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Play: The Secret to Life and Business Success

Play: The Secret to Life and Business Success by Susun Weed | #AspireMag

How do you play?  Do you play alone? Do you play with others? Do you play with animals? Do you play with babies? Do you play outside? Do you play inside?

Do you play with balls? Do you fly kites? Skip rope? Hop scotch?  Play Jacks?

Do you play at puzzles? Picture puzzles? Crosswords? Sudoku?

Do you play games? Scrabble? Chess? Checkers? Clue? Chutes & Ladders? Monopoly? Hay Day? Candy Crush? Solitaire? Bridge? Poker?

Do you play Peek-a-Boo? Hide-and-Seek? Follow the Leader? Cat’s Cradle?

Do you play for keeps? Do you play to the bitter end? Do you play to win? Do you play for fun? Do you play favorites?

Do you swing? Do you slide? You do walk the maze? Do you ride the Ferris wheel? The carousel? The roller coaster? Do you go in the fun house? Do you laugh at yourself? Do you play tag? You’re it!

Do you play in your body? Do you play in your mind? Do you play in your dreams? Knock, knock. Who’s there?

Do you play an instrument? Do you sing? Do you dance?

How much of your day is devoted to play? Are you guilty about playing? Do you revel in play?

Let life play with you. Let the wind play through your hair. Let the sun play shadow games with you. Let your emotions be played upon. Let your eyes play tricks on you. Listen to the sound of one hand clapping and the whisper of a tree falling in the deep silence of the forest.

Spontaneous play elicits laughter. And laughter is good medicine. Laughter and play relieve stress, improve your sense of connection with others, improve brain functioning, boost creativity, strengthen the immune system, and keep you young – in heart and mind.

Playing causes the brain to produce endorphins, which relieve pain and promote well-being. Playing increases the brain’s ability to connect disparate pieces of information and think creatively. Playing improves memory and helps prevent depression. Playing increases the retention of new material. Laughter and play trigger strong, long memories. Playing counters the effects of stress hormones on the cardiovascular system.

Play helps us adapt to changing circumstances. Play stimulates our curiosity. Play is an antidote to grief. Play teaches us the truth. Play increases our resilience. Play is timeless. Play is not self-conscious. Play has no pride. Play is unrefined. Play is silly. Play allows trust. Play fosters empathy. Play creates bonds.

“We don’t stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.” – George Bernard Shaw

Playing alone (by oneself) improves the brain. Playing with others rewires the brain. Playing with others improves our healthy connection to the social fabric of our lives and times. And this is one of the most important factors for longevity, satisfaction, and happiness. Playing with others can heal emotional hurts. Playing with others can let the heart find a way to connect even if minds disagree. Playing with others can show that we care. Playing with others can foster cooperation.

More play at work has been positively linked to greater productivity, better job satisfaction, heightened workplace morale, plus reduction of absenteeism and turnover. Playfulness improves the quality of all work. Playfulness brings joy to the mundane. Playfulness revitalizes the daily grind. Playfulness replenishes the well.

Let your inner child direct your play. Allow spontaneity. Dash inhibitions. Make a fool of your adult self. Roll on the ground. Dare. Wag your tail. Skip. Hop. Make bad art. Eat ice cream. Be intense. Be uproarious. Have a pillow fight.

Jump for joy. Play as a prayer of gratitude. Hang by your knees on a trapeze. Play as a song of praise. It’s never too late to play. It’s never too soon to start. The more you do it, the easier it becomes to play. Don’t wait. Play right now.

Visit for lots and lots of games to play.

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About the author 

Susun Weed

Susun Weed, green witch and wise woman, is an extraordinary teacher with a joyous spirit, a powerful presence, and an encyclopedic knowledge of herbs and health. She is the voice of the Wise Woman Way, where common weeds, simple ceremony, and compassionate listening support and nourish health/wholeness/holiness. She has opened hearts to the magic and medicine of the green nations for three decades. Ms. Weed's four herbal.
Visit her site for information on her workshops, apprenticeships, correspondence courses and more! Browse the publishing site to learn more about her women's health books.
Venture into the NEW Menopause site to learn all about the Menopausal Years the Wise Woman Way.

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