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Never Assume You Know What Someone Else Is Thinking

Never Assume You Know What Someone Else Is Thinking Michele Greer | #AspireMag

True transformation and living a life you love doesn’t just happen. It’s not one big thing that transpires and then you are happy. It’s a combination of practices that you must work on daily.

One of the biggest lessons and daily practices to implement in your life is to: Never Assume You Know What Someone Else Is Thinking.

Take a moment to think about a situation or person in your life that you made an assumption about. Take a moment to ask yourself the following questions:

  • Did I constantly obsess over this situation or person?
  • Did I experience a deep amount of pain because I thought I knew for sure what that person was thinking?
  • Did I act a certain way towards this person the next time I talked to them because I was angry or my feelings were hurt?
  • Did I have an opinion about a situation based on my assumption?

Unfortunately, so many people assume on a regular basis which causes them to become upset and disappointed with other people. These feelings are based on an illusion that what they are assuming is true.

One of the most significant lessons to remember is that you don’t ever know for sure what someone is thinking. How can you know? We all think different and you can’t assume someone thinks like you do.

In addition, it’s essential to remember that two people can look at the same exact situation and have a completely different opinion or feeling about it. Our thinking and assumptions are entirely based on our beliefs, values and habits. We see the world and other people through these limiting beliefs.

Furthermore, it’s important to always remember not to judge someone that doesn’t think the exact same way as you do. Our differences are what’s beautiful about the world; this is how we learn and grow.

With that being said, this also means that If you don’t know what another person is thinking, you can’t assume someone knows what you’re thinking. It’s imperative to be aware of this to experience true happiness and peace. You will experience a breakthrough once you realize this and implement it into your daily life. You will stop obsessing and feeling like others don’t care about your feelings. You will gain a new perspective and outlook on life.

Do you sometimes think to yourself — My kids, my friends, my spouse or my significant other know that I love them. My boss knows I’m working really hard on this project. My friends and family know I’m really struggling right now. They should know I need help.

When you start thinking these thoughts, ask yourself the following questions:

  • How do I know this is true?
  • Am I assuming this?
  • Did I tell them exactly what I was thinking?
  • Did I communicate my feelings?
  • Did I express my thoughts?
  • Did I say my feelings were hurt?
  • Did I communicate that I’m struggling?
  • Did I specifically ask for help?

If not, how could another person possibly know this?

Here is one thing I know for sure: When you start implementing this in your life it will be a complete game-changer. You will eliminate so much pain and sadness. When you start to communicate what you are feeling, your relationships will change.

Start this practice today and start to observe yourself. In every situation, start asking yourself these questions:

  • How do I know for sure they know what I’m thinking?
  • How would they know what I’m thinking if I don’t tell them?
  • Is this the truth or am I assuming?

Begin to notice when you start to get upset or feel like someone isn’t treating you right. Take a step back, breathe and observe. This will change the quality of your life and your relationships. True transformation and joy happen once we become aware and make an effort to pay attention to our thoughts and feelings.

Start today and watch your life change. Tell the people close to you that you love them!

Smile. Surrender. Shine.

xo, Michele

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About the author 

Michele Greer

Michele Greer is a transformational and lifestyle coach who helps women rewrite their story of pain, lack and struggle that is keeping them from living their best lives. Michele’s BEYOND BRAVE mission was birthed after her own life-altering experience. Using the same mindset strategies and self-love rituals she used to transform her own life, she empowers and supports women who are caught up in the “story” of their past, helps them rewrite their story and create a life of happiness, joy and fulfillment. Visit

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