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Prosperity from the Inside Out

Prosperity from the Inside Out by Patricia Young
When we hear the word “prosperity,” we usually think of financial abundance, material possessions, and external factors that contribute to our happiness and success in life.  

But what about “inner prosperity”? Have you ever thought about what that might mean?  

Without inner prosperity, we may have financial wealth and material comfort and yet still find ourselves searching to continuously gather more and more superficial wealth. When this is the case, our happiness is dependent on expectations, results, and outcomes outside of ourselves.  

It is nice to be financially comfortable and to have nice things—who doesn’t like that? However, when you experience inner prosperity, you are connected to your True Self: you’re living a life that feels authentic to you and in alignment with your core values. More, you’re not driven by fear. You experience inner prosperity when you are guided by your inner wisdom, when you are kind to yourself and to others, when you let yourself be curious and creative, and when you’re in- ow with life. Your heart can open and be filled with joy, gratitude, internal peace, self-love, and self-trust.  

Inner prosperity begins with the good that we give to the world through our gifts. It is one of the main keys to success, and it starts from the inside. Everything we attract on the outside really does stem from how we feel internally. It creates a ripple effect—all from the inside out.  

If we don’t feel that we are enough, if we don’t value and love ourselves, or if we don’t believe in ourselves, we will rely on external factors for our happiness. However, happiness based on material achievement and the approval of others is, at the end of the day, meaningless—all it brings is pain.  

If you’re not doing it already, make a conscious decision and start cultivating inner prosperity. Just think of the gifts that you have been given. Life itself is a gift! There’s always something to be grateful for every day.  Awakening to Life by Patricia Young | Inspired Living Publishing

Remember, we get to choose where we focus our attention. [Tweet “When you focus on cultivating your inner prosperity, more good things will come your way! @InnerProsperity #AspireMag”] A prosperous and successful person is one whose heart is filled with inner prosperity and spiritual cultivation: someone whose words, thoughts, and deeds reflect joy, appreciation, and alignment to their soul.  

As you work to cultivate inner prosperity, think of all of your accomplishments, even the small ones. In Chapter Three of my new book, Awakening to Life: Your Sacred Guide to Creating a Life of Purpose, Magic, and MiraclesI suggest creating a “Celebrating Me!” journal to capture each day’s little successes and triumphs. By doing this, you become more mindful, and you’ll value yourself more. You’ll be kinder to yourself, and you’ll grow and evolve more and more as a person and as a professional.  


Living in today’s world, it can be difficult to remain positive and connected to the present moment. Often times, between our busy schedules, our quest for external happiness, and the flood of bad news and violence we see on TV and in movies every day, we are at risk of becoming more negative and disconnected from ourselves.  

Sometimes, we focus on what we think is wrong, or what we’re missing in our lives. We only choose to celebrate and feel grateful when something big happens: a wedding, a graduation, a promotion, etc. We have a tendency to forget that we need to appreciate and be thankful for the little things, too.  

Gratitude is essential! If life had gone just a little differently, you might not have all that you do right now. Cultivating gratitude enables you to be in the moment. Every day, focus on your blessings and think of all the things you can be grateful for: your house (yes, you have a place to live! Some people don’t have one), your health, your family, your car, your job, your business, your friends, your pet, nature, even your challenges—they help you grow and evolve.  

[Tweet “”The more grateful you are, the more good things will come your way.” @InnerProsperity #AspireMag”] Remember, we get what we focus our attention on. It’s your choice as to whether you focus on the negative or on the positive. So, make a conscious choice to focus on the positive: I can guarantee that you’ll begin to create little miracles in your life.  

Appreciating the beauty in little things as well as expressing gratitude for the wonderful things you already have makes life easier and more pleasant not only for you, but also for those around you.  

When you are in that “thankful mode,” your light is brighter. Therefore, you will attract more people and more situations that are on the same vibrational level as you. Gratitude is that powerful! It can turn the negative into the positive, and it can transform our feelings of fear into expansive feelings like love and joy in just a second. Being thankful leads us to growth and plants the seeds for attracting magical things into our lives.  

If you want to feel happier and healthier (physically and emotionally), gratitude is a key quality to cultivate daily. Having a grateful attitude towards life expands our consciousness: we feel we can achieve what we set out to do, and are filled with optimism and hope.  


Here is an exercise that includes various ways to focus on gratitude throughout the day. 

  1. Write down five things that you’re grateful for each morning and night before you go to bed. 
  2. Each day, journal based on the following prompts: 
  • How can I express gratitude and appreciation to others today? 
  • What am I grateful for about myself today? 

Taking the perspective of gratitude allows us to notice more and more gifts and experiences we can feel grateful for. Gratitude allows us to focus on the real, which is essential to achieving anything we want. It puts us in touch with the Divine—the source of all creation—and in turn, all that we need become available to us—including prosperity. 

© 2018. Adapted from Awakening to Life: Your Sacred Guide to Creating a Life of Purpose, Magic, and Miracles  by Patricia Young.  Inspired Living Publishing, LLC.    


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About the author 

Patricia Young

Patricia Young is a Transformational Life Coach & Strategist, international best-selling author, the host of the popular Awakening to Life podcast, the founder of Inner Prosperity Academy, and the author of the book, Awakening to Life: Your Sacred Guide to Consciously Creating a Life of Purpose, Magic, and Miracles Awakening to Life: Your Sacred Guide to Creating a Life of Purpose, Magic, and Miracles (February 2018, Inspired Living Publishing). She is a frequent contributor to Aspire Magazine and a sought-after media and summit guest.

Patricia passionately supports sensitive and growth-oriented women in identifying and living their highest life vision. Her keen insight, nurturing energy, and proven strategies help women take action to bring this vision into reality so they can live the life they came here to live—both personally and professionally.

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