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Manifesting the Life of Your Dreams: Align with Your Vision to Create Powerful Results

You are the creator of your reality, and you are 100 percent responsible for the life that you are living.

Your desires―the things you want, wish for, and strive for; the things that drive you to get out of bed in the morning―are the first key to creating the wealthy, healthy, happy life you’ve been dreaming of.

The next step is to align with your vision.

All of us have a vision of some kind. It’s our “Big Why,” our direction, and our purpose. It is the landmark we strike out for when we decide to create big change in our lives, the ultimate goal of each of our daily pursuits.

Put another way: desire is the seed that we plant to start cultivating our new reality, but our vision is the water, sunlight, and air that gives our desire-seed what it needs to grow.

Vision is the second key to accelerating wealth, health, and happiness because it nurtures the energy of, and gives form to, your desires. It is also the “grand scheme” of your ideal life―the foundation of all the plans you will make to consciously create your reality.

The Secret Power of Vision

Vision is more than dreaming. It’s more than speculation, or even imagining. Vision―at least, the kind of vision that I teach people to create―is nothing less than full alignment with the energetic vibration of your wealthy, healthy, happy life.

Anyone can talk about setting goals and “working toward your dreams.” But action steps (as you’ll see in the next section) are a means to an end. Action is your path to creating your vision, but it isn’t a substitute for the vision itself. In fact, action without vision is likely to create more, not less, struggle in your life.

Once you’ve attuned to your deepest, Source-driven desires (the first key to accelerating wealth, health, and happiness), you can begin to create a vision that includes those desires.

Here are some simple questions to help you identify and shape your vision:

  • If all things were possible, what would your ideal life look like? What would you be doing? Where would you be doing it?
  • Who are you in this ideal life? What version of you could most fully enjoy, interact with, and accelerate this ideal life?
  • What are the defining qualities of your ideal life? (For example: freedom, opulence, leisure, purpose, or passion.)
  • What are the defining qualities of the version of you who is at home in this ideal life? (For example: calm, joyful, confident, or excited.)
  • How would a day in your ideal life unfold?
  • Who shares this ideal life with you?

Once you tune into the specifics of your vision, put yourself directly inside it. Use all five of your senses. What does your vision look like, feel like, taste like, smell like, and sound like? Use the power of your imagination to put yourself directly in your desired reality. Do this for as long as it takes for your vision to become as real to you as where you sit right now.

Feel your vision reverberate through your whole being, and allow yourself to merge with your new reality. Feel your body’s vibration accelerate to match what you are creating.

Now that you have created your vision, you know what it will feel like to be there. That feeling―that vibration―is your landmark, the “X” that marks the spot where you are headed. Since you now know what it feels like to be inside your ideal life, you can more easily navigate the ground between here and there. Instead of uncharted territory, your journey into your vision will feel like going home to your favorite stomping ground.

Put Your Vision Into Play

Once you have fully embraced your vision―once you’ve seen it, felt it, heard it, smelled it, and touched it until it is as solid to you as your current reality―you can start to formulate a plan to create it.

If you just said, “Oh, boy!” you’re not alone! Many of us start out with a big vision―one that feels far away, even impossible, at first. However, whether you are able to create your vision depends much more on the quality of your planning than the size and scope of your dreams!

It’s helpful to break down your plan into small steps, choices, and behaviors that feel attainable and empowering. Remember, even seemingly insignificant choices will still move you closer toward your dream life, and the “you” who wants and needs to be present there.

So, ask yourself, “Where are the gaps between my current life and my ideal life?” Pay attention not only to gaps in physical possessions, but the differences between your current emotional, spiritual, and mental state and the emotional, spiritual, and mental state of the you who inhabits your ideal life.

Then, ask yourself: “What are the exact steps I need to take to get to where I want to be, and in what order do I need to take them?”

For example: if you want to start your own business, your main action steps might look something like this:

  1. Write a business plan
  2. Tune in to my expertise
  3. Work through my fear of failure
  4. Find my niche
  5. Obtain financing/find investors
  6. Buy domain names and set up web site
  7. Network and advertise
  8. Start getting clients

Every vision is attainable if you have a solid plan of action. The key is not to try to tackle everything at once, but to create “baby steps” within your main action steps which you can tackle one at a time. This helps you feel like you’re reaching benchmarks but prevents the overwhelm and confusion that derails so many would-be manifestors.

If you’re struggling to understand where to start creating your vision, ask yourself, “What is one action I can take, right now, to move forward toward my greatest vision?” Then, do that thing as soon as you can―that same day, if possible.

Your action plan to realize your vision shouldn’t feel like a struggle. Not every step you take will be easy, of course―but a challenging task or steep learning curve is different than a full-on block.

If you’ve set yourself tasks that feel impossible, unnatural, uninspired, or just plain icky, it may be time to reassess your vision. Is your vision coming from what your true self wants, or what your ego-self wants? Are you aligned with what your soul desires, or with what others desire for (or from) you?

When you touch your true, soul-driven vision, you will feel a lightness of being unlike anything you’ve ever known before. Each action you take to move closer to that vision will feel similarly light and inspired. Even tasks that once felt like hard work will take on a new quality of flow.

Your soul already holds the greatest, most amazing vision for your life. It knows the way to grow; all you have to do is hold the high vibration of your vision, keep taking inspired action, and follow where the magic leads.

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About the author 

Ann Sanfelippo

Ann Sanfelippo is a Master Success Catalyst to men and women desiring to create more money in less time and loving their life as they do it.

She empowers her clients to elevate their wealth consciousness by getting out of their own way, surrendering to their struggles and manifesting the life of their dreams through raising their energetic frequency so they can create more money, experience better health and enjoy more happiness.

She is a highly sought-after keynote speaker who has spoken on over 500 stages to over a half million people on the topics of wealth creation, universal laws and success, and energy leadership skills.

Ann has trained with and for industry leaders including Tony Robbins, Dean Graziosi, Brendon Burchard and Robert Kiyosaki.  These powerful influencers, as mentors, inspired the Wealth Attraction® Formula - which is 25-years of experiences and life lessons learned streamlined to a simple-to-follow recipe for success in life.

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