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Move from Apprentice to Master and Make Your Life a Masterpiece!

Move from Apprentice to Master and Make Your Life a Masterpiece! by Stacey Curnow | #AspireMag

This week I hosted a group of my son’s friends (boys and girls) for something that’s become an annual tradition in our household: an apple pie-baking party.  As the kids had fun (and ate their mini-pies) I was careful to savor their friendship. I know they’re growing up fast, and there may not be many more years left where they are this joyful, unselfconscious and sweet.

One of the reasons I quit my hospital job earlier this year was to have more opportunities to enjoy spending time with my son at this time in his life.  Of course, I was full of fear about leaving the security of a steady job and immediately afterwards I had many moments of self-doubt and wondering, “What have I done?”

But now, six months later, I’m past those doubts and lately I haven’t had one moment of fear or anxiety. Instead, I’ve had many, many moments of profound gratitude for the life I’ve created.  M.C. Richards once said, “All arts we practice are apprenticeship. The great art is our life.”

And guess what? You are the artist.

The present moment is your material, and you mold it to create a masterpiece with tools you always have at hand – your thoughts and beliefs.  Yes, your life, this very moment, is a perfect expression of your current level of skill at living with purpose and happiness.

When I quit my “day” job, I got through my moments of doubt by focusing on certain thoughts and beliefs, and having come through the other side I have become more courageous and optimistic than I ever thought possible back then.

I know I created the life I am currently enjoying—and all my newfound courage—by focusing on certain thoughts and beliefs. If you, for the most part, are not enjoying your life, you can change them just like I did.

You develop your skills when you choose to think better-feeling thoughts and take action in alignment with your true values and deepest desires.

For me, my life got so much better when I overcame my fears and decided to create a business that gives me time as much as it gives me money.

Now I have plenty of time to honor myself and the people I love, while doing what I absolutely love. I’ve learned I never have to trade any of those precious moments to “make a living.”  And it all started when I honored my gift for serving others with the contribution that only I can make.

You’ve got a gift too – and it’s called your purpose. If you haven’t found it, or you don’t have the courage to act on it, we really need to talk.

I haven’t read every personal development or self-realization book out there, but I suspect that every one of them has at least a chapter that’s all about defining your dreams, goals and aspirations in order to create a life you absolutely love. As Lewis Carroll said, “If you don’t know where you are going, any road will get you there.”

In other words, without clearly envisioning a dream or goal, it really doesn’t matter what you do, or how hard you work at it.  It’s funny, but in the past, I’ve only asked my clients to imagine their “ideal” lives one year out.

But then a few years ago I realized that you need to reach really big to get unstuck and expand into expansive possibilities – and for most folks that means giving a longer period of time to achieve it – say, 3-5 years.

If you’re ready to get moving, you need a goal. And if you want to move far and fast, it would help to have a really big goal.

You want to create a very strong vision of your life in the next 3-5 years, and you want to imagine it in vivid detail — What are you doing? Who are you doing it with? What are your surroundings? What’s the feeling you get as you move throughout your day?

Once you’ve done this work, now it’s time to take the next steps:

1) Make a Mind Movie.

I’m sure you’ve heard of a Vision Board, but have you hear of a Mind Movie? I call it a Turbo-Charged Vision Board. You could create it on your own if you have a slide show feature on your computer, but there are also programs that will do it for you too (just Google Mind Movie).  When designing a life you love, it’s super important that you enjoy the feeling place of already having achieved your goals and dreams right now.

That feeling is like rocket fuel that will give you an enormous boost as you’re making your way down your path. Once you have achieved that feeling place, it’s exciting to take one step and then another and another, and you never doubt that you’ll make it to your destination.

In my opinion there’s nothing like a Mind Movie for creating the feeling of positive expansion I associate with all of my goals and dreams. I watch my Mind Movie every day and I can feel it pulling me forward toward my dreams.

2) Share your big vision with anyone and everyone.

Lately I’ve been challenging myself to share my goals and dreams in a bigger, more public way.  I believe we hold our dreams “close to our chest” because we feel self-conscious about them. We ask ourselves “Who am I to want so much?” and expect that when we share our goals with other people similar questions will surely come up. And soon after, we’re asking ourselves,

“What if I fail? I’ll look like a loser.”

I know I’ve had those fears, but as I’ve said before, your dreams are as hungry as your fears, so you want to make sure you’re feeding your dreams. That’s why I put my Mind Movie on my YouTube channel so anyone who cares to can see it. I believe I have SO much more to gain than lose by sharing my vision, and I hope you will too.

3) Focus on taking daily actions.

No way around it: You have to take inspired action every day.

The thing is, people rarely take this step. Again, it’s no surprise that we’re often so focused on getting through our day-to-day life that we have absolutely nothing left to give when it comes to creating a life you love. Remember, that’s why I suggested the Mind Movie – because it creates pulling power. And, again, by giving you the space to dream really big, the pulling power is that much greater.

4) Believe you can do it.

Remember a belief is just a thought you’ve had many times. If you don’t currently believe in yourself (or not that much), start with positive affirmations. One of my favorites is “I deeply and completely love and accept myself. I can do this.” Or better yet, change the “I can do this” to “I will do this” or better still, “I am doing this.” Whatever you decide on, repeat it to yourself often.

5) Celebrate your successes!

Start by taking a tiny action in the direction of your dream and then do something physical to affirm what you’ve done. Do a happy dance and say, “Woo hoooo!” Pump your fist and say, “I rock!” Your brain wants to feel happy and now you’re teaching your brain that taking even a tiny action makes it happy. It’s all about doing something consistently, building competence and confidence.

Keep at it and very soon you will move from apprentice to master when it comes to creating the masterpiece that is your life!

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About the author 

Stacey Curnow

Stacey Curnow is a sought-after purpose and success coach who recently left behind a 20-year career in nurse-midwifery – helping women give birth to babies – to help women give birth to their BIG dreams.

Stacey is the founder of Midwife for Your Life – a website, blog and series of signature coaching programs – and serves clients all over the world. She is also the Life Purpose Expert for Aspire Magazine.

She published a best-selling children’s book, Ravenna, is a contributing author of Inspiration for a Woman’s Soul: Choosing Happiness (coming in February of 2015), and is currently writing Pain Body Proof: How to Transform Your Negative Thoughts, Improve All Your Relationships and Enjoy More Happiness

You can sample her work by reading The Purpose and Passion Guidebook: 6 Steps to Doing Good, Feeling Good and Achieving Your Dreams. It will inspire you to tap into your deepest desires, claim your true value and identify your soul’s work in order to live your best life.

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  • Peggy Nolan says:

    Hi Stacey – In the words of Invictus, I AM the captain of my soul. I am the co-creator of my life. I’m a firm believe in having crystal clear clarity as to what my heart truly longs for and then leaving the HOW up to the Universe, where infinite possibilities exist. Ask. Believe. Receive <3

    • Hi Peggy!

      Thanks so much for your kind and INSPIRING comment!! Yes, it’s like Stephen Covey said, “You can’t hit a target you can’t see.” so having that crystal clear vision really is KEY.

      Love and hugs to you!! xxoo

  • Marianne Soucy says:

    Great article, Stacey! and I love the simple but powerful action steps. Fear can often keep us from moving towards our dream. Very inspiring.

    • Hi Marianne!

      Thanks so much for your kind comment!! I’m so glad my suggestions resonate with you! Taking small, but decisive, steps in the direction of our dreams not only gets us where we want to be, but FEELS GREAT in the process!!

      Love and hugs to you!! xxoo

  • Inspiring. I love the mind movie idea, will try it. I find that visuals are so powerful, so surrounding myself with the images of what I want to create is really inviting th in 🙂

    • Hi Rachel!

      Thanks so much for your kind comment!! I’m delighted that you feel inspired to create a Mind Movie. Please let me know when you do — I know you’ll love it!!

      Love and hugs to you!! xxoo

  • Andrea Patten says:

    I think too many of us skip that last step: celebrate! Thanks for sharing.

    • Hi Andrea!

      Thanks so much for your kind note!! It’s SO true that too many of us skip that last step! I’ve actually made a list of things I can do — from pumping my fist and saying WOO HOO to buying myself a necklace or getting a $12 manicure — because it’s still not a natural or easy thing for me to do!

      Big love and hugs to you!! xxoo

  • Debra Reble says:

    Wonderful clear and simple tips for being the artist in our lives! Love the movie mind idea and can share that with my clients too. Thank you Stacey

    • Hi Debra!

      Thanks so much for your kind comment and letting me know you love the Mind Movie idea and will share it with your clients.

      Take wonderful care, and MUCH love,

  • Evolving Stacey says:

    This is beautiful. I dreaming and visioning for the rest of January… and then I’m taking your wisdom and will create a Mind Movie for my big dreams. Thanks!

    • Hi Stacey!

      Thanks so much for your kind comment! I love, love, love that you are spending the month of January to dream and vision and then you WILL make them a reality with the help of your Mind Movie.

      Lots of love and hugs to you!! xxoo

  • I agree with so many of the tips listed here, Stacey! I am going to Google mind movie – never heard of it. The only thing I would change is #2. Sometimes we get more support from strangers (not knocking the Youtube idea at all), than those close to us. I have learned to protect my dreams to avoid negative comments from well-meaning naysayers that I am friends with, or related to. They don’t mean any harm, they aren’t bad people, but they lack vision and optimism. They tend to find out about my accomplishments, not my impending goals! Thanks for sharing.

  • Hi Shanon!

    Thanks so much for your kind comment! Yes! You are absolutely right that sometimes you need to protect our dreams — and only you can know what’s right for you.

    I knew it was my “Small Self” that was keeping me from sharing my dreams, not the negative response I would get, so it’s discerning which negative force is working (inner or outer) that will help others know what to do.

    And if you’d like to see my Mind Movie (it also has a link for connecting with their service), you’re welcome to view it here:

    Big love and hugs to you!! xxoo

  • SueKearney says:

    Stacey, now I have put Mind Movie on my “to research” list. Exciting. And thanks for reminder about that powerful triad: focus, believe, and celebrate. Blessings to you!

  • Deb Coman says:

    I do know what a mind movie is!! Just haven’t quite figured out how to create my own. I will check out yours. I love the reminder to take daily actions. No matter how small, I think we need to keep moving forward toward whatever that big dream may be.

  • Dina LoRusso Overland says:

    Stacey, this is such a fabulous article! Thank you for providing another great resource filled with simple, easy steps that we can all take to improve our lives every day. I especially love your advice to share our goals more openly – because even if we “fail” in the conventional sense of the word to meet those goals, we inevitably are learning and growing so much as we move along our own spiritual journey and evolution. Thank you for sharing!

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