by  Lon   

In a world undergoing profound transformation, the recognition that we are all born with magic inside us heralds a new era of limitless possibilities. Embracing the extraordinary within and connecting with the multidimensional reality that surrounds us, we step into our roles as modern merlins. Magic, once the stuff of dreams and fantasy, is now the new real, guiding us toward a future filled with harmony, peace, and boundless wonder.

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Although each person’s soul journey is unique, our soul’s developmental growth process is the same. Our soul’s path is a spiral, not a straight line. We continually come back to things we thought we processed, healed, and understood so we can experience deeper truths and transformation. Our soul growth requires that we heal our “our inner child.”

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When you’re grounded in the energy of expansion, riding the wave of your transformation can be exciting and magical. Expansion Catalyst Lee Murphy Wolf shares five common signs you’re being called to expand and some simple strategies you can use to stay anchored throughout the journey.

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by  S.C. Lourie   

At one time or another, we all experience a wobble, or stumble, in our life. When we learn to look at those wobbles as signs that things are shifting and lean into them, it can feel more empowering. Samantha Lourie, author of The Power of Mess shares her musings on the topic.

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“It’s time for humanity to choose to move on from the victim mindset. People are craving a bigger reality that allows them to participate in and co-create a happier, more fulfilling, and exciting world.”, shares Judy Wilkins-Smith, author of Decoding Your Emotional Blueprint: A Powerful Guide to Transformation Through Disentangling Multigenerational Patterns

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