People with healthy self-esteem trust in their basic goodness, and although they strive to do well, they don’t expect themselves to be great at everything. They try their best when they do something, and they refuse to see failure as proof that they’re unworthy human beings. Instead, they see it as a signal that they need to do something differently next time. For these lucky folks, trying and failing builds self-esteem better than not trying at all. Psychotherapist and author of Reconnecting with Your Estranged Adult Child, Tina Gilbertson dive deeper into the topic.

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Tarot is a marvelous way to relate to the everyday world. Kathleen Gubitosi shares 3 simple ways to connect the magic of tarot to your life and become a better card reader.

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For me and many of my clients, our unique gifts and deeper sense of purpose was buried under fears and false beliefs that we developed as we were growing up. We lost contact with the individual blueprint we each have regarding how to joyfully express our purpose on the planet. Perhaps you feel the same way. Because of my disconnection, I had to relearn that my purpose on the planet is to evolve in my ability to love and to creatively manifest the gifts I have been given. I did this by connecting with my inner and higher guidance. As I did, I also discovered that this is the purpose for all of us.

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Our world has become much smaller due to technology, and there’s a lot of good in that. Technology can be fun and helpful, but it can also suck the presence out of many people’s lives. Here are 8 tips to help you disconnect from technology and reconnect to yourself and the world around you.

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What happens when we go without deep connection for too long is that our soul starts to feel there’s a gap – like a vitamin deficiency of the spirit. Lack of deep connection in our lives can feel like driving a car with partially deflated tires. The result can be that familiar, empty feeling that something’s missing. It can cause us to feel a bit sad, stressed, hollow… even depressed… without really being able to pinpoint the cause.

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