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Six Powerful Crystals to Alleviate Holiday Stress and Excess

Six Powerful Crystals to Alleviate Holiday Stress and Excess by Yvette LeFlore | #AspireMag

You may be familiar with using crystals to support finding love, grounding yourself, or calling in prosperity.  But have you considered using crystals to support the excess of the holiday season?  This time of year, there is a lot of pressure to spend money, be with people, eat, and drink.  Perhaps you find one or all these triggers for you.  Why not set yourself up for a successful holiday season?

Below is a list of crystals, their benefits, and some unique ways to use them. Please note that crystals in and of themselves will not do the work for us. We must partner with them and put in the effort to make the changes.   However, because crystals are from the earth, our energy resonates with their supportive vibration and can support OUR work.

Green Aventurine is known as the money stone and can be a light greenish blue or a rich color.

The holiday season is fraught with overspending and concerns about budgeting.  Many sources say about 75% of Americans overspend during the holiday season.

Green aventurine can help you stick with a budget. If you tend to overspend when shopping, put some plans in place.  Use cash. Shop with a list. Bring green aventurine with you.  Put the stone in your pocket, and as you walk around the store (or scroll the internet), hold on to it as a reminder that you only want to spend what you budgeted.  Also, consider keeping a piece in your purse or wallet because green aventurine is a stone that attracts and assists in keeping money.

Hematite is a black stone that is very shiny when polished. It is a crystal used for protection.

How often during this holiday season will you walk into a mall, party, or social function where you won’t know the people?  Will you be headed into places where there is tension? Maybe you need to attend a family gathering where communication has been challenging in the past.  Do you get exhausted when you are around a lot of people?

As a base chakra stone, hematite supports the safety and security energy center at your spine’s base. It is the perfect stone to have in your pocket or braket (bra pocket; a word I coined) when you attend those gatherings where you anticipate feeling uncomfortable.

You can also get yourself a hematite bracelet.  It helps when you reach over to your wrist, touch the hematite, and say to yourself, “I am safe and secure.” Then breathe and feel your feet.

As an additional point, hematite can help with what some call willpower.  When we lose willpower, we feel like we lose control and are no longer safe. Hematite can be helpful when you enter situations where willpower can be tested.

Apatite is a beautiful blue opaque marbled crystal (when it’s been polished) that, as its name suggests, supports appetite control.

Pair this stone with the willpower support of Hematite, and you’ll have a dynamic duo. Again, it can’t do the work for you, but it can support you.  Being able to touch this crystal reminds you to look at what emotions might be behind misplaced feelings of hunger.

Apatite is also a crystal that supports peace, harmony, and communication. It can be a crystal you wear when you go into situations where you desire support in these areas, and it can be perfect for promoting peace and harmony in your space. If you are hosting, add it to your centerpiece.   If you don’t put out centerpieces, strategically set some Apatite around your house where conversations will likely happen. Pieces don’t have to be significant in size.  You can get several smaller pieces and place them around.

Celestite, or Celestine, is a beautiful light blue crystal, whether polished or raw.  It is a crystal that supports peace and calm.

Imagine wearing a Celestine bracelet or necklace to touch so you can ground yourself and feel that sense of calm during the holiday season.  Like apatite and hematite, it’s an excellent crystal to have as a centerpiece or scattered around the house for holiday gatherings.

You might consider decorating pine cones with pieces of celestine to create something beautiful and supportive. They’d be stunning on a tree or bowl and energetically support the space.

Does the holiday season interrupt your sleeping patterns?  Place a piece of celestine near your bed.  All the holiday stress and busyness can affect sleeping patterns, and celestine can help you get those eight hours of needed sleep.

Blue Lace Agate is another opaque light blue crystal with white striations. It helps calm the nerves, soothe overactive thoughts, and relieve stress.

The holiday season is often stressful for folks, so this crystal is beautiful around the house, in your office, or on your body. Does your mind race with “what ifs” and your to-do lists?  Blue Lace Agate can help you with that. Try placing a piece on your to-do list and be realistic about your expectations.  Know that social media holiday images are often polished and don’t show the behind-the-scenes reality. There’s no need to compete with that. Create traditions that fit your family and lifestyle.

Blue Lace Agate also helps with self-acceptance. Isn’t accepting ourselves for who we are part of relieving stress? It doesn’t mean we don’t want to improve. It means we acknowledge where we are and how far we’ve come.  Blue Lace agate is also beneficial for family communication. Pair this crystal with celestite and blue apatite, and you have the support of three blue stones, which all support the throat chakra.

Rose Quartz is the crystal of universal love, which means loving ourselves and others. It is a pale pink stone.

Rose Quartz is incredibly popular in jewelry form.  With a season filled with emotions on the full spectrum, some support for the love of self and others is beneficial.  If you are experiencing grief this holiday season, rose quartz can be supportive.  It is a gentle and loving crystal. It soothes your heart chakra space.  Quietly sit while holding this crystal to support you in remembering a loved one you may no longer have here on the physical plane. Give yourself the grace to move through the holiday season doing your best. If you know someone experiencing the holidays without a loved one for the first time, this is a perfect gift to share with them.

Do yourself one last favor. Buy your jewelry and crystals from a reputable shop. Many dyed stones are passed off as genuine and sold in bargain stores and places that aren’t legitimate crystal sellers. May your holiday season be filled with peace, ease, and self-love.

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About the author 

Yvette LeFlore

Yvette LeFlore is an intuitive energy healer and Reiki Master Teacher who partners with you to further your healing journey. She offers one-on-one energy sessions or classes to learn Reiki Levels 1, 2, and 3. Yvette believes that when one heals, we all heal, and she is passionate about helping you on our path because of the far-reaching difference it will make. Learn more at

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