by  Donna LaBar   

Poor food choices are just one factor that causes our blood to lose an alkaline balance. Stress, anxiety, depression, sleep deprivation, and pollution can also contribute to a highly acidic pH level. A consistent alkaline-acid balanced diet will slowly correct these disturbances. I have seen many quickly improve their health situation with this awareness and a few simple changes. I follow this balance pretty closely because I believe it keeps me healthy and helps compensate for the stress in my life as well as the pollutants in my environment.

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Your surroundings influence your mood, energy level and more. Some traditional and sought-after home features can alter energy flow, so it unsettles you. Feng Shui Expert Kerri Miller shares a few to be aware of and how to correct them.

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“The universe was created with duality and balance. There is north, south, east and west. Earth, fire, air and water. There is light and dark. There is feminine and masculine energy. When we allow our own unique ebb and flow between the divine feminine and the divine masculine, we step more into our purpose, are more accepting and loving of ourselves and are able to create a healthy and thriving life.” Carolyn McGee

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Even though we live in a fast-paced society, you still have the power to choose your own speed and control the rhythms of your life. Felicia Baucom shares four ways to harness the power of slowing down.

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by  Jami Hearn   

Sometimes the inner work we do can cause a shift in our relationships, friendships, and other areas of our life. As we grow, sometimes our loved ones aren’t sure where they fit into your new life. In this intimate post, Intuitive Prosperity Coach Jami Hearn shares how her inner journey and shift nearly cost her marriage. 

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