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Manifest Your Dreams: 3 Steps to Getting Unstuck and Living Out Your Rich Life

Manifest Your Dreams: 3 Steps to Getting Unstuck and Living Out Your Rich Life by Kristi Dear | #AspireMag

Have you ever felt stuck? I know I have. Feeling stuck can be incredibly overwhelming. It’s that heavy sense of not knowing which direction to take or what to do next. No matter how hard you work or how much effort you put in, it feels like nothing is falling into place. You’re spinning your wheels. You feel tired —physically, mentally, and emotionally—and you start to feel burned out, questioning everything. 

That’s when doubt can sneak in, making you second-guess your dreams and goals. You start to question if you’re even on the right path, wondering, “Is this really possible for me?” 

It can be tough to watch others seemingly achieve their goals with ease while you struggle to make progress. This is where what I like to call “comparisonitis” sets in, and you start asking yourself, “Why does it seem so easy for them, and hard for me?” The frustration builds, making it harder to stay motivated and focused. 

If you’ve ever felt this way, I completely understand—I’ve been there too, both in life and in business. But don’t worry, I’m here to help! I’m going to share three powerful mindset steps that helped me break free from feeling stuck so I could create the life and business success I was longing for. My goal is to empower you with these same steps so you can apply them and start manifesting your dreams too.  

Decide what you want. First start with getting crystal clear on what you truly desire in your life. Do you want more income? If so, how much? Do you desire more love in your life? What does that love look like to you? Do you want to be happier? What does happiness look like for you—what would you be doing differently? 

Think of it like ordering at a restaurant. When the waiter asks what you want, you wouldn’t just say, “I don’t know, bring me whatever.” If you did, you’d get whatever they decided to bring you. Instead, you get specific about what you want, and then you ask for it. 

Are you asking for what you truly want? 

Most people don’t reach their dreams and goals because they’re not clear on what they really want. So, get clear. Define what you want, and write it down.I often recommend starting with 3-5 goals, and then writing them down as if they’ve already come true. For example: “I am so thankful and happy that I am now making [insert amount] per month.” “I am so thankful and happy to be in a loving relationship.” “I am so thankful and happy to be living in my dream home.” 

Write these affirmations on a notecard and carry it with you everywhere. At least once a day, pull it out, read it aloud, and really feel those words. This simple practice will help you start directing your life with your words and feeling like it’s possible.  

Cast a Vision. Our brains operate in images, and with over 70,000 thoughts a day, about 80% of those thoughts are simply repeated from the day before. Unfortunately, many of those repeated thoughts can be negative, reinforcing our sense of stuckness. The fastest path to success is to create a powerful, positive vision of yourself achieving your goals. Picture yourself winning—living in your dream home, earning the money you desire, and being in the relationship you’ve always wanted. 

You want to immerse yourself in the energy of having already manifested your desires. When you wake up in the morning, ask yourself: If my dreams had already come true, how would I spend my day? How would I dress? Who would I surround myself with? How would I speak to myself? 

Then, mentally rehearse that version of your day. Hold onto the vision of where you’re going, not where you are right now. By doing this, you start to shift your energy, change how you feel, and ultimately influence what shows up in your life. 

This practice is about aligning your mindset with the reality you want to create. When you consistently focus on your vision and see yourself already living it, you begin to attract the opportunities, people, and circumstances that will help make that vision a reality. 

Take Action. Your dreams are not just meant to be thought about—they are meant to be activated. I believe the dreams placed on your heart are there for a reason, but it’s up to you to take the steps toward making them your reality. One of the best ways to get unstuck and start feeling better is to take action.  

So ask yourself, What can I do today that will move me one step closer to my goals? If your goal is a healthier body, maybe that means going for a walk each day or choosing nourishing foods. If your goal is to increase your income, perhaps it’s time to ask for a raise, promote your business more, or network with new people. If your goal is to find a loving relationship, maybe it’s about putting yourself in spaces where you can meet fun, like-minded people who share your values. 

Taking consistent action toward your goals is a powerful signal to the Universe that you are ready to receive the next phase of your journey. Every small step you take helps close the gap between where you are now and where you want to be. It’s not just about dreaming—it’s about doing. The energy you put into your actions tells the Universe that you’re committed and open to receiving the blessings and lifestyle that are waiting for you. 

Remember your mind is a tool but you are the boss. The words you speak to yourself are the most powerful of all. They can