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Summer Solstice: An Intention Setting Ritual

Summer Solstice: An Intention Setting Ritual by Crystal Cockerham | #AspireMag

As far back as archeologists and anthropologists go, there is evidence that supports the observance of the solstices and equinoxes from standing stones and building structures to petroglyphs across the globe.   

Why?  Because they marked the passage of time by the moon and the stars.  This helped them establish idyllic growing seasons for crops, when to plant, tend, and harvest, by discerning the patterns.  They then knew the optimal times to hold ceremonies and celebrations to both honor the cycle of the sun and moon as well as beseech the continued blessing and nurturance they provide to the cycle of life on Gaia and all who call Mother Earth home. 

The Summer Solstice is the day of the year where we experience the most hours of daylight.  It is a celebration of the life-giving source of energy that catalyzes plant growth, nurtures the process of germination and a plants ability to bear food, not to mention the chemical reactions we humans benefit from the sun’s light. 

Just because we have a universal calendar, does not mean these observances are obsolete.  If anything, it’s more vital than ever not only for a healthy and bountiful food harvest, but for the health and well-being of the collective and each and every one of us as the unique bodies of light we are. 

Each and every time one of us answers the call of our Highest Self and enters into the cauldron of transformation, it becomes that much more attainable for others to do the same.  In other words, our own individual healing and transformation becomes a beacon of light that calls out to others.   

For those who are on their path, doing their work, walking their talk, we know there is always more.  Whether you are new to your spiritual growth or have been consciously on the path for some time, the Summer Solstice is the optimal time to celebrate and honor your light.  

In spring, when nature wakes up from its winter slumber, we are coming out of our inner reflections and ‘planting seeds of intention’ for ourselves.  These intentions come to us as a thought, dream or even a desire.  Then we envision this thought, dream or desire as if it is already a reality.  Then, we send out the call by setting an intention, planting that seed,  

There’s so much that happens beneath the surface that happens without our awareness, yet is reliant on our light, our focused energy and the actions we take in order for the seed to sprout.   

In some cases, we realize that we need to let go of something or even someone in order to open the space for our seed to sprout.  In other cases, we need merely to clear the clutter or our energy field and reset to a new default mode, losing habits and beliefs that no longer serve us and instilling new ones aligned with the truth of who we are and who we are becoming. 

As spring comes to a close the seed begins to sprout and grow.   

Now, we can physically see our intentions taking shape as we enter the Summer season. 

Wouldn’t you know it, the Summer Solstice is here, a celebration of light; the sun’s light and YOUR light!  I did say it was more important now than ever to observe the Summer Solstice for ours, the collective’s and the planet’s health and well-being.  And I cannot stress the importance of this for our own spiritual growth and well-being enough.   

No technological advancement can replace the reverence of our inner light and connection to Divine Source.  The cycle of the seasons shows this to us as do the effect that the sun and moon have on us as humans.  These cycles also mirror for us, our manifesting potential. 

Those ‘seeds of intention’ you planted in the spring, become plants dependent on your focused light and nurturance to bear fruit, or make manifest your dreams and desires. 

You can honor and celebrate your light by taking your daily practice outside!  Now, it is the Summer Solstice which only happens once a year, so why not kick it up a notch or two and turn it into a ceremony?   

Before getting into the step-by-step, be sure you have: a super duper crystal clear powerful intention, all the elements, (earth, air, fire & water) will be represented, so if your location doesn’t have a body of water, bring a container full.  If your location doesn’t have a contained place for fire, bring a small candle inside a secure container for safe practices- you don’t want to start a forest fire.  You will also want to bring your journal and something to write with as well as water to keep you hydrated.  While this isn’t a physical workout, you are expending a significant amount of energy. 


Here’s a template to get you started, but follow your intuition.  Your spirit and soul know what you need! 

