When was the last time you felt rejuvenated, renewed, energized and fully alive? When was the last time you took time out to nurture yourself, experience pleasure or have fun without a niggle guilt involved? Goddess Lifestyle Expert Lisa Marie Rosati shares her 3 foundational Goddess lifestyle pillars for self-care.

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by  Jami Hearn   

Accessing your own Akashic Record can lead to healing that your spiritual life needs to evolve to the next level of enlightenment and fulfillment. Spiritually sensitive women tend to overlook the healing they need for themselves – Be selfish, even if for a moment. Soul Alignment Practitioner Jami Hearn shares a part of her own journey and healing that she was able to access through her Records

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What is Shakti Power? Shakti is your natural sacred feminine power. She dances through the universe brave and awake singing “wake up, wake up!” When you can apply these sacred empowerment principles in your life, you create an unshakeable foundation of power. You know who are and you are not willing to betray yourself. You stand as tall and fierce as a fortress of truth. You awaken fully to your inner power. Here are the 4 pillars or empowerment principles that make up Shakti Power.

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Are you a present day Goddess? A Goddess possesses many wonderful and enchanting characteristics and traits. Creatrix Lisa Marie Rosati, founder of the Goddess Lifestyle Plan, shares 15 characteristics of a present day Goddess. Take a moment to see how many resonate with where you are on your path.

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Meeting your Inner Sacred Woman is a transformative experience that can be achieved simply by any woman. The three reasons for working with her are: 1) feeling your divinity, uniqueness and purpose; 2) finding a place of truth, peace and simplicity within you and 3) enjoying a space of healing and emotional transformation.

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