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Seven Lessons That Dying Taught Me About Truly Living

Seven Lessons That Dying Taught Me About Truly Living by Nancy Rynes | #AspireMag

One afternoon in January of 2014, my life turned inside out in just a few moments. I went from skeptical scientist to spiritual believer in less time than it takes to grab a cup of coffee at the corner café.  

I had been involved in a bicycle vs. SUV accident and while in surgery to repair my shattered spine, I died on the operating table. Obviously I wasn’t gone forever but I was dead long enough to get a pretty good look at what lies “beyond the veil.” My experience of crossing over prompted a complete shift in the way I view and experience life on earth. 

It might sound strange, but dying on that January day was one of the best things that ever happened to me. While recovery from the accident and surgery challenged me physically, the whole experience taught me so much about life and love that I wouldn’t trade it for anything. Getting a tour of the afterlife prompted my almost-overnight evolution from being an atheist to a believer. My time in the heavenly realm also taught me some valuable lessons that helped me transform my life: 

  1. Be kind to everyone, including yourselfI’ve had the blessing of being able to travel extensively over the last five years and I can tell you with certainty that everyone is dealing with challenges, obstacles, and heartbreak that they rarely share with others. Compassion and kindness, both of which are forms of love, are the glue that holds us together – they are love put into action. One of the most transformative things I learned during my time in the afterlife is the importance of strengthening that “glue” by being a source of love to others as much as possible. Why? Kindness and compassion won’t just strengthen our relationships or communities; they are two of the main practices that will truly bring us together globally.  
  2. You only have one chance at life as the person you are now, so live it as fully as you can. Even ifreincarnation exists, when you come back you will be a completely different person with a new body, family, friends, culture, skills, challenges, opportunities, and beliefs. Don’t put off the life of your dreams in the hopes that your next time around will be better. Take steps now to start living your best life.  
  3. Focus on what you can do, not on what you cant. If you’ve felt overwhelmed by negativity and division in the last few years, you’re not alone. The planet and its residents are experiencing challenges that we haven’t seen in many years. As a compassionate person, it might feel difficult acknowledge that you probably can’t fix the world by yourself. Instead of focusing on the enormity of the planet’s problems, though, put your heart and intent to good use closer to home. Work on what you can do to improve your life and the lives of those around you. Small, positive changes that you make in your life today can have a ripple effect that helps others whom you may never meet.  
  4. Your voice carries power – use it carefullyWhat you say has tremendous power in your life and the lives of others whether spoken aloud or silently. Words help turn your intent into reality. You can lift someone’s spirits or tear them down simply with the words you choose. Being thoughtful and kind with your voice helps you build bridges to others. You can even strengthen your own confidence and self-esteem by paying a little more attention to your internal dialog. Remember, words carry power whether directed inward or outward. Choose words that speak to the miracle you are. 
  5. Look for beauty and good in the world around you. No matter where you live there is beauty and goodness, even if your local TV network doesn’t think it’s important enough to make the evening news. Take a little time each day to find and focus on goodness and beauty in your life. How does this help you? It starts to retrain your brain to focus on life’s blessings even when everyone else only sees darkness. Looking at life from a more positive frame of mind will increase your happiness levels, too. 
  6. Hear the wisdom of your heart by taking time for a little quiet each day. Your heart-voice is the main way higher guidance whispers its wisdom to you. One of the most important things you can do in order to hear that whisper of guidance is to take a little time for quiet each day. Go on a walk through a park, meditate or pray, sit by the seashore, or enjoy a silent session of yoga. Make quiet time a habit and you’ll be rewarded with having a deeper sense of connection to your own internal guidance. 
  7. Have fun and learn to enjoy your life as much as possible. The afterlife isn’t all seriousness and piety – there is love, humor, and awe-inspiring experiences. Why should life on earth be any different? Enjoy your life here as much as you can. Laugh. Dance. Ski. Swim. Watch the beauty of the setting sun with a friend. Fall in love. Help a stranger. Open your heart and begin to feel gratitude for the wonders of the life that you’ve been given. 

Spirit wants you to live this life as fully and joyfully as you can. You can make small changes today that will help you live more in tune with kindness, love, and happiness. This way of approaching life may not always be easy to embrace, but the great thing is that none of us is expected to be perfect, simply to do the best we can. 

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About the author 

Nancy Rynes

Nancy Rynes, bestselling author of the book, Awakenings from the Light, is a leading voice for developing your heart-centered intuition and living a life of peace-filled connection, love, and creativity. Recently featured on the TODAY Show, Nancy is known for her uplifting keynote speeches, workshops, and presentations on how to live a more purposeful, joyful, and spiritually-inspired life.  Learn more at

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