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What are Your Spiritual Gifts? (take this short quiz to find out)

What are Your Spiritual Gifts?  (take this short quiz to find out) by Shelley Riutta, MSE, LPC | #AspireMag

Everyone is gifted but some people never open their package” ~ Buddha

The other morning I awoke with this running through my mind.  “Now is a time of transformation where the Spiritual Gifts that have gone unnoticed and have been devalued are to be recognized and honored.  For these are what will literally heal and transform the world.”

As a Therapist, Healer, Coach or Health Practitioner you have amazing Spiritual Gifts that you use in the work with your Clients every day. Your compassion, your love, your intuition, your wisdom, your love and much more.  These are incredible gifts which create amazing healing and transformation for your clients.

But what if you aren’t “seeing” these as gifts.  What if you use these so naturally that they seem “ordinary” and not like anything very “special”.  You actually diminish the power of these gifts when you don’t notice them or devalue them in any way.  These are divine gifts that were given to you and they need to be noticed, valued and deeply appreciated.

This is where the transformation begins, with you.  You see the more you notice, value and honor your Spiritual Gifts you will feel more confident about the work you do. When you feel more confident you will attract more clients to you. You will feel confident about charging a higher fee because you now know the true value of what you are offering.  You feel more confident about taking more risks in your Holistic Business—leading your first Tele-Class, writing your first book, reaching out to give a presentation.  You will be able to share your Spiritual Gifts MORE.

By valuing your Spiritual Gifts you can then more powerfully support your clients to identify, honor and value their Spiritual Gifts too.  Their lives will dramatically improve from this giving them powerful results from your work together.  Do you see the power of the ripple effect of identifying, honoring and valuing your Spiritual Gifts?

QUIZ: Take this quiz to see what your Spiritual Gifts are:

1. Gift of Compassion

When someone shares a painful story with you, you feel an energy of warmth towards them plus a depth of empathy, you feel with them_______

-You are moved to tears when you see someone deeply suffering whether on T.V. or in person________

-You have a deep desire to alleviate suffering in the world________

2. Gift of Intuition

Insights and ideas come to you in your sessions with clients that are beyond your own knowledge or understanding________

-You have a flash of insight related to a client’s problem that comes easily and naturally to you____­­­__

-The healing in your Sessions with clients goes quickly when you follow the lead of your intuitive guidance_______

3. Gift of Love

-You are open-hearted and love your clients________

-People can feel the warmth of your Love and are attracted to be around you_______

-You come from your heart in everything that you do, you infuse love into everything_______

4. Gift of Listening

-People comment to you “You are such a good listener”________

-You enjoy hearing people’s stories_________

-You love going deep in your conversations and deeply connect and listen to who you are talking with______

5. Gift of Spiritual Vision

-You have Visions of the future—whether for your clients, yourself or the world______

-You have dreams where you get flashes of the future______

-You talk about the transformations happening on the Planet­­_______

6. Gift of Wisdom

-You have knowledge and insight that comes to you easily when people share their challenges with you______

-People come to you frequently for your advice________

-You feel like you have a knowledge base that goes far beyond what you have learned in your current life—you are able to access a rich reservoir of wisdom________

7. Gift of Creation

-You get ideas for Workshops, Program, Products that will provide healing and transformation for people_______

-You love infusing creativity into the work you do with Clients_________

-You feel like new ideas and information wants to come through you and at times you may feel like you are “giving birth” to a new idea or vision________

Did you realize how Spiritually gifted you were?  Now that you have identified these gifts clearly, your next step is to begin to value these gifts and a very high level.  Honor and celebrate these.  These are gifts given to you by God and are meant to be honored, valued and shared.  The more you do this,  the more your Holistic Business will grow and blossom in the beautiful way that your Soul had intended.

I would LOVE to hear what your Spiritual Gifts are or what you learned from taking the Quiz, please share below.

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About the author 

Shelley Riutta, MSE, LPC

Shelley Riutta, MSE, LPC is the founder and President of the Global Association of Holistic Psychotherapy and Coaching. She is a Holistic Psychotherapist and creator of a 6-figure Holistic Psychotherapy practice. Because of her success at creating a thriving Holistic Practice she launched the Global Association of Holistic Psychotherapy and Coaching (GAHP) which supports Holistic Therapists, Healers, Coaches and Health Practitioners to develop Thriving 6 Figure Holistic Practices and learn about Holistic MethodsTM to accelerate the results of their Clients.
Attention Therapists, Coaches and Healers! Claim your complimentary comprehensive 6 piece Holistic Practice Building Kit today!

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