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Mindset: The Inner Profit Game for Business Success

Mindset: The Inner Profit Game for Business Success by Jeanna Gabellini | #AspireMag

When it comes to profits, mindset always trumps strategy.

When you practice cultivating an abundant mindset your profits will grow while your heart glows from the connection you feel to your team, clients and tribe.

Abundance must be your internal vibration in order to produce it in your outer world.

Do you tend to focus on your weaknesses in business? And rather than try to improve those areas do you just wish that you had more knowledge, more money, more marketing savvy, more resources, more people on your mailing list, and more promotional partners?

Lack, lack, lack.

You have to make that clear-cut decision to create more.

Draw that line in the sand. Start creating abundance from where you are right now.

Amplify the abundance you already have in your business. Begin to look for evidence that has already revealed itself in ways you may have overlooked.

•    What are your strengths?

•    Where have you already had success?

•    What can you see around you in your work place that speaks of abundance?

•    Do you have one client or ten? Can you see the abundance of what is here now?

•    What about your ideas?

•    How many people do you know would support your business to grow if you asked?

Now shift up your inner profit game.

Make a list of inspired actions that you could easily take to manifest your revenue goals in the next two weeks.

•    What practices are you willing to let go of that are driven by scarcity?

•    What do you cling to out of habit?

•    What do you own that is breaking down or worn out?

•    How do you keep your money? In a nice wallet or one that is worn out?

•    What about your bank accounts? Do you have a business account? Business savings?

•    Are you willing to build your business savings by adding at least $20 (or $200) each month?

It’s one thing to talk about wanting to make more money but are you willing to change your game and devote time daily to fully align with your profit goal? Would you be willing to give it ten minutes a day if you could double (or even triple) your revenue?

For the next thirty days, commit to writing down at least five pieces of evidence that indicate that you’re going to increase your income. Here’s an example:

1.   Three new people liked my Facebook page

2.   One new option for my free gift

3.   Someone asked about my services today

4.   I sold a CD today

5.   I spent an hour writing my book

Notice that no huge sales were made in the example above but it directs your focus back to the progress you’re making rather sulking about not enough money.

Your focus is to amplify the abundance you already have in your business. And trust that more is coming.

Now it’s time to increase your set-point around abundance.

This is no tame game. You’ll have to release your fear around poverty, nobody buying your stuff, not having enough, being fearful about hiring people, fear about charging what you want, and you’ll have to stop giving away things from a place of lack.

Maybe you give away lots of time because you feel that’s the only way to convince people to say yes to buying from you.

Maybe you cut your prices because that’s the only way you think people will buy.

I’m not saying it’s bad to give away your time, energy, gifts, bonuses, etc. and I’m not saying that it’s bad to give discounts and make your prices affordable.

It’s the mindset behind those actions that is important.

And until you are making enough money to feel at ease, be mindful about making sure you are being abundant by being self-full. Put an emphasis on self care on your business from a place of abundance, not resistance.

I have priced my services based on fear and from abundance. It feels totally different when you are pricing strategically than from emotion.

I’ve also not given price breaks from both lack and abundance. I was snotty about it when I came from lack … there was no way I was giving away anything. I wanted people to pay for my time. “ I deserve to be paid!” said like a brat. I was protecting my worth … rather than feeling at ease with my worth.

Abundance is the absence of fear and resistance. It’s pure love and trust. You feel at ease in the world, in your business. You know you’re needs will be met and exceeded.

You feel trust about money and customers flowing in.

You trust that the people you hire will serve you well. It doesn’t matter if you’ve been burned before.

I’ve had many people be very honest about their fear about joining one of my programs because they’d joined programs with other coaches and got no results. So whose fault is that?! Not the person they hired. You get what you focus on. And if you focus on the expertise or program not being enough, you’ll only get more of that.

My bestie, Eva Gregory, likes to tell people that there is an ocean of abundance of all that we desire and we are walking down to the shore with a thimble in our hands thinking that is all we can take.

There is an ocean of abundance for you. It will never run out.

•    Ask for more

•    Allow for more

•    Receive more

Rather than try to tap into the vein of abundance in every area of your business all at once, I suggest you take one area of your business that you’d like to increase your profit setpoint. Your setpoint is like a thermostat setting. Once it’s at a certain number it stays there.

For several years I’ve focused on created abundance by intentionally giving away information, bonuses, and always over-delivering. And I reaped the rewards because it felt joyful to do it. It felt right. And I have a plan behind it.

I also have a strong focus on building abundance in my business savings. This is my cushion. Not for retirement, not for bills. I want to see that cushion and feel abundant.

I began putting $500 in it here and there. It felt awesome to see that grow. It felt abundant. Until a year ago I’d never had more than a few thousand dollars in it. Finally I decided to build it to $50,000. I thought it’d take me a few years. It took less that six months! The more I felt abundance the more abundant I was.

I have my ongoing list for things that I want to buy for my business. Things that will make be feel happy and will feel abundant. Things like new headshots, new branding. I begun going after those, one thing at a time.

The more I invested in my business the more it felt the Universe had my back. The more I trusted that I would manifest more than enough money, the more evidence appeared.

If you feel like you’re scrimping with time, energy and money it will make your business feel heavy. There is always a way to get what you want for your business. But until you say yes to investing in your business, it will feel like the things you really want are not accessible.

The resources you need to increase significantly increase your profits are there. Once you make a concrete decision to have what you want, you will have access to unlimited solutions, creativity and yes, money!

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About the author 

Jeanna Gabellini

Jeanna Gabellini is a Master Business Coach who supports conscious entrepreneurs to double (and even triple) their profits by leveraging attraction principles, proven strategies and fun. Her NEWEST book, Rock Your Profits: Stress-Free Steps that Turn Your BIz into a Badass Money-Making Machine is available for FREE for a limited time

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  • Virg Lewis says:

    Abundant thinking is easy to say but not always easy to implement, as Jeanna points out. It comes down to having confidence in our abilities and letting loose of limits. I’m still striving ! I will dismantle them and have easy abundance.

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