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Silence the Mind Chatter Once and For All

Mind“Our thoughts are just a story our mind tells us.”  ~ Romina Avila

Recently I saw an interview with the lead singer of the band Train, Patrick Monahan, who talked about being in therapy and how his therapist pointed out that in our human psyche we always have two voices we can choose to listen to. One he referred to as the angel. From that one therapy session, he wrote the moving song, Calling All Angels.

This song reminds me as well to call on my angels. In the past, I didn’t even think of asking God and his angels for help. Now, it’s a part of my every day. They are with me every step. Sometimes, they help me get out of bed when I haven’t slept particularly well. They guide me to the places I need to go, and people I need to talk to. I ask for their support and assistance in healing, send them ahead of me to places I’m going, and call them in to carry myself and loved ones to safety when traveling. When I remember to ask for help, my Angels are ALWAYS there. They especially help me to decipher the annoying inner critic.

I want to resolve for you once and for all that you do not have to believe every single thought in your head. Our minds are constantly chatting. Some call it mind chatter. Others, monkey mind. Others may even call it the devil! Regardless, this nonstop babble going on in our minds is always going to be there. I want you to know that you do not have to believe it. You get to choose what you listen to!

The problem with believing the non-stop mind chatter is it can take us down faster than a punch in the stomach. We listen to this mind chatter over and over tell us: you are stupid, you are ugly, you will never amount to anything, you will never be paid a fair wage, you don’t deserve more, you are not enough, you are pathetic. You can’t write a book. Who do you think you are? No one wants to hear what you have to say! You begin to believe it. It’s all you know. Soon, your self-esteem and self-worth are so far in the dumps you can hardly see over the mound of lies.

Mind chatter can be relentless and just about drive you nuts until you’re able to recognize it for what it is… just chatter. (I love the definition of chatter: purposeless or foolish talk.) That’s exactly what goes on in most of our heads daily. Foolish talk. No purpose to it.

When I began to Be Still, my mind chatter increased even more. But this time, in my silence I could hear it, be aware of it, and start questioning it myself. That’s another benefit of Being Still − you are slowed down so you can be aware of what is really happening in your world. You begin to notice. Inevitably, the chatter volume will increase for you as well. That’s okay. Welcome it. Let it happen.

Numerous studies have proven for every thought we think there is a chemical reaction that sends messages throughout our body. I knew if I began sending positive messages to my body, it would eventually reflect that cheerful image. For example, often dread would come over me regarding an upcoming event and I began to feel listless, tired, angry, and even frustrated, thinking about what may or may not happen.

As I began noticing the negative thoughts, I could reframe them to envision my ideal outcome. I would focus on the best case scenario, not the worst. It wasn’t long before my mood improved with a brighter outlook. With each reframe of the negative thoughts, my energy also seemed to magically increase.

As you hear the mind chatter speaking foolish talk, acknowledge it. Experts on this topic differ on their opinions. Some say to ignore it and let it pass. Others encourage you to recognize it for what it is − foolish talk − and to tell yourself the opposite. For example, if your mind chatter repeatedly tells you, “You are fat. I can’t believe you’re even thinking of eating today,” in your stillness, you become aware of the thought running in your mind and turn it around and say back to yourself, “I am beautifully and wonderfully made. I am healthy, healed, and whole. Everything I eat benefits me.” Use the method that works best for you.

For whatever reason, I didn’t know that the talk inside my head wasn’t necessarily true or that I could decide whether to believe it. Once I realized I could control my thoughts, my life changed! I no longer believed everything my head screamed at me! I could sit back and let it chatter all it wanted while I chose what was true and what wasn’t.

Once I became aware of this 24/7 recording going on in the background of my mind, my life gradually opened to new possibilities. I began to see clearly how my thoughts (conscious or not) were creating my future. I recognized ahead of time when I was headed down a downhill and chose to change the recording playing. Eventually, the spark inside me began to light up with excitement for life. My self-esteem increased. Depression lifted. Confidence soared. I began to believe in myself and feel a purpose for living. I came alive day-by-day as I changed the recording of the mind chatter.

Nowadays, I have quite a different relationship with my mind chatter. (Oh, it’s always there!) I normally acknowledge it, decide whether it is truth and Christ-like (or from the angels, like Patrick Monahan says) and then choose to let it pass through or accept it. When you choose not to believe all that the foolish chatter is telling you, you can tell it the truth and have an entirely different outlook on life.

I encourage you to listen to the voices in your own head. I suspect that if you’re suffering from low self-worth, you’ve been listening to a voice that tells you such. Now, it’s time to relax and let that negative mind chatter pass right on through or reframe the message.

And, Calling All Angels isn’t a bad idea either!

©2017. Lara Jaye. An excerpt from More Than Enough: Discover Your Limitless Potential and Live Your Bravest Dream.

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About the author 

Lara Jaye

As a soul-inspiring thought leader, intuitive executive coach, international best-selling author, sought after speaker, and podcast host, Lara Jaye works with clients worldwide who want to live a more purposeful joy-filled life. The outcome is a profound inner satisfaction and reignited clarity of their own higher purpose. Learn more at and be sure to claim your FREE GIFT

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