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Remembering who you ARE

SelfConsciousness is the journey inward.  The journey to reconnect to who we were before life happened to us. It is that part of us that remains always present.  The part of us that was there before we came to be.  It is the part of us that connects us back to our divinity.  In that place of consciousness all things are possible.  When we create from that place of consciousness we create in symphony with the divine essence. All things touched from this place of divinity and wholeness are sacred.  We know who we are.  We radiate light.

We come into this world complete, joyful and present in each moment. Pure consciousness. We see it in babies, in their bright sparkling eyes and their ready smiles.  We see it with young children still, unencumbered in their pursuit of what brings them joy. We grow up and learn what it means to be successful adults.  Through discipline, the educational system, societal pressures and expectations we conform to what is expected of us, as children, students, adults, moms and dads and employees. Living on this beautiful planet earth as part of society we do  need some conformity, some rules and some manners to get along with others. It is a rare person that has managed to navigate into adulthood with a memory of who they really were when they came into this world.  The reason for this often is that the people guiding us into adulthood, such as parents, teachers and  elders have forgotten themselves who they truly are at their core. 

These well intentioned adults then go on and project their hurts and their wounds on to the children they are in charge of.  For example, a woman that may have gotten picked on in High School for her looks, may have harsh criticism for her daughter’s body when she enters puberty. A father who may have been sensitive as a young boy and has gotten teased for this trait, may be overly harsh and sensing weakness in his son when he feels that his son is too sensitive. This way, many adults pass on their wounding to the children in their life.  This is done with little awareness of what is happening and most often does not have any ill intent.  This projection can happen to the most loving and well intentioned parents.  Imagine now the damage that could be done by parents and adults who themselves have suffered abuse. It can be enormous and separates the young child from who they were born to be into an adult with behaviors and patterns conditioned by the parenting, but bearing little resemblance to their younger identity.  How often do we feel disconnected or lonely.  How often do we hear adults ask, “I don’t even remember who I am?”  The pain that many of us feel is the separation from our true authentic self.  We have taken on this conditioning by the adults and society and have mistakenly believed it to be who we are.

Through he practice of meditation and deep healing work it is possible to quiet our mind enough that we can find a way back to our true selves.  The beauty is that we still are THAT. Our Authentic self is in there, just waiting  to be remembered underneath all of our roles and expectations.  When we learn to access it once again, there is no need to find validation from others.  No need to sacrifice ourselves for love.  We stop searching for happiness outside of us, whether that means expecting others to make us happy or thinking we will find happiness in a new city, a bigger house, a bigger car.  That is not to say that we don’t still want to be loved by others, but it is a  love based on wanting to share this incredible love inside of us with somebody else.  Expecting others to make us happy puts expectations and burdens on somebody we love and sets them up for failure.  When we attach happiness to things, our happiness does not last.

Do you remember the joy and pride you had the day you drove your first car into the high school parking lot? If happiness rested in things, the big expensive cars we sometimes own as adults would make us exponentially happier.  Yet, it does not seem to work that way. Beautiful and expensive things may be nice to have, but if you lack the joy and connection inside of yourself, the happiness from a purchased item will only last a very short while. We cannot make “things” responsible for our happiness.  Things tend to break, lose their shimmer or get lost  When we stop identifying with our “stuff” we may still enjoy it but if we were to lose it tomorrow, we would still be able to find joy in our heart.

So, what can we do  to move us closer to remembering our true nature today? Sometimes it helps to stand in front of a mirror and take a good look at ourselves.  If we allow ourselves to stand there and deeply gaze into our own eyes, we can sometimes sense the “being” behind the  eyes. Who is this “being” that is looking out from behind your eyes? That is your consciousness! It never ages. It never judges. It never disparages.  It just is.  Quiet. Unmoving.  Observing.  This deep consciousness is the birthplace of our dreams, manifestations, joy and abiding divine love.  When we learn to operate from this place of deep and profound stillness it changes who we are and it changes every interaction we have in our daily lives and most importantly it changes our relationship with ourselves.  We all have the ability to connect back to it and discover our inherent nature, divine love and life purpose.. You are not this life you are living, you are not this body, you are not these emotions, you are so infinitely more.You ARE.

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About the author 

Nicole Wettemann

Nicole Wettemann is a Certified Holistic Life Coach, Spiritual Mentor and Meditation Teacher. Nicole earned her degree in Psychology in 1991 and has a lifelong history of working in the field of Social Work. She is a member of the Global Association of Holistic Psychotherapy and Coaching and has received her Certification in Mindfulness Meditation under the guidance of Jack Kornfield. Nicole provides holistic life coaching to women looking to excavate their authentic selves. Women that are ready to claim the life they have always imagined and are looking for a path to discovering their voice, their passion and their life purpose. I am an avid reader, animal lover and outdoor enthusiast. I love to ski, kayak, bike and hike. I also love the freedom and adventure of traveling and seeing our beautiful world in all its colors and immense diversity. Learn more at

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