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Matching Up Crystals with Intentions & Positive Thoughts

Matching Up Crystals with Intentions & Positive Thoughts by Margret Ann Lembo | #AspireMag

Crystals and gemstones are tools for focusing your thoughts on your intentions and goals. Use crystals alongside two other key tools: visualization and imagination.  Intentions and positive thoughts are the products of both. Energetically match up your intentions and thoughts with crystal and gemstone allies to help you focus on major life concerns and bring into your life what you desire. Crystal intentions amplify the beneficial effects of the law of attraction 

We all basically want to attract the same things in life. There are six main areas that are most important to most people. These are: 

  • Friendship, Love, Relationships, and Romance
  • Health and Well-Being• Money, Creativity, and Motivation
  • Safety and Protection
  • Happiness and Self-Confidence
  • Intuition and Communication

For each of these areas of life, there are a number of crystals to choose from to assist you with your intentions. Although each life category in the sections to follow includes a listing of recommended crystals, minerals, and stones, I encourage you to use your intuition when choosing your crystals. When you’ve established your intention, incorporate the crystal into your life in one of the following ways: 

  • Wear the stone in a piece of jewelry 
  • Bring your rocks to bedand the bedroom
  • Create an altar or grid of gemstones 
  • Place gemstones around your home and office.


Friendship, Love, Relationships, and Romance 

Relationships are at home in the heart chakra. Pastel blue stones maintain peace and serenity and promote good communication. Yellow gems enable you to maintain self-confidence. Pink stones impart comfort and loving kindness to the relationship.  

Amazonite: to help you to know your own truth and express your truth with easeAffirmation: I live my truth and honestly communicate what is on my mind.  

Blue calcite: to help you find your voice in a relationship and the right way to express feelings. AffirmationI speak with love and kindness. 

Citrine: to bring joy, laughter, and self-confidence. Affirmation: It is safe for me to be powerful! 

Emerald: to maintain an open heart. Affirmation: I attract kind and courteous people. 

Pink calcite: to bring gentleness, kindness, and a strong friendship into your romantic relationshipAffirmation: I am blessed with nurturing vibrations wherever I go!  

Rose quartz: for kindness, compassion, thoughtfulness. Affirmation: I am compassionate and kind.  


Health and Well-Being 

The phrase health and well-being represents physical wellness as well as mental and emotional alignment. Inner peace and calm are the keys to a healthy, balanced life. Use these to help you maintain your awareness of your habits of health, including creating a stress-free life. 

Covellite: to keep emotions balanced. Affirmation: I am blessed with good health, peace, and calm. 

Epidote: to assure you that all of your basic needs are met, with an plenty to share with others. Affirmation: My thoughts and actions create beneficial results.  

Rutilated quartz: to improve your energy level. Affirmation: I am grateful that my vital life force provides me with the energy and motivation to live life to the fullest! 

Sodalite: to balance rampant emotions, reduce inflammation in the body, headaches and muscle strainsAffirmation: I am relaxed and all is well. I enjoy good health. 


Money, Creativity, and Motivation 

Money is often at the forefront of someone’s consciousness. Almost everything that is involved in living on this planet requires money. It takes great courage to be wealthy.  

Citrine: to amplify the courage and confidence to be prosperous and live your career passion to the fullest. Affirmation: Prosperity abounds in my life.  

Green aventurine: for good luck and good fortune.. Affirmation: Abundance and prosperity are constantly flowing in my life. 

Jade: to amplify the blessings and prosperity you have. Affirmation: I am grateful for all of the gifts that come into my life. 

Pyrite: to help strengthen courage and self-confidence. Affirmation: I take positive action to manifest my goals. 

Red tiger’s eye: to help you to stay focused on the goal and deflect negative distractions. Affirmation: It is easy for me to take action. 


Safety and Protection 

Safety can be represented in many ways, but more than anything, safety is a feeling. Focus on the feeling of security, of knowing that you’re protected. Use your imagination and a creative visualization to see yourself and those you love as protected, and know all is well! 

Amethyst: for transformation and transmutation of challenging situations. Affirmation: I am divinely protected. I am safe and secure. 

Black tourmaline: to deflect negativity. Affirmation: I am safe and sound.  

Clear quartz: to amplify your intentions. Affirmation: All is well in my life. 

Gold tiger’s eye: to help increase your courage and repel jealousy. Affirmation: I am safe. I create my world. 


Happiness and Self-Confidence 

Clarity of intention, determination, and action are the ingredients you need to design a happy life. You design your reality. Let your imagination be your ally to create a life of confidence and happiness. 

Citrine: to activate self-confidence and joy. Affirmation: I acknowledge my magnificence.  

Clear quartz: for any and all spiritual pursuits. Affirmation: I multiply goodness and well-being. Golden calcite: to have the courage to set boundaries. Affirmation: It is easy for me to establish healthy boundaries with others.  

Sapphire: to increase inner strength and wisdom. Affirmation: I have great poise and grace. I am wise.  


Intuition and Communication 

Intuition and communication go hand in hand. Communication includes body language, facial expressions, and energy. Telepathy is a form of mental energy sends a lot of information and feelings telepathically.  

Apophyllite: to increase spiritual realizations. Affirmation: I meditate regularly. I am insightful.  

Celestite: for angelic or heavenly communication. Affirmation: I notice and understand the messages from the angels. 

Kyanite: for activating your innate ability to communicate telepathically. Affirmation: I receive non-verbal communication with ease. 

Seraphinite: to help you stay connected to the Divine spark. Affirmation: I feel and know the Divine.  


Now you have some great ideas and tools to help you create vibrationally matching thoughtforms with the crystals you chose with a specific intention. Instill your thought and hold the vision for your personal creation of reality.  

© 2019. Margaret Ann Lembo. Excerpted from Crystals Beyond Beginners: Awaken Your Consciousness with Precious Gifts from the Earth 

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About the author 

Margaret Ann Lembo

Margaret Ann Lembo is the author of Chakra Awakening; The Essential Guide to Crystals, Minerals and Stones; The Essential Guide to Aromatherapy and Vibrational Healing; Archangels & Gemstone Guardians Cards, and more. Margaret Ann is an evolutionary aromatherapist, the creator of Smudge in Spray, and the owner of The Crystal Garden — established 1988. Visit and learn more about her offerings and books at

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