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Moments of Perfection: Creating a Miracle Mindset

Moments of Perfection: Creating a Miracle Mindset by Michelle Lemoi | #AspireMag

Miracles can be life changing big events or small gifts.  I like to call them “Moments of Perfection”!  In these moments, we experience wonder and joy, we can be reduced to tears, our heart swells, and we feel completely connected to the person, place, or event.  These moments can be life changing – a celebration of marriage; the birth of a child; the healing of an illness despite a dire prognosis.  My favorites are the small gifts – when all of my children were getting along and helping one another; when an employee hugged me thankful for work; when my gifts and talents were reflected back to me in appreciation and gratitude.

A miracle mindset is opening our entire beings to receiving miracles whenever they are present.  It’s opening our hearts, minds, and souls to receiving those “Moments of Perfection” in our daily lives.  When we create a miracle mindset, it allows us to receive love; receive grace; be grateful; be open; be aware.  It’s trusting that things will work out the way they are supposed to and the way intended.  It’s being a witness to those moments that are unusual, wonderful, amazing, and life changing.

Miracles create positive energy.  There is a fever associated with the moment.  When we make that shift to openness and receiving, the unimaginable can occur.  A miracle mindset helps us during times of struggle to have faith and hope.  We shift from a place of negative energy to the power of the positive.  We tap into a higher frequency in which miracles happen all the time.  We become transformed as individuals and we become empowered to help others change their mindset.

On the journey of life, in order to be open to experiencing miracles, we have to be open to experiencing the opposite.  Struggles, frustrations, and challenges are opportunities to allow our hearts, minds, and souls to witness the amazing, the good, and the enlightening.   We cannot expect our lives to be all miracles and no struggles.  If we dwell on the struggles, it becomes impossible to be open to receiving the extraordinary.

Consequently, the extraordinary doesn’t have to be life altering, mind blowing, or out of this world.  It can be packaged in small gifts of grace – a kiss or hug from a child; a tear of gratitude for helping another; holding space for someone else who is struggling in her life; seeing your gifts through another person’s eyes.

It is an awareness that allows us to be open to possibilities.

“I am realistic – I expect miracles” – Dr. Wayne Dwyer

Awareness then changes our behavior.  We become more grateful.  We want to inspire.  We want to make a difference.  We help to serve others so that our awareness leads to more miracles and we want to help others be open to miracles.  What follows is a continuum to attract others that radiate towards our mindset.   Collectively, we become a community of those that believe.  The power to believe exacts change – slowly and over periods of time.

Once we have been enlightened to the ongoing frequency of miracles, we can’t help but want others to experience their own joy, happiness, and “Moments of Perfection”!

I have witnessed miracles in my own life and in the lives of others.  It is possible!  I have struggled and struggled greatly, but that hasn’t diminished those “Moments of Perfection” – so much so that when I experience them, they carry me through those struggles as a reminder that miracles DO happen.

So how can you live with a miracle mindset?  These 3 steps will help you increase your awareness and create an opening to the possibilities and the extraordinary:

  1. BE AWARE  – We all rush around in our daily lives overcome by schedules, routines, work, family, and many other obligations. Take the time during the day to notice what is happening around you.  Maybe it’s a kind word by a stranger; a smile from a child; a door held open for you; a thank you received.  Take note of your environment – what does Nature have in store that day?  Is the sun shining- how does the light play amongst the trees?  Is it raining – what are the sounds as it dances on different objects?  Take time to heighten your awareness every day.  Over time, you will begin to shift your mindset to more positive energy and be able to witness miracles as they happen.
  1. BELIEVE – We have a choice. We can believe or we cannot.  Choose to Believe!  This positive mindset shift allows us to tap into that higher frequency in the Universe.  All those amazing gifts like abundance, wealth, health, energy, miracles, joy, grace, and gratitude are waiting for us!  We only need to believe.  Make it your daily mantra – “I believe!  Miracles happen!”
  1. SERVE OTHERS – Give of yourself. How can you help others?  When we open our hearts, minds, and souls to others, we can’t help but slow down and be a witness to amazing people, places, and events.  I firmly believe that our soul purpose to thrive is fed by our connection to others.  The humbling act of giving of ourselves frees us to experience receiving so many wonderful gifts that we cannot possible expect.

By being aware, believing, and serving others, we can all open our hearts, minds, and souls wide open to receiving those extraordinary gifts possible through a miracle mindset!  Once you have experienced those “Moments of Perfection”, spread the joy!  I know I will!

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About the author 

Michelle Lemoi

Michelle Lemoi offers life coaching to those who want to make a difference in their own lives first and the lives of others. A highly sensitive empath, Michelle left her over 20 year career in construction to pursue a more heart-centered path to those willing to dream big and design a life that focuses on women making themselves their #1 priority.

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  • Kenzie Pereira Serianni says:

    Thank you for this ever so important reminder…be aware of the moments!! Beautifully written!

  • kimberly duboise says:

    Love this! So full of wisdom.

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