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Reconciling the Masculine: How Working with the Divine Feminine Increases Prosperity

Reconciling the Masculine: How Working with the Divine Feminine Increases Prosperity by Lisa Michaels | #AspireMag

As increasing numbers awaken to women’s sacred ways of wisdom and incorporate Nature into personal relationships with the Divine, this movement has been accompanied by re-energized financial flow and sustainability.

Feminine leaders on the Priestess path are discovering a new consciousness, beyond the realm of personality, which calls of an integration of the feminine and masculine polarities within. The emerging Priestess embraces this aspect of the Divine Feminine tradition-the sacred union

Within sacred union, the Priestess shifts her focus toward honoring the feminine essence within. This, in turn, makes it possible to invite her inner masculine to become her support system. Thusly integrated, the inner feminine and masculine can actively co-create together in every area of life, business, and relationships.

The Yin and the Yang: As Above, So Below

The inner masculine and inner feminine are sometimes referred to as polarities rather than as gendered. Think about the sun and the moon, which move in a yin/yang rhythm across the sky over the course of a year. Symbolically, the pair reflects balance through movement and the cycle of balance. Balance lies at the heart of creation.

To honor the existence of balance, notice the cycles of nature and the way those are mirrored in your life. Place attention on the cycles of rest and activity. In the natural world, notice the periods of growth and rest. For instance, while strolling the farmer’s market or preparing a meal, consider the seasons for preparing the garden or orchard for seedlings, then growth, and later harvest. Imagine what’s needed to prepare the fallow ground for the next growing cycle. What does this suggest to you?

Balance as a Fundamental Tool for Transformation

Essentially, balance honors the energetic flow in a cycle. The union of the two polarities (masculine and feminine) results in a third energy more powerful than the two energies working separately. Any time you preference one side of your dualistic nature above the other, the result is an imbalance which eliminates the whole brain thinking needed for vital balanced yin/yang, masculine/feminine co-creation. Such a lack of balance diminishes your ability to create what you desire.

Aligning the Inner Co-Creation Team with the Natural Elements

For prosperity to be sustainable, its energy needs to flow through both the feminine and masculine axes within. For example, the feminine axis functions through the elements of Earth and Water, or being and feeling, while the masculine axis functions through the elements of Air and Fire, or thinking and doing. The union of the feminine and masculine axes creates the most effective alignment for prosperity and sustainability because of this integration and balance of Earth (being), Water (feeling), Air (thinking), and Fire (doing).

The feminine leader steps onto the path of co-creation with the archetype of the Priestess in order to actively work with this inner sacred marriage of both the masculine and feminine energies. When women set the intention, individually or collectively, for their inner feminine and masculine to increase creative capacity, co-creative ability, and prosperity, then potent results are certain to follow.

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About the author 

Lisa Michaels

Lisa Michaels, author of Nature’s Creation Alchemy, LunaSol, and the Elemental Forces of Creation Oracle, inspires heart-centered women to unlock their feminine prosperity potential. You can align with your inner Creation Team through her program Your Life Purpose Prosperity Blueprint or Prosperity Power sessions. Download Lisa’s complementary resource to dive deeper into your archetypes, UNLEASH: Your Inner Feminine Prosperity Power. 

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