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How Owning My Authentic Truth Helped Connect Me To My Feminine Power & Outrageous Success!

How Owning My Authentic Truth Helped Connect Me To My Feminine Power & Outrageous Success! by Lisa Marie (Rosati) Grantham | #AspireMag

I remember back a few years ago when I first started working an online business model, it was a very exciting but confusing time. Like many women who decide to make a go of an online business model doing their soul work, I began to subscribe to every free newsletter that interested me – which ended up being many, many, and even more! Go ahead; admit it… you did that too. Well, before I knew it, I had an inbox full of everyone’s stuff and found myself swirling in even more CONFUSION and OVERWHELM…

Who did I help?

How did I help?

What was MY authentic message?

It felt impossible to hear my Inner Goddess whispering above the noise that surrounded me on a daily basis. I would spark what I thought was a great idea and my immediate next thought would be… “Well _______ does it another way, so maybe I should re-think this.”

Monkey Mind… Inner Critic… Inner Bitch… Noise… all the same thing.

The looping thought pattern of second-guessing myself kept me stuck most of the time… and if that wasn’t paralyzing enough I knew deep down inside that I wasn’t being completely authentic with my marketing message (and by the way the name of my first website was called Create Authentic Relationships!). I put a lot of time, energy and money into that website, I wrote an awesome eBook for my free gift, the website design was fabulous and chic looking and my blog posts were informative and helpful but… there was something missing.

The missing piece was my spiritual self – my truth.

I was separating a big part of who I was from my work. As a matter of fact… I’ll go as far as to say that my spiritual beliefs make up who I am, it’s how I operate in the world – I walk a spiritual path. I’m a Magical Practitioner and have been for my entire adult life. I live and breathe magic, I think and talk magically, I view the world through a magical lens… and ALL OF THAT YUMMY MAGIC was of my own accord, being consciously separated and hidden from the place I was conducting my soul work from.

Talk about incongruent…

I really should have known better and thinking back, I probably did… but I was so afraid. I was afraid that if I put up a website and proclaimed, “I’m a Goddess and so are you” that the entire world would fall over laughing at me! My ego simply would NOT allow that, so I kept it to myself for the first two years until one day during a mentoring session, it all came pouring out of me in the shape of an epic meltdown. I could no longer hide my truth, feeling totally exhausted and drained I came to the realization that my ego had to step down and I had to go for it.

I had finally arrived at a place of acceptance… I accepted the fact that if people were going to laugh at me it would be less painful than continuing to live an inauthentic life. I believe with every cell in my body that I am a Goddess and that I’m divine in my very nature. I know that magic exists and it works, and I know that getting into Universal flow is the quickest way for a woman to create ease, grace, abundance and joy in her life. I couldn’t keep that a secret any longer; I absolutely had to share it. Like I said before, it became too painful for me to continue denying my magic professionally… so I had to consider a rebrand; a costly rebrand that would basically put me back the entire two years I’d been working to build my original brand in the first place AND the money… oye vey!

I needed a brand new website, new graphics, new blog posts, new marketing message, everything – the whole enchilada. Me not having the courage to come out into the world the first time standing in my authentic truth cost me a lot; a lot of time and a lot of money.

It was a life lesson I will never forget.

I rebranded as The Goddess Lifestyle Plan. And exactly as Universal Law dictates… the moment I made a full body “YES” decision that I was coming out of the Goddess closet loud and proud”, the Universe began aligning everything, it all fell into place! My marketing message is in perfect alignment with my soul purpose… as a matter of fact it makes my heart smile every time I say it. Here it is:

My soul work is empowering spiritual women to magically create an abundant life and business.

Yup… that’s my truth!

I LOVE my soul work and I love the fact that I can spend my days serving women in the most powerful and authentic of ways. Stepping out into the world naked is a scary thing, I totally get it… but I have found that anything worth having usually scares the shit out of me!

So be it!

Since stepping into my brilliance as a Magical Life & Business Mentor and Transformation Catalyst my business has grown exponentially… I’m proud to say that I have a thriving global brand. One of my favorite magical laws is that once you send a clear intention out to the Universe, the Universe will help you to manifest it. This is the same concept with your peeps (community and paying clients)… once you allow your authentic self to shine out from within you, the Universe connects you with the perfect people who need you… and then the abundance starts to flow in.

I’ve gotten so comfortable with being ME that I decided to launch an extension of my Goddess Lifestyle Plan brand called Sugar Free Goddess where I help women kick their carb and sugar addiction, lose weight and obtain optimal health. You see being a carb-a-holic is my truth and after many years of struggle, I figured out a way to have my cake and be healthy too… so I decided to share my methodology with the world and it’s been helping women worldwide!

I hope you’ve enjoyed the story of my journey. The take away of this story is to be yourself, completely and utterly YOU, in all of your unique-ness, quirky-ness and all that it means to be YOU…

Speak your truth in life and in your business. Work on being congruent so that you mean what you say and say what you mean.

If you follow that formula, infinite success and prosperity will flow right to you… as if by magic. And so it is.

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About the author 

Lisa Marie (Rosati) Grantham

Business Mentor and Lifestyle Expert Lisa Marie Rosati-Grantham is an International Best-Selling Author, Leader of The Goddess Lifestyle Sisterhood™, and Founder of The School of Magical Living™. Believing that women CAN have it all, Lisa has successfully created a thriving, global brand while raising her children. It’s Lisa’s passion to teach ambitious, soul-centered women how to create an abundant, purpose-filled life, and prosperous laptop business they love!

Lisa’s unique combination of strategic thinking, laser sharp intuition, vast knowledge of holistic health, psychology, human behavior, healing modalities and women’s spirituality plus 20+ years of metaphysical study and practice, results in an effective mix of spirituality and “real world,” no-nonsense practicality that supports her private clients and community in embracing their own Inner Goddess. Lisa exemplifies the Goddess Lifestyle as she embraces her powerful feminine nature with pride and encourages other women to do the same. Learn more at

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    • Lisa Marie Rosati says:

      Amen Sister Goddess!

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