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Soul Wise Living: Accessing the Wisdom Within

Soul Wise Living: Accessing the Wisdom Within by Laura Clark | #AspireMag

When was the last time you were truly alone? At home? At the office? Was it when the children were off at activities or your partner went out to shop? To be alone, did you have to go hike to the top of a mountain overlooking a vast vista of earth’s natural beauty?  Or was it when you were on a boat seeing the expanse of water across the horizon?

It seems like there are very few moments when we are physically alone in this world. And, because of this, solitude can seem overwhelming.  It can be hard to be by yourself! We often don’t know what to do because it is such a new experience. But, we are never alone. We are always with our own best friend: our soul and our spirit. But many of us don’t feel that we are our own best friends but, when you are, VOILA, solitude is beautiful.

Solitude ~ it gives you the chance to know yourself and your soul brings you to your truth and your inner beauty and allows THAT to shine. It brings forth all the joy that resides inside each of us. But to do this, you must embrace being alone. We are so surrounded by interference that often times we do not even know HOW to be alone anymore. And, by turning off external interference, we come face to face with our own internal interference. It can be that voice of self-doubt or under appreciation. No wonder we do not often turn off the external! Who wants that?

We’d rather be with others. Tribes and community are necessary, yes. Indeed, women are programmed to be in these. We are nurturers. We are healers. We are guides for others. Too, we seek nurturing, healing and guidance. It is easier now more than ever to do just this. With texts, emails, social media, cell phones, connectivity is EVERYWHERE. But, often times, we forget to look within for that connectivity. We forget to nurture and heal ourselves and we forget to look to our best friend (our soul) for guidance.

To do this, we need a space of little interference. Interference comes in so many forms. Outer interference is the news, it’s the gossip, and it’s the opinion of others telling us what to do and what not to do. Interference also comes from inner sources. It comes from our own negative thinking and old belief systems that no longer serve us. Interference comes from within in the form of physical pain that demands our attention and distracts us from peace. Interference comes from emotions that take us in the opposite direction of peace and quiet.

This interference, when followed, takes us on a path far away from our own inner beauty. Stepping away from this interference allows us to hear the wisdom of our best friend: our soul. When we hear these whispers and trust them, they will guide us forward each and every time. Finding time to hear those whispers is critical to allowing us to be at peace within. To remain calm when the interference around us tell us- almost demands us- to react without the same chaotic interference but rather than from the wisdom within.

When you discover how to hear those inner whispers, you begin to understand that they are full of truth. Full of beauty and full of light. This is the truth about your own beauty and about your own light. The more, you discover it and hear it, the more it becomes you. The more you act with it. You have the confidence and courage to be that beauty. You have the confidence and courage to be that light. You begin to trust it. Then, indeed, you do not react to interference. You step forward being that inner whisper. You are that beauty that is your soul and your spirit. Then, you act as Joy. Then, you act as love. And, the more you do this, like anything in life, the easier it gets.

So how do you discover how to be soul wise? Allowing yourself to access yours soul’s wisdom easily is a matter of quickly disengaging from the interference.

Disengagement means turning off the outer interference. It means actively seeking time by yourself.  You can always disengage from the outer influences by simply turning off the electronics for a short period of time. You can literally turn off the volume of the interference from the news and social media. And dare I say don’t answer the phone or the text messages for a moment or two or even three?

Turning off inner interference is easy too. It’s as easy as connecting with nature. Using the 4 elements of earth, air, wind, and water, you can stop the interference.  Interference creates an imbalance of these 4 elements within us. Because each element correlates with a part of us, by using elements, you can quickly diminish the negative effects of that one aspect that is out of synch with your truth.

It is as easy as connecting with the four qualities of these elements anytime. You can:

– Use the quality of air to quiet your thought by focusing on a deep breath tames our inner thoughts.

– Allow the element of water to soothe your emotions is as easy as focusing on feeling water’s essence as you take a long drink.

– Feel your feet connected with the ground beneath and allow earth’s strength fill your body.

– Burn a candle to re-ignite your spirit and see the element of fire supports and fuels you.

Turning off all external and internal interference to hear the whisper of your soul is not hard. It involves choosing to turn off the volume of outer interference. It involves quickly using one of the four elements to re-align yourself to connect to that inner wisdom.

The moment you truly realize you are never alone, is the moment you start living soul wise. This is the moment you begin to understand, that even in times of solitude; you always have YOU with you. By embracing hearing that inner whisper and living soul wise, you are guided to bringing that joy that resides in you to come out and play!  You always have the version of your best self; the version of you that is joyful and is light.

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About the author 

Laura Clark

Sought after Master Soul Coach® and Instructor trainer, Laura Clark knows that Living In-Joy comes from following your own inner wisdom. Through her own recovery from depression and 20 years as an entrepreneur, Laura fully understands the life interrupts and barriers that are obstacles to living a life of ease, grace, joy and happiness. She is the founder of, trained and certified by Denise Linn and believes that your soul knows the truth. She empowers her clients to hear their soul’s whispers more consistently, understand it more clearly and act upon it more courageously for a life filled with greater joy and abundance than ever imagined. As an International best-selling author and engaging speaker, Laura brings her unique wit and a down to earth, practical approach to implementing spirituality and soul-wise living into your life.

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    • Laura Clark says:

      It’s easy to do when you live ‘soul-wise’ Shann! Thanks for your kind words…..hugs to you!

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