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Sacred Cycles of Purpose

Sacred Cycles of Purpose by Kris Franken | #AspireMag

It’s easy to view your life’s purpose as one, straightforward cycle: you’re born, are purposefully educated, decide on a career, devote to a job or many forms of employment that align with the chosen career, then retire and leave it all behind. Although this may be the perfect cycle for a few, it’s now becoming more and more uncommon for most awakened Souls to live in this predictable way. 

What’s empowering to consider is that your purpose will have many cycles of birth, life, death and transcendence within this life. Each cycle flowing into the next in a timing that is more divine than mundane, some cycles flowing over each other in a way that our human minds cannot always make sense of, but our Souls know the perfection inherent in each layer. You’re able to embark on a fresh wave of inspiring education at any time in your life, you may apply for a job and leave it for another as you wish, and you never need to retire (or you do so in your own timing). 

The linear pathway of purpose that used to be provided for us no longer fits the model of this modern age. Instead of looking for safety and security in long-term employment, we’re finding a deeper satisfaction and fulfilment in trusting the nudges, desires, and yearnings of our heart. Whether we work for another, collaborate with peers, or forge our own wild path on our own, we are learning to take our power and responsibility back into our own hands so that we follow only the current of our deepest desires. 

The heart is the centre of our being; it’s the portal to our Soul. It’s through the heart, not the mind, that we’re able to connect to the blueprint that we cocreated with Spirit for this lifetime, the map of light that lives in our energetic being for us to connect to and live by in every moment.  

To get to know this blueprint intimately, it’s important to get to know the language of the heart, as this is often how the Soul shows us the way to our highest purpose. As the heart is the seat of our intuition, connected to the five external senses and the subconscious mind, it speaks to us in sensations, emotions, dreams, images, and symbols… not in words. 

Letting go of the need for linear lines and logical directions opens us up to a much wider experience of life; we are finally free to explore the wilderness within and all around us. Nature has a powerful and direct way of communing with us whenever we step into her realm. She sees us as we are – multidimensional beings with infinite potential – and she shows us how to be our most expansive self with her infallible wisdom and unconditional love. In this realm we realize that we are not here to fulfil anyone else’s idea of success and purpose, only to follow the daily magnetic pull of our heart. To tune into the sensations and emotions, to become mindful of the dreams and images that visit us, and to notice the symbols all around. When we do this, we are sure to feel wild, untethered, unpredictable, seasonal, cyclical, and powerful 

Knowing the importance of the seasons in nature gives us permission to appreciate and explore the seasons of our own lives and purpose. Spring shows us the precious energy rising within the birth of new ideas and creativity. It calls us to be vulnerable, open-hearted, innocent, and daring. Summer brings abundance to our lives and open us to all that we are capable of. It asks that we be brave enough to shine unapologetically to our fullest brilliance and share our gifts and talents with our community. Autumn allows us to slow our pace and share our gratitude for all that has come to fruition. It’s the easeful salve to all the parts of us that are over-exerted and exhausted. Winter is a time of rest and preparedness for the next phase. It’s the cocoon that transmutes all that we’re ready to leave behind.  

Within the seasonal understanding of purpose, everything is sacred and has its place, success is internally driven and infinite, and failure ceases to exist as an option or identity. As the fluid movement of life draws us into the wilder parts of ourselves each day, we discover more of who we are and our important and unique place on earth. When this discovery is supported by nature’s spaciousness and healing often, we are able to fully embody our Soul’s radiant light and cosmic purpose. 

Nature is the perfect reflection of our inner world; what we witness around us and how we understand it gives us deep insight into ourselves. When we glimpse the sacredness in all of nature – the seeds, buds, blooms, and decay – we are able to see the sacredness within our own lives and the way in which we live and grow on purpose.  

There is no predetermined schedule in nature, no rush or hustle, no fear or scarcity. Only ever a seasonal instinct and an ancient wisdom that meets us where we’re at and calls onto the next sacred cycle of our life.  

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About the author 

Kris Franken 

Kris Franken is a mystic, author, and mentor. She’s a certified meditation guide and energy healer, women’s circle and retreat facilitator, and ritual and ceremony teacher.

She has a bachelor’s degree in psychology and sociology and over 15 years’ experience as a professional writer. In everything she shares, she loves to empower others to live in the deepest alignment with their heart’s untamed pulse. She lives gently in paradise on Bundjalung land in Byron Bay, Australia. Learn more at

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