We live in a world of do, do, do and go, go, go. It can leave you exhausted, overwhelmed and numb. Now is the time to make changes in your day-to-day habits to increase your energy. Here are 5 strategies to support you in increasing your emotional, spiritual, and physical energy.

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Have you ever noticed how you feel more energized and alive on certain days, but drained and exhausted on others? Alicia Morrow shares some easy to overlook energy drains that could be draining you?

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Energy blocks take up the space you need to co-create your soul’s intentions. Dr. Debra Reble shares four sacred practices to help you release energy blocks.

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Using crystals can help you to rejuvenate your energy, as well as the energy in your home, car, workplace to help you feel balanced, aligned, and revived. Sha Blackburn shares ten crystals for everyday use and three unique ways to use them.

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When you use your Human Design as your Business Blueprint and you understand more about the other energy types, strategies, and authorities, you can craft a business that truly serves and meets your definition of success.

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