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Rekindle Your Creativity to Grow Your Business: (Part One)

creativity, business, success

Harnessing your ingenuity will make your life more meaningful and enjoyable, plus it will help you to grow your business. Discover in this post why creativity is so important and welcome more innovation and inspiration into your daily activities. In part two of this series, I will share specific techniques for sparking your creativity.

Often when we are feeling stuck in our business, what we are missing is connection to our own inner creative genius. Success comes from creative thinking as much as it does from taking action. Combine creativity with inspired action and it’s a formula for rapid growth.

5 Ways Creativity Enriches Your Business

  1. Experience more joy in your business. Creativity flourishes when you think positively. What new creative ideas might infuse your business with more joy? One of my favorite activities is to get curious and try to see challenges from a variety of perspectives. I also like to connect with my clients and ask them what they need next. This is not only fun for me but impactful and helpful for them.
  2. Improve your physical health. Studies show that creativity exercises are an effective way to relieve stress and boost our immune system. When we are more relaxed and less stressed, we are more able to make decisions and to see creative solutions to move through our business challenges. I am sure you are aware of the coloring book craze that happens and if not, walk into any book store or grocery store and you will find loads of coloring books for adults. Way more fun to look at in the check out line than the cover of the National Enquirer. Simply spending 15 minutes a day putting color on paper has been proven to reduce stress and increase creative thinking!
  3. Strengthen your client relationships. A sense of imagination can even enhance your client relationships. What could you offer that is unique, special and of service to your clients that no one else offers? How can you serve them better? For my private group coaching program, I make handmade gifts each time we get together in person. I love being creative and it adds a personal touch to the program.
  4. Perform better at work. Collaboration is integral to the creative process. Work alone? It can be very isolating and challenging, I know, I’ve done it for years. Look for colleagues or girl friends who you can brainstorm with, co-work with or collaborate on a project. Being able to vocalize your dreams and ideas will help you to clarify them.
  5. Be all you can be. We all have some form of creative genius. Enjoy the pleasure of developing your own gifts. With persistence and an open mind, you’ll expand your skills for responding to all kinds of challenges. What hobbies or interests have you left by the wayside of your journey through life? Art was something I let go of for years and when it came back into my life over the past 5 years, it changed everything for me. I didn’t realize how much leaving it out of my life was impacting me until I started to color mandalas with my kids when they were little. I now incorporate creativity into every aspect of how I build my business and how I work with my clients. Maybe your creative genius is cooking, singing, sewing, running, programming, writing… Look for fun ways to integrate all of who you are into your business.







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About the author 

Dr. Minette Riordan

Dr. Minette Riordan has been called a modern Renaissance woman. She is a lover of art, poetry and mythology and a complete geek who digs discussing business strategy. One of her core values is continuous improvement; she is a seeker, wanderer and adventurer who loves dragons and coffee. Most days you can find her supporting her creative clients to build profitable businesses. And on other days you can find her in her art studio covered in paint. To follow her creative journey visit

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