What if improbable and extraordinary events were the norm in our lives? If we knew that anything was possible and the miraculous could occur at any given minute. Ah, what a magical life it would be, surprise and dreams fulfilled around every corner. Kim Stanwood Terranova proposes this is not only possible but yet very probably when we begin to live as if everything was a miracle!

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Attaining expert status in your field means becoming the go-to resource for your ideal clients, and achieving name recognition and brand association in your field. There are many ways to do that—but in order to really be successful with them, you have to walk your talk, speak to your niche, and continually grow your knowledge base. Otherwise, any gains you make will quickly be outpaced by changing markets. Ann Sanfelippo shares 8 simple things to consider as you begin to cultivate your expert status.

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The path to manifesting wealth starts with discovering that we are already wealthy within. We have sacred gifts that when developed provide us with overflowing abundance.  We need to give ourselves full permission to thrive and take inspired action to get where we want to be. Many women are experiencing a shift within and we have already taken steps to break out of old patterns that are no longer serving us, shares Sacred Wealth Coach Marcia Mariner.

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To manifest magic and miracles in our life we truly need to be in alignment with what our soul knows is ours. If there is any energetic block or limiting conditioning that is contrary, we will sabotage the manifestation.

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You have manifested everything in your home with your thoughts and emotions. You wanted a comfy, tan couch and made it happen by shopping, ordering, purchasing, and having it delivered. Everything in your home was a vibrational match to you at some point, and you attracted it to you. Yes, even your spouse or roommate. Your home is a giant composite of you. It’s also a giant emitter of your energy. Think of it as a living vision board.

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