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The 4 Acts of Living Your Truth

The 4 Acts of Living Your Truth by Laura Clark | #AspireMag

Living Your Truth allows you to discover greater joy, abundance and love. To live your truth you must discover it, nurture it, commit to it and take courageous steps to follow it. It takes time to unravel this deep understanding of what your truth is. It takes knowing that this truth, finding it and acting upon it, is an ongoing journey. But when you discover how this inner wisdom, this truth, and live and work in alignment with it, the world is lighter and brighter. You are able to feel more love and share more light into the world for your highest good and the highest good of all around you. 
1 Find Your Truth.  

Discovering who we are is not always easy. It takes time to quiet down the noise around us and, more often than not, the loud chaotic noise within us.  In those moment of quiet we discover soul-i-tude ~ that space that allows us to know and connect to our wise inner self, our truths. 
The noise within us is loud and prevents us from hearing this inner truth. We self-sabotage our lives with our own negative ego-chatter, by making decisions based upon our emotions. This inner noise can squash the ability to hear that innate truth. 
The chatter of our ego can be loud. Think of this chatter as the caddy-gossiping-neighbor who wants to always be better than you. Our egos fill us with self-doubt. They tell us not to take risks that seemingly are unwise. Learning to tame this inner critic is necessary for finding our own truth.  
The best way to tame this is to differentiate between the voices within. When you hear that caddy-gossiping-neighbor’s voice inside of you, it most certainly is your ego. It speaks with a negative, judgemental words and tone. Through quiet meditation and soul practices, you will find your truth.  Your truth speaks to you in love and light. Indeed, you may even feel the language and tone foreign to you when you first access it. 
You know you are on to something when you hear those loving, kind, supportive words. 
Our emotional self can also get in the way of us discovering our truth. We all have emotions. How boring would life be without them! To discover your truth, however, we must understand that while we have emotions, they do not define who we are and we do not have to make choices based on our emotions.  
Think back to a time when you made a choice based solely on your emotions. Perhaps it was a purchase or a choice of significant other or something else.  How well did it serve you? Now, think back to a time when you made a choice based on your gut instinct that inner truth. You may not even know why that was a good choice when you made it but you knew innately that it was the one to be made. How well did it serve you? I bet the latter choice was a better one because you made it not following your emotional self but rather following your truth.  
When you recognize this difference, it becomes simple to allow your emotions to flow and release rather than have them run your life. Your truth will rise and decisions can be made for yourself because you are becoming your own sacred leader of your life. 
Taming your ego-mind and allowing emotions to flow and release gives way for your inner truth to be found and heard. Then, leading your life from this inner wisdom  
can be your compass to greater joy. 
2. Nurture Your Truth 
Once you discover how to find and listen to this truth, it’s important to nurture it. Our truth comes to us in unusual ways. Some will hear it, others will sense it and still, others will see it. Learning the language of your truth, your soul, and how it speaks to you allows you to understand it with greater clarity.  
Using sacred tools such as meditation, journaling and more allows the understanding of your truth. Taking time to nurture this gives rise to it raising it voice for you to hear it more frequently so that your truth becomes the leader of your life.  
Be kind to yourself when taking time to hear your inner truth. Allow yourself to be patient during this truth connection time. Find support during those times when it seems to elude you. Holistic groups, communities and retreats can help you in developing this skill.  
Nurturing your truth allows the path ahead to be seen more clearly and passion to grow. From your own self-growth, you begin to glow from the inside out. Joy seems to find you wherever you go because, indeed, it is within you. 
3. Commit to Your Truth 
As you grow an begin to glow from within, your self-sabotaging ways may begin to come out in full force. It is important as you discover the power of your truth to not allow this to happen. 
The proverbial example of this is the diet complex. Most everyone has tried to lose weight at some point in their lives. Yet, few do. It is not because they did not have intentions to do so. It’s because their commitment to this waned over time. It became hard. It took too much time and energy. The reasons are endless as to why they stopped.  
When you commit to something AND listen to your truth, it will always guide you forward. When you commit to something and use your truth as your compass, it will not let you down. You must first commit to listening to your truth. It’s almost impossible to commit to something and have it ever-lasting when you do not allow your inner wisdom to be your guide.   
Honor yourself and this inner wisdom and allow it to shine lovingly and compassionately in all that you do. Embrace it daily and reconnect to it often.  
4. Take Daily, Consistent & Courageous Action Steps 
Your commitment will wane, your passion will falter when you don’t take daily, consistent and courageous action steps based on your truth. This is often not ease because many times these steps take you out of your comfort zone. 
Your ego-self always wants you to stay protected and safe. Going out of your comfort zone takes you into unknown territory. The more you do go into this world of the unknown, based on following your own truth, the more you will learn to trust it. 
The more you trust your truth ~ your wise inner guide ~ the more you will infuse it with passion, the greater the rewards of living will be. You will be aligning your life with your own soul’s truth and no greater joy can be discovered than that.  
Your truth is a powerful leader in your life. Find it. Nurture it. Commit to it and take action based upon it. You will grow and glow in ways you never thought possible. 

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About the author 

Laura Clark

Sought after Master Soul Coach® and Instructor trainer, Laura Clark knows that Living In-Joy comes from following your own inner wisdom. Through her own recovery from depression and 20 years as an entrepreneur, Laura fully understands the life interrupts and barriers that are obstacles to living a life of ease, grace, joy and happiness. She is the founder of, trained and certified by Denise Linn and believes that your soul knows the truth. She empowers her clients to hear their soul’s whispers more consistently, understand it more clearly and act upon it more courageously for a life filled with greater joy and abundance than ever imagined. As an International best-selling author and engaging speaker, Laura brings her unique wit and a down to earth, practical approach to implementing spirituality and soul-wise living into your life.

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