Goal setting is a lot of fun, but sometimes it can be intimidating. I know in my past when I have been part of a large group, a program or a Mastermind I find I can become easily overwhelmed by possibilities. There are so many options, so many choices. What do I want? What do I not want? How fast do I want to get there? Is it measurable? Then, if you’re brain happens to function like mine, I start wondering if “MY goals” are like other people’s goals…? Are we goal setting the same way? Are my goals as good as someone else’s? Are my financial goals for my business realistic or a stretch? What about family goals? Does everyone create family goals? Can you even imagine the way my brain was going on misfire?
To be honest with you, I never “set SMART goals” before I started my business. Never had a clue as to what they even were. Sure I would have a goal to take certain college courses. Or to buy a car by a certain date. But I never realized I actually had the option and the choice to create my own unique individual desires.
As exciting as it is to sit down with a piece of paper, a pen and your vision, for me it could become stressful too. I like examples, or situations. What are other people planning for the next year or 3 months? Examples give me something to “start with”.
So what I have learned over the past three years is that there are specific areas in my life that I want to Grow in. And by identifying these areas in my life, I have a basis and starting point with which to work with. It’s through this structure that I am less overwhelmed, as it gives me guidance and structure.
I hope this serves you in your life as well so you can assess your current level of happiness in each of these areas and then focus on getting from here…to there. (In business speak, we call this the GAP analysis!)
Under each of the following categories, I’ll identify 3 measurable attainable (with a bit of a stretch) goals for life and business improvement.
Here are a few ideas to help YOU get started.
The areas I list below are those that everyone can look to focus on.
- Personal Development
What books do I want to read? What seminar might I be interested in? What new personal development practice might fuel my soul?
- Relationship
Which relationships in my life do I need to focus more time into? Am I putting aside enough time to nurture my close friendships? Perhaps I need to focus on being calmer in my relationship as a mother and not allow daily clutter to bother me so much. J (or not!)
- Self-Care
Am I getting as much exercise as my body craves? Do I get to dance often enough? Am I taking out time on a regular basis to just sit, relax and enjoy the beauty nature has to often?
- Education (that’s for the geek in me!)
What program do I want to invest in for my future? How can I gain more knowledge in my area and filed of business? What books do I want to read? What certificate or degree perhaps do I want to achieve?
- Career/Business Goals
What do I want to accomplish over the next “x” months? How many new clients do I look forward to serving? What do I need to do to get from point A to point B?
- Financial Goals
Think about savings? College tuition? Income increases. Secondary revenue streams.
With each of these areas of focus choose your top 3 goals in each area you want to measure changes or improvement. Allow yourself the time and space to really evaluate, envision and make these decisions from the heart.
Without the map you’ll never know where you’re going and you’ll never know where you want to go till you allow yourself to reflect and decide.
Great post Kellyann. Wonderful to see you sharing your wisdom with the Aspire community. I love to think of my goals as dreams with a deadline!
Kelly, Appreciate your honest comments about SMART goals.
These are great categories to get started setting goals Kelly. SMART goals are empowering because they stretch us but are not out of reach. Thank you so much for sharing your insights!
Good advice! I’m a huge fan of goal-setting. Spelling it out like you did is mighty helpful for those who feel a bit intimidated or overwhelmed by it.
I love how you apply this philosophy to different life areas. So often we neglect our health and our self development and self care! Thanks for including these areas.
Ooo, I love love goal setting! The way that you’ve broken out the different life areas and offered examples in each is so helpful, Kelly. It takes away the overwhelm.
This is great Kelly. There is a lot of information out there about HOW to set goals, but they are often focused on business or career exclusively. We are *whole people* and it is great that you highlighted areas like personal development, self care, and relationships ABOVE business or financial goals. Thanks for keeping our priorities straight while working to achieve our goals!