  1. Gather your supplies and go to the sacred space you have chosen.  (Depending on drought conditions and how you wish to purify yourself, you may want to smudge prior to leaving your home.) 
  2. Once you arrive at your location, set everything up.  This can be as simple or as elaborate as you wish, there are no rules here. 
  3. Take a moment to bring yourself fully present, if it is safe to do so, smudge. 
  4. Now, you begin by energetically calling in your guides and allies. If you’ve never done this before, relax.  It can be as simple or as complex as you choose for it to be.  Here is an example to get you started:  Dearest Sacred One(s), I call into my sacred space your divine grace and love so that I can feel it with me always.  I call too, on the Archangels, my Guardian Angels/Spirit Guides to guide, support and protect me in all ways.  I ask for the properties of the elements of earth, air, fire and water to accompany me and support me in this process for my highest and greatest good with grace and ease.  I ask you this to support me and my honoring of the light which resides within me and the light in the sky that mirrors this life-giving force.  [STATE YOUR INTENTION] I thank you with all the love in my heart for being with me here, now and always in all ways. Aho/Amen/Blessed Be/So be it.  
  5. Enter into private meditation/contemplation time.  Be sure to use your journal to jot down any guidance you receive or a-ha thoughts that come to you. 
  6. Take as much time as you need to tune-into nature.  What scents do you smell?  What trees/plants/flowers do you see?  Do any animals, birds or insects show themselves or make themselves heard?  These are all potential messages for you, so record them in your journal. 
  7. If there is something for you to release, call it out loud with your voice, or write it down on biodegradable paper and bury it.  (If you are in your backyard with a burn ring, burn it.)   
  8. Give thanks.  Thanks to yourself for this time of self-dedication and honoring, to the Divine for witnessing, and to nature for the beauty, bounty and blessings it graciously provides. 
  9. The giveaway.  It’s important to leave a love offering to the space.  This can be a flower you brought with you, water you’ve blessed and prayed over, you can leave a strand of your hair, tobacco, etc., as long as it is safe and unharming for nature. 
  10. Collect your things and return home, a lighter and brighter you! 
  11. Continue manifesting! 

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About the author 

Crystal Cockerham

Spiritual Mentor, Retreat Leader and Author, Crystal Cockerham, works with empathic women to deepen their relationship with the Divine, learn their souls language, and hone their empathic gifts so they can create the divinely inspired life they envision, desire and deserve. Through her offerings and community, Crystal empowers and supports women in awakening their inner wisdom.

In addition to authoring her own journal and 4-part meditation series bundle, Awaken Your Divine Wisdom: A Guided Journal Expedition to Explore Your Universe & Decode Its Secrets, Crystal has been published as a coauthor in several International Best Selling Books including; SHINE!: Stories to Dream Big, Fear Less and Blaze Your Own Trail, 365 Days of Self-Love: Daily Exercises from Experts Around the World, Radical Self-Love, Reclaiming Your Midlife Mojo: Women’s Stories of Self-Discovery & Transformation, and more.

Crystal is a frequent contributor to Aspire Magazine, and Expert Instructor for Inspired Living University™: A Sacred Curriculum & Community for Women.

She has appeared on numerous radio shows, podcasts and summits including; Inspired Conversations, The Breakthrough Show as both a guest & a panelist, and AngelScapes Radio with Nancy Smith.

She is the host of the popular Feminine Wisdom Keepers Facebook Group, a community for the awakened women.

She is an engaging and passionate guest and is available to speak on numerous topics such as:

The Divine Feminine
-The Red Tent & Sacred Women’s Circles
-Intuitive & Empathic Gifts
-Claiming Your Sovereignty
And can customize a topic to fit your audience.

Claim your Rituals to Nurture Your Goddess Soul Gift Set from Crystal today!

SCHEDULE your FREE Discovery Session today if you are ready to hone your empathic gifts, connect with your feminine wisdom & be who you were born to become.

REQUEST to join the Feminine Wisdom Keepers Facebook Group if you’d like to be a part of a sacred community that supports and nurtures women in embracing their divine connection, cultivating their inner goddess and unleashing their feminine wisdom.

Celebrate the Goddess in you with a hand-crafted Transformational Adornment from The Goddess Collection. Intentional, commemorative jewelry designed for daily wear, special occasions & ceremony alike!

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