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Reflect, Release & Celebrate: A Walking Ritual for Fall

Reflect, Release & Celebrate: A Walking Ritual for Fall by Crystal Cockerham | #AspireMag

Do you find that fall just pulls out the reflective part of you?  Once you see that first school bus in the morning, or as soon as the leaves begin to change and the evenings become more brisk, you think: omgosh, summer is over already? 

And so it begins, Reflection.

  • Into your mind pops the to-do list you so fervently and over zealous-ly created for the summer session.  You began strong, and didn’t get to this or that in your yard.
  • The goals and ‘mile-markers’ you had set for yourself personally and/or professionally weren’t all met or perhaps, not even started.

Journaling is always appropriate.  Some people really enjoy it and religiously engage in this daily ritual.  Whether you do or don’t utilize a journal or the process of journaling for reflection, I would like to offer a kinetic alternative: A Walking Ritual to REFLECT, RELEASE & CELEBRATE

  1. Take yourself for a stroll where you can enjoy some degree of solitude.
  2. Once you choose where to begin your walk, take a moment and close your eyes, breathe in the brisk air, about 3-5 nice belly breaths.  Tune into the sounds of nature as you are doing this.
  3. Open your eyes and take in your surroundings as you, again , take in a nice full breath of air.  Before you take your first steps, put your phone on do not disturb,  this is your time for you and set your intention for your walk.  Your intention is reflecting, releasing & celebrating  you.
  4. Begin your walk.  As you are walking reflect upon the personal goals you had set for yourself this past year.  Begin with your celebrations and take the time to acknowledge and thank yourself for the achievement(s).
  5. Next, reflect on a goal or mile stone you had set for yourself that isn’t on target or didn’t come to fruition.  Stop walking and look around you.  Take in a nice breath and choose a freshly fallen leaf to represent it.  Examine the leaf: is it colorful? Has all the color left it already? Is it flat or curly? Is it whole or broken?
  6. Continue with your walk and reflect on how and for what reason(s) you set this goal in the first place.  Is this reason or these reasons still applicable to you?  If not, let yourself off the hook for it and release the leaf with gratitude for showing you this.
  7. If it is still a desire for you to nurture and manifest for yourself, then reset your intention.  Surely, with the original intention in your mind this past year or so, you have learned more about yourself, you have gained stride(s) in moving ever closer to it, but perhaps it needs to be resized, set into steps.  Perhaps it is something that you will ‘check-in’ with more often or seek outside assistance with to achieve.  However this looks to you, re-declare and set it as a new intention-craft a power sentence, a self-declaration, for it.
  8. When you have this declaration in the forefront of your mind-move just off the path or to the side of the . path, stop walking, close your eyes and take 3-5 deep breathes.  Envision whilst doing this and concentrating on the leaf in your hand the feeling as if this goal or milestone has already been achieved.  Allow this feeling to build.  When you feel that automatic smile upon your face, open your eyes and release the leaf-at some type of heighth that you can watch it dance it’s way back to the earth.  Give a moment of gratitude to the leaf for its sharing and yourself for the process.  Know that this declaration and vision is there for you to tap into and remind yourself of whenever you may need it.  I do, however suggest revisiting it at the beginning of each day-before you get out of bed, while you are having your morning beverage, brushing your teeth, etc.,
  9. Continue your walk and repeat this process for other personal and professional goals now, or set a time in your mind for your next walk to do so.
  10. Journal:  If you are a journaler, I am sure you will journal about this process, if you haven’t been until now, you may find it very natural, nurturing and honoring to do so.  At the very least, write your declarative statement down-sticky notes are great for this.  Write it down and speak it aloud to yourself.  Write it down and put one on your bathroom mirror, in your wallet, on the dash near the radio of your car, take a photo and make it your screensaver on your phone, turn it into a new password, etc., so that you are consciously & consistently nurturing this seed you have planted for yourself.

Nurture Yourself.  Reflect. Release. Celebrate.

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About the author 

Crystal Cockerham

Spiritual Mentor, Retreat Leader and Author, Crystal Cockerham, works with empathic women to deepen their relationship with the Divine, learn their souls language, and hone their empathic gifts so they can create the divinely inspired life they envision, desire and deserve. Through her offerings and community, Crystal empowers and supports women in awakening their inner wisdom.

In addition to authoring her own journal and 4-part meditation series bundle, Awaken Your Divine Wisdom: A Guided Journal Expedition to Explore Your Universe & Decode Its Secrets, Crystal has been published as a coauthor in several International Best Selling Books including; SHINE!: Stories to Dream Big, Fear Less and Blaze Your Own Trail, 365 Days of Self-Love: Daily Exercises from Experts Around the World, Radical Self-Love, Reclaiming Your Midlife Mojo: Women’s Stories of Self-Discovery & Transformation, and more.

Crystal is a frequent contributor to Aspire Magazine, and Expert Instructor for Inspired Living Universityâ„¢: A Sacred Curriculum & Community for Women.

She has appeared on numerous radio shows, podcasts and summits including; Inspired Conversations, The Breakthrough Show as both a guest & a panelist, and AngelScapes Radio with Nancy Smith.

She is the host of the popular Feminine Wisdom Keepers Facebook Group, a community for the awakened women.

She is an engaging and passionate guest and is available to speak on numerous topics such as:

The Divine Feminine
-The Red Tent & Sacred Women’s Circles
-Intuitive & Empathic Gifts
-Claiming Your Sovereignty
And can customize a topic to fit your audience.

Claim your Rituals to Nurture Your Goddess Soul Gift Set from Crystal today!

SCHEDULE your FREE Discovery Session today if you are ready to hone your empathic gifts, connect with your feminine wisdom & be who you were born to become.

REQUEST to join the Feminine Wisdom Keepers Facebook Group if you’d like to be a part of a sacred community that supports and nurtures women in embracing their divine connection, cultivating their inner goddess and unleashing their feminine wisdom.

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