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The Spiritual Sacred Feminine

Sacred, Feminine, SpiritualSacred Feminine energy, women in general, have learned to give of their own sustenance, of their very body, often times until they are left physically and emotionally spent. Feeling depleted and empty, we look for validation, approval, and worthiness from others outside of our self. Not finding it in the external, one is left feeling shamed, blaming self, and overcompensating to fill the emptiness. Our vessel runs dry.

You must give to yourself what you seek in the external. You must give yourself love, attention, pleasure, support, creativity and appreciation. It is an act of sacred devotion to Love yourself. Spirit requires this devotion from you, because Spirit needs your gifts poured out into the world as love and service. In truth, you can only give and serve from your surplus, your overflowing full cup. It is the creative juices from Self-Love that feeds you and fills your cup to overflowing. When you know this, you make decisions and follow through with action guided by Self-Love.

Here’s where the miracle and magic happens. When you have filled yourself up with Self-Love, Pleasure, Nutrition, Rest, Healthy Boundaries, Creativity, Self-Appreciation, Spiritual practice–The most Spiritual act of Self-Love is to give your love to another, especially one who challenges you to love, one you may not want to love, one you have “issues” with. I have experienced this over and over again. If I take that sacred breath and create the next moment in love, I can feel the flow of compassion and love.

Truly such Spiritual Self-Love will stir up the shadow as no other. To deeply feel into the sacred Self, to be able to see and express our value, beauty, and power, this is to experience the very essence of the Divine Feminine. The magic and miracle of being a woman is that our Shadow turns us toward the Light. What we see in our Spirit is the Light of our own Love reflected. The Divine Feminine lives and breathes thru each of us. Her vibration is expressed both individually and collectively. When we choose to recognize and honor the Divine Feminine, we are choosing to recognize and honor our own sacred Selves. 

This is the powerful Divine Feminine, for She is We and We are She. We are all holy women, the daughters, the priestess, the Goddess container, the sacred chalice of all mysteries, the Great Mother of All That Is. There is no separation. When Self-Loving, individually powerful Women gather to stir each other’s shadows, support each other’s growth, reflect each other’s Light, and work together, Sacred Feminine power is reclaimed in the collective body. She emerges as a loving, transformative creative energy. Natural order and balance is restored. That’s how Sacred Spirit Self-Love changes the world. It is the only thing that can.


What you hold, may you always hold

by Clare of Assisi

What you hold, may you always hold.
What you do, may you do and never abandon.
But with swift pace, light step,
unswerving feet,
so that even your steps stir no dust,
go forward
securely, joyfully, and swiftly,
on the path of prudent happiness,
believing nothing
agreeing with nothing
which would dissuade you from this resolution
or which would place a stumbling block for you on the way,
so that you may offer your vows to the Most High
in the pursuit of that perfection
to which Spirit has called you.

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About the author 

Cindy Hively

Cindy Hively is an internationally acclaimed Intuitive Healing Coach, Priestess, Goddess Creatrix of In Her Fullness and a #1 bestselling author.

Her empowered clients refer to her work as “transformational,” as she uncovers the root cause to their emotional pain and illness and supports them in clearing the causes.

Cindy believes that disease is caused by unhealthy experiences, trauma and social programming. She helps women return the conscious and subconscious mind to wholeness and release unhelpful habits and beliefs, allowing women to pursue all their hopes and dreams by living a spiritual and healthy lifestyle. Cindy lives in the beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains with her husband and is a glowing grandmother to two little ones.

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