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Money Magic: 5 Magical Ways to Attract More Money in Your Holistic Business

Money Magic: 5 Magical Ways to Attract More Money in Your Holistic Business by Shelley Riutta, MSE, LPC | #AspireMag


“Abundance is not something we acquire. It is something we tune into.” ~Wayne Dyer

I LOVE the time we are living in right now.  There is such an expansion in our perceptions of abundance and what is possible to create when you have a Holistic Business.

I remember when I crossed the 6-Figure mark in my Holistic Business many years ago, I knew in my heart this was just the beginning of what is truly possible in a Holistic Business.

We as Therapists, Healers, Coaches and Health Practitioners brings SO much value to the world and the tide is turning in moving from poverty consciousness to a prosperity consciousness.  HURRAY!!  What this means for you is that with collective consciousness shifting in such a huge way it makes it SO much easier for you to make this shift in your own life and Holistic Business!

The time is now for you to stretch and grow in the level of abundance that is your divine destiny.  I want to share with you my favorite magical tips and tools for shifting your mindset so you can align with the divinely destined abundance.

5 Magical Ways to Attract More Money in Your Holistic Business

#1. Uplevel your mindset to align with magic and miracles.  When you are stuck in money struggles you are caught up the fear and scarcity belief systems that we are in the process of moving out of.  See if you can step into what has always been the truth, and it SO much easier to align with now and that is that:

Magically attracting money and miracles is part of my everyday experience.  Every day I attract money and miracles into my life and business.  I am SO grateful to for this and I know this is an experience everyone in my life can step into, if they so choose to.

#2. Set bold money goals regularly.  Continue to stretch yourself as to what is possible to make in your Holistic Business.  Even if you feel like you have taken the BIGGEST leap ever in what you could make in your business, the Divine has an even bigger plan for you.  It is your job to get out of your way and continue to stretch J

One of my favorite mentors for stretching is Bob Proctor.  Bob likes to teach people to make what they normally make in a year in a month.   Then he likes to teach them to make that same amount in a day!  Why he likes to stretch people in this way is that when they are stretched to such a new level of income they have to dramatically let go of their old, limiting conditioning to reach their new goal.  That old conditioning didn’t serve them in any area of their life and the stretch to reach the new bold money goal allowed them to grow and transform in ways that deeply served their spiritual growth.

This is why the people in our Coaching programs not only dramatically grow their Holistic Business but they also dramatically go through the deepest growth and transformation of their life!  They become more of who they came here to be, their highest and best self!

#3.  Open up ALL channels of Abundance to flow to you.  The Source of all of your Abundance is the Divine and there are 1000’s of channels the Divine can flow that abundance to you.  Consciously open ALL channels to receive abundance and even invite the Divine to surprise you and WOW you with how it comes to you, and then be prepared to be amazed.  I have done this for years and I remember one of my first Assistants would remark about all of the random checks that we would spontaneously get in my business and I shared with her that it was because of this specific intention that I set.

#4. Surround yourself with Magical Abundance attractors.  Make sure you are part of a community of like-minded Spirits that are regularly attracting abundance in magical ways.  You want to be in that a community that represents the new world that we are stepping into.  You are just going there faster, and why not, you are a leader in this transformation that is happening.  You stepping into this faster will accelerate your Clients being able to step into this for themselves too.

#5. Package and price your services for their true value.   It is important to package your services to help your Clients get the fullest result they can get from working with you.  What are all the elements that you could put in a program that would lead to success for them?  Also make sure you are pricing your services at the level of their true value.  I find that so often the spiritual gifts that support your Clients to get the biggest transformation come so easy for you are the ones that you can seriously undercharge for.  Make sure you are valuing these gifts at a high level and charge at that level of value.  The level of struggle you have around money in your Holistic Business reflects the level of undervaluing that you are doing with your spiritual gifts.  So make sure that you are highly valuing your gifts.  When you do, your potential Clients will too.

So breathe and move into embracing magic and miracles in your Holistic Business.  Now is the time to align and step into this fully.

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About the author 

Shelley Riutta, MSE, LPC

Shelley Riutta, MSE, LPC is the founder and President of the Global Association of Holistic Psychotherapy and Coaching. She is a Holistic Psychotherapist and creator of a 6-figure Holistic Psychotherapy practice. Because of her success at creating a thriving Holistic Practice she launched the Global Association of Holistic Psychotherapy and Coaching (GAHP) which supports Holistic Therapists, Healers, Coaches and Health Practitioners to develop Thriving 6 Figure Holistic Practices and learn about Holistic MethodsTM to accelerate the results of their Clients.
Attention Therapists, Coaches and Healers! Claim your complimentary comprehensive 6 piece Holistic Practice Building Kit today!

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