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Manifesting the Life of Your Dreams: Who’s On Your Team? The Power of Accountability

Manifesting, AccountabilitySometimes, especially if you’re an entrepreneur, it can feel like you’re creating your life in a vacuum. However, nothing could be further from the truth.

It is said that we are the sum of the five people with whom we spend the most time. Whether we know it or not, we are constantly being influenced by the energies of the people around us, and we in turn are influencing them.

All of us are 100 percent responsible for creating our own reality. But when you truly step back and look at the monumental role other people play in your life, it’s easy to see why you need to create relationships that nurture, sustain, inspire, challenge, and improve you. The more you surround yourself with positive, uplifting, powerful people, the more likely you are to cultivate those traits within yourself.

The process of creating your dream life starts with desire, which informs vision. Vision can only become reality through action. Action―particularly inspired action―moves you forward and helps you channel the energy of your vision into a concrete reality.

But what happens when you get stuck, and don’t know which action to take? Or when you simply can’t make yourself take the actions you know you should?

The fourth key in my method for accelerating wealth, health, and happiness is accountability. This is the first key that involves people beyond yourself―and, in my experience, it’s one of the most powerful keys you will ever apply to your life.

Choose Your Accountability Partners

I have been blessed to work with many mentors and accountability partners in my life. These people are geniuses at the tops of their fields. They create leading-edge programs that challenge thousands of people to be their best, most powerful selves, and take inspired action to create their dream lives in big ways.

The biggest blessing for me about working with my mentors hasn’t been the information and techniques I’ve learned―although those skills have empowered me to create wealth, health, and happiness beyond my wildest dreams―it’s been witnessing these powerful beings in action, and discovering how they think about their own dreams and take action to create them.

Who in your life inspires you? When you’re in a room full of your peers, who do you watch? Who in your circle is doing exactly what you want to do, and actually making it happen? Chances are, that person could be a powerful accountability partner for you.

Potential accountability partners could show up in your life as coaches, teachers, employers, business partners, friends, relatives, or even serendipitous acquaintances. The most powerful accountability partners are those who empower you without enabling you: they offer empathy but not sympathy, treat your vision as a higher priority than your ego, and don’t let you make excuses or overindulge your fears.

You will always rise to the level of those with whom you surround yourself. So, when you’re looking for mentors and accountability partners, choose people who are several steps ahead of where you want to be, and whose core traits you admire and want to cultivate within yourself.

Also, on a side note: make sure that your mentors are continually engaging with their own mentors! You want to work with people who are constantly learning, just as you are.

Why We Need Accountability Partners

There’s a fundamental truth about human nature that I learned when I was starting out on my own journey toward wealth, health, and happiness: you cannot see clearly into your own subconscious mind.

One of the hardest things in life is feeling stuck in a situation that you don’t like and want to change. Sometimes, your reason for being stuck is buried so deeply that you can’t see it. Alternately, you may have exhausted yourself trying to figure out how to make the change, and given up in frustration.

No matter how hard you work, or how much you learn, you will always have “blind spots” around your own deeply-rooted patterns, fears, habits, and programming. It takes a loving outsider’s perspective to bring these things to your attention in a way that’s both acceptable and actionable to your conscious mind.

Your mentors and accountability partners are those who aren’t afraid to point out when you’re sabotaging yourself and undercutting your vision for a wealthy, healthy, happy life. They can see what you don’t, simply because they’re not living it like you are. They don’t have years of patterning and emotions tangled up in the current situation. They aren’t the boots on the ground. And so, they can put their wisdom to work in a caring but objective way, and help you turn your vision inward to overcome your blocks and get back on track to creating your dreams.

For many of us, there is a lot of discomfort around asking for help. We dread it, put it off, and sometimes avoid it at all costs. Ironically, the help we push away is often exactly what we need in order to grow and continue manifesting our vision.

If you feel constricted around asking for help or finding a mentor, ask yourself what you’re trying to prove. Are you afraid to trust someone with your vision? Is it important to you to be seen as someone who knows it all? Did you learn as a young person that asking for help makes you weak? Are you reluctant to engage with people who have created their visions more successfully than you have right now, because it stirs up feelings of jealousy or inadequacy?

If you’re feeling resistance, ask yourself, “How far am I willing to go in order to create my vision for my life? Am I willing to do something that feels uncomfortable in order to get unstuck?” Chances are, if you really believe in your vision, you will do whatever it takes to get there―even if it means admitting you need help!

Nearly all of the wealthy and successful people I know work with coaches, mentors, and accountability partners. They know that there are times when it’s simply impossible to figure it out on your own. Partnering with someone who knows the way to where you want to go can help you make more aligned choices, and create your dream life in the most efficient, empowered, and streamlined possible way!

I would love to connect with you to talk about ways having a mentor can work for you and support you in manifesting the life of your dreams. Book your discovery session with me today!

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About the author 

Ann Sanfelippo

Ann Sanfelippo is a Master Success Catalyst to men and women desiring to create more money in less time and loving their life as they do it.

She empowers her clients to elevate their wealth consciousness by getting out of their own way, surrendering to their struggles and manifesting the life of their dreams through raising their energetic frequency so they can create more money, experience better health and enjoy more happiness.

She is a highly sought-after keynote speaker who has spoken on over 500 stages to over a half million people on the topics of wealth creation, universal laws and success, and energy leadership skills.

Ann has trained with and for industry leaders including Tony Robbins, Dean Graziosi, Brendon Burchard and Robert Kiyosaki.  These powerful influencers, as mentors, inspired the Wealth Attraction® Formula - which is 25-years of experiences and life lessons learned streamlined to a simple-to-follow recipe for success in life.

Learn more at

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