cultivating Awareness

Awareness beyond the boundaries of the mind gives rise to the most original and authentic creative expression. Conscious Writers explore this territory from the inside out using a mixture of “formal” and “informal” meditation practice and mindfulness.

The benefits of meditation for health are well-documented. Add to this the expanded awareness and enhanced creativity it cultivates, and the case is made for including at least 15 minutes of “formal” daily meditation such as simply observing the breath.

“Informal” meditation involves carrying awareness forwards into all aspects of daily life as the space out of which our thoughts, words and deeds arise. An aware approach will always be the most fulfilling and rewarding experience of authorship.

  1. Being in Nature

One of the most repeated recommendations from highly successful Conscious Writers for anyone wanting to enrich their creative output is to spend time in nature. The ideal circumstances include solitude and silence so we can sharpen our senses to appreciate the subtle dance of life all around us.

Ultimately, we realise that the life flowing within us is one and the same creative energy. Through inner stillness, we empty ourselves of the everyday and enter a space of pure being following nature’s example.

Bringing nature indoors with plants and fresh flowers, and taking ourselves out to experience the wild landscapes of the world, regular time with nature recharges us as Conscious Writers like nothing else can.

  1. Nurturing Creativity

When we empty our minds of mundane matters, we make space to fill our hearts with creative inspiration. Conscious Writers recognize the value of nurturing creativity in a multitude of ways so the inner well never runs dry.

Our creative soul may be nourished simply by making time to reflect, listening to music, painting a picture, reading inspirational literature, connecting with like-minded people, cooking colourful meals … or all of the above, and more!

Whatever ignites our personal creative fire, the way for this fruitful level of being to become our reality is to make conscious choices that are based on nurturing our creative soul being a genuine priority. From here, we schedule time, take appropriate action, and resist all but the most urgent intrusions.

These 5 Core Practices provide the foundation from which Conscious Writers build an original and worthwhile collection of writing that contributes something of real value to readers. Taking one step at a time, one practice at a time, gradually over time they become a richly rewarding and creatively productive way of life.

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About the author 

Julia McCutchen

Julia McCutchen is an intuitive creator, writer and mentor who guides people to share their unique gifts through creating, writing and living from a conscious and vibrant connection to Truth. A former international publisher, Julia experienced a life-changing accident in 1999 which triggered a series of major quantum leaps in her spiritual awakening. She subsequently developed a tried and tested holistic approach to access the present and aligned state required for original creative expression in all areas of life, especially writing. She is the founder and creative director of the International Association of Conscious & Creative Writers (IACCW) and the author of two books including, Conscious Writing: Discover Your True Voice Through Mindfulness and More (Hay House).

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