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Refuel Your Personal Power by Plugging into Mother Earth’s Strength

Refuel Your Personal Power by Plugging into Mother Earth’s Strength by Laura Clark | #AspireMag


Love. Happiness. Joy. It comes from within. There is no doubt about it. It comes from being centered. Being able to hear the whisper’s of your soul’s innate wisdom and having the courage to follow that wisdom in our day to day lives. Courage. It comes from having strength within. Inner strength is a precious resource that we must nurture and replenish daily. This inner, personal strength gives us the ability to hear our own inner wisdom, to feel the joy that resides within and step forward with love and happiness in all that we do.

Too often, we, as women, don’t see our own inner strength. Too often, we don’t see how courageous we are being in our day to day lives, right now. Too often we do not see that beautiful brilliant woman standing before us in our mirror.  Why? Because, we look to others for validation of how good we are.

This validation comes in the form of comparison. We compare who we are with another individual and in that comparison we diminish our strength. Comparison is an act of judgment and, in that space of judging ourselves, we dim our own inner light and our strength. Most times, in the act of comparison, we will, by nature, come up short. We’re not as good as the other. We are not as pretty. We are not as successful. We are not as strong. When we compare ourselves to others, we diminish our own personal strength. You can feel it in the words of comparison. “I’m not as pretty as she is.”; “I’m not as successful.” “I’m not AS” Comparison does not nurture our strength within. It depletes us.

Every woman has strength within. Every woman has amazing courage. And, every woman has the ability to live from the joy within. Too often, we do not recognize this in ourselves and if we do, we do not correlate it as loving and joy filled. We’ve been conditioned to seeing strength as an aggressive quality in another person ~ again with the comparisons ~ but we have. A strong woman is brash and biting, hard and caustic. She’s right and all those around her are wrong. That is our conditioning. That is not strength. That woman is not coming from a heart-filled inner place of wisdom. That woman is coming from a place of comparison of having to be better and stronger than others. And, none of us have to be that woman.

Inner Strength is the strength of compassion. It is the strength of love. It is the strength of happiness. Not at the expense of others but for others benefit. Inner strength comes from understanding of who we are as we get to know our truest desires. Inner strength absolutely paves the way for us to be aligned with our highest purpose. Inner strength allows us to access our own happiness and love and joy and be able to share that with the world.

How do we find this compassionate inner strength? How do we discover it, nurture it and refuel it as we are interacting with the world. We go to our mother ~ Mother Earth that is.  We heal ourselves and fuel our inner strength by staying balanced physically and using Mother Earth’s own innate strength to power ours.

You can think of Mother Earth as our own personal electric cord. We use electric cords to power our cell phones, our computers, our TV’s our homes. And, we personally need a power socket of our own to access our inner strength. Mother Earth provides this for us and the great thing is that she’s accessible at all times! We don’t need to wait to get home to charge up ~ indeed we just might need a charge of energy BEFORE getting home and we have that ability.

We can recharge by connecting yourself to the energy of Earth. And that is all around us. Earth Energy is seen in nature of course. Trees, grass, mountains, sand, (and my personal favorite) mud, all contain earth energy. Colors of deep green and browns, tans have earth energy in them. In your home, earth energy is contained in furniture, flooring and even in pencils! Earth Energy is all around us.

A great exercise to recharge yourself is to take your shoes off and stand on the ground anywhere will do. Grass and sand are great as are a newly tilled garden bed or even in the mud! Stand there and feel your balance. Stand on one foot. Then on the other. Then on both. Connect your feet to the earth intentionally as you would a cell phone to it’s charger.  Close your eyes and begin to breathe deeply. With each breath in, imagine the energy from the earth coming into your being ~ first to your feet, then your knees. Continue breathing in this energy to your hips and solar plexus, into your shoulders and your chin. Feel the energy strengthen all of you as you connect to the earth!

And, we can literally connect to Mother Earth’s energy anywhere at any time. Take a moment today, focus on an earth element where you are ~ in your home or at your office, and imagine plugging into that energy. Hold a pencil, put a feet on wood floor or a hand on a wood bureau and close your eyes. Imagine the earth’s energy refueling you and giving you more inner strength.

Recharging your inner strength becomes easy when you connect with Earth Energy. She doesn’t compare you to anyone else. She will not be stingy with her gift. She is always there under any circumstance. By nourishing your strength, you begin to hear your inner wisdom.

Why is it vital to fuel our strength with mother’s earth energy? Mother Earth’s energy is the energy of stability, of patience and of balance. It has energy that fuels the emotions of compassion and empathy. Because of this, there is no possible way that we can not connect to that brash, biting, hard and caustic strength. When we connect with earth energy, when we fuel ourselves with this energy for inner strength, we are able to access our inner wisdom. By connecting to Mother Earth’s Energy, you are fueling yourself with it’s powerful wisdom. We are connecting her wisdom to your own inner strength and innate wisdom. We are refueling yourself so you can hear your soul’s truth. The inner wisdom of who we are. The wisdom that shows that joy and happiness are right there inside of us.

And, There is no doubt about it. Being able to access this wisdom comes from being centered, balanced and strong. Everyone has it. Everyone has that strength within and one only needs to plug into Mother Earth’s energy to replenish it and feel it come alive.  And when we connect to Mother earth’s energy, We are able to connect to that strength within and step forward in strength from that inner center of love, joy and happiness ~ compassionately and completely.

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About the author 

Laura Clark

Sought after Master Soul Coach® and Instructor trainer, Laura Clark knows that Living In-Joy comes from following your own inner wisdom. Through her own recovery from depression and 20 years as an entrepreneur, Laura fully understands the life interrupts and barriers that are obstacles to living a life of ease, grace, joy and happiness. She is the founder of, trained and certified by Denise Linn and believes that your soul knows the truth. She empowers her clients to hear their soul’s whispers more consistently, understand it more clearly and act upon it more courageously for a life filled with greater joy and abundance than ever imagined. As an International best-selling author and engaging speaker, Laura brings her unique wit and a down to earth, practical approach to implementing spirituality and soul-wise living into your life.

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