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Raise Your Ecstatic Frequency to Uplift Your Life and Business Success


Raise Your Ecstatic Frequency to Uplift Your Life and Business Success by Lisa Michaels | #AspireMag

When it comes to uplifting your life and business, nothing will boost your energy more than connecting to the forces of creation that flow through the natural world. Mother Nature knows how to raise your ecstatic frequency in each elemental realm: Earth/Physical Realm, Water/Emotional Realm, Air/Mental Realm, Fire/Action Realm, Spirit/Spiritual Realm.

By tapping into her guiding wisdom and calling on each of the elements you can dynamically impact your manifestation success and create a more joyful, playful life. Take a few minutes today to tune into each element and discover what will support the next level of your ecstatic frequency.

Earth Ecstatic Expression: Touch

Touch symbolizes the ecstatic gift of the physical realm. In your body, you are able to experience the ecstasy of an embrace, the joy of a child’s hand held in your own, the fulfillment of food on your tongue, the chill of ice on your skin, the solidity of the ground under your feet as you walk, skip, and dance. Earth is an amazingly rich planet, and with your body’s ability to touch, you have the vehicle to experience it.

Connect with Earth’s ecstatic expression of touch.

Are you honoring the gift of touch?
What might you do to engage with the sense of touch in your everday life now?

Water Ecstatic Expression: Play

You learn Water’s ecstatic realm of play early in life as you run under the water hose, swim in the pool, splash at the seashore, float in the lake, or delight in a bathtub full of bubbles. Keeping play alive in your life helps you find the energy to do your work in the world and fill yourself with joy.

Many adults could use a good dose of Water’s ecstatic realm of play and the fun it brings to life. Being more playful not only uplifts your life and business from pressure-loaded and overwhelming, but also helps you experience more joy and ease in everything you do. Go splash at the next possible opportunity!

Connect with Water’s ecstatic expression of play.

Do you need to find ways to bubble up with laughter and joy?
What are your favorite ways to raise your energy with play?

Air Ecstatic Expression: Soaring

Air offers the ability to take flight, bringing the feeling of soaring and freedom within your life. Air gives you the wings of freedom. When you consciously set the tone for your life and are thinking and holding a positive perspective, you feel vibrant, radiant, uplifted, and free. Without enough Air and the upliftment that Air brings, you can feel stuck as if things in your life have become stale and stagnant.

To experience Air’s freedom, get out in the fresh air with time to explore. In the mental realm, using your imagination frees you and helps you soar. A good dose of Air infuses life with a sense of the ability to take flight. Deep breathing frees the body. Imagine the lift of air under the wings of your life and business.

Connect with Air’s ecstatic expression of soaring.

What sense of ease does soaring bring?

What will help you feel the ecstasy of catching an air current and soaring?

Fire Ecstatic Expression: Energized

Juiced by your inner firepower, you become vibrantly alive, and an abundance of life force energy runs through your body. When you follow your passion and find ways to enliven yourself, you energetically engage your ability to manifest. You become energized. And you express life in a more creative, dynamic and inspired manner.

Some people possess a naturally dynamic nature that gets the energy in and around them in motion. Others have to be more conscious about raising their heat and getting their energy moving. Rhythm, dance, sexuality—anything that builds the feeling of ecstatic union between body, soul, and Spirit—works as an energizer.

Connect with Fire’s ecstatic expression of being energized.

What do you need to increase the energy to fuel your creations?

How can fire assist you to become energized and enlivened?

Spirit Ecstatic Expression: Divine Union

As you truly begin to see yourself as the divine spark of Spirit you are, you can make choices that are in alignment with your fullness and use your co-creative power effectively. As a Divine being, you contain the power of creation and manifestation within you. In the spiritual realm, this power comes with not only the right to use it, but also the responsibility to use it wisely. You grow as co-creator each time you use this power wisely for yourself, for the benefit of humanity, and for all life.

Sacred Union is the deep connection with the Divine, to all that is. It is the masculine and feminine aspects of the Universe in divine harmony. It is the bliss of the full union of oneness and the expression of your individuality. Sacred union is the joining of principles that can be expressed separately and yet simultaneously.

Connect with Spirit’s ecstatic expression of Divine Union.

What aspects of self are being called into union within you?
How can you more fully connect to the Divine today?

Living Ecstatic Expression

Connecting to each elemental ecstatic expression will uplift your life and business success. Upliftment is the energetic function of lifting energy. Many ways exist to raise the vibration of your life from connecting to the ecstatic expression of each element to tapping into play and appreciation. Appreciation of anything uplifts your life and business vibration. Feeling gratitude offers a wonderful way to achieve upliftment.

In addition, simply going out in nature can be extremely uplifting; admiring nature adds to the power of experiencing nature. You can uplift another person by gently placing your energy under them mentally and asking for them to be uplifted.

As you go through your day, start noticing what raises your energy and what lowers it. Pay special attention to what feels uplifting and ecstatic to you so you can be conscious of adding those things to your daily routine. The more you can keep yourself in an uplifted state, the more energy you have to create success in your life and business.

Remember: you have the ability to connect with the elements—Earth/Physical Realm,  Water/Emotional Realm, Air/Mental Realm, Fire/Action Realm, Spirit/Spiritual Realm—at any time. Begin today with a daily practice; tap into Mother Nature’s wisdom, connect with the elements and raise your ecstatic frequency to uplift your life and business success.

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About the author 

Lisa Michaels

Lisa Michaels, author of Nature’s Creation Alchemy, LunaSol, and the Elemental Forces of Creation Oracle, inspires heart-centered women to unlock their feminine prosperity potential. You can align with your inner Creation Team through her program Your Life Purpose Prosperity Blueprint or Prosperity Power sessions. Download Lisa’s complementary resource to dive deeper into your archetypes, UNLEASH: Your Inner Feminine Prosperity Power. 

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