Share Your Wisdom & Write for Aspire Magazine

Write For Us
Since 2006, Aspire Magazine has been supporting leading women visionaries, transformational teachers, healers, authors and coaches in growing their audience (with women truly interested in their message), enhancing their visibility and credibility through showcasing their sacred wisdom and expertise in front of our global community of women.
We are passionate about bringing our global readership the best in inspirational and empowering content to support them on their journey.
Join our contributor family today!
Editorial Overview:
We accept content on the topics of wisdom & self-growth, personal and spiritual development, health & wellness, family & relationships, feminine wisdom, magic and miracles, life purpose, conscious business and more.
The editorial voice of Aspire is uplifting, inspiring, supportive, and forward thinking. We focus on positive energy and all content including titles need to be written in a positive form.
Our audience loves tips, strategies, and lists that provides them with action-oriented steps to reach their goals and dreams.
Articles accepted for our popular blog will also be considered for future issues of our successful digital magazine, published six times a year.
To learn more about, and subscribe to, our popular digital magazine visit
- Though we give priority to previously unpublished content, if you have a previously published piece that you think is especially worthy of being featured, let us know. (Please be sure to let us know where and when it was previously published.)
- Keep it original. If your article is on a topic that is very popular, ask yourself how you add a new spin or perspective to the conversation.
- Create a benefit or results driven headline that clearly explains the problem you’re solving. Ex. 6 Ways to Enhance Your Intuition or 5 Sacred Steps to Living an Intentional Life.
- There’s no strict rules for length but we recommend aiming for between 600-1,000 words.
- Please refrain from using irrelevant or spammy links that clearly point to products or services. Your article will not be accepted.
- We do not accept blog images from outside sources in order to ensure that Aspire's blog.
- Please triple check your article for typos and grammatical issues before submitting it.
- Expect light edits... especially on the title. Even the best articles still need tweaking. NOTE: We expect your article to arrive ready to be posted. If it needs heavy editing, it will not be accepted.
- It goes without saying, but please don’t plagiarize ANY part of your article content. We check each article on plagiarism checking sites.
- We DO NOT accept advertorials, essays, poems, press releases or key-word and link stuffed articles, or spam style posts. Aspire is dedicated to providing supportive content that inspires, empowers and supports women in living their best lives.
- Please triple check your article for typos and grammatical issues before submitting it.
Please submit only one article at a time and wait a 14 days before following up to give our team time to do their magic. (Our office is closed Friday-Sunday). IF your article is accepted or, we have questions, we will email you.
We accept articles as MS WORD documents only. Aspire Magazine DOES NOT accept PDF's, Google docs, or other files.
Articles are accepted through our submission form only. *Do not email content to our office.*
Please BE SURE to include the following content in the MS Word document:
- Your edited article.
- Suggested title of article (We reserve the right to edit to fit our editorial tone.)
- Your byline (Name only.)
- A juicy, enticing 20-30-word editorial description that lets our readers know what your article is about. (Subject to editing.)
The Submission Form will also require you to submit:
- Your 50-100 word bio. Please feel free to include the link to your website and up to two social media profiles, if desired. (If you already have a contributor bio on the Aspire blog, you will have the option to click a 'check box' confirming you'd like to use the current bio.)
- A high-quality close-up headshot.
Frequently ASKED Questions
Once your form is successfully submitted you will receive an email confirmation with the subject line: Your Aspire Magazine Submission has been received! Please check your spam/promotions folder for the email.
Due to the volume of submissions, please allow at least 10 business days to hear from our team! Please do not reach out.
If we don’t have any questions about your submissions, we will post your article immediately and let you know when it’s on the blog.
If your article is not accepted, you will receive an email letting you know.
Once your first article has been accepted, please feel free to submit up to two (2) articles a month for consideration. Before doing so, review the editorial guidelines on the web page to be sure they have not changed.
Yes, you will receive an email (or sometimes a Facebook message) from Linda
or her assistant, Niki, letting you know, so you can share the exciting news with your community. (You’ll also receive a link to the promo center when the magazine is released.)
Please wait until it has been 10 days after your submission before contacting our office about your article submission. This enables us to review articles submitted by contributors like yourself in a more timely manner, due to the number of submissions we receive.
You can contact our office at support {at} Our office is opened Monday-Thursday 9-3pm ET. Please allow up to 48-hours for a response when received during office hours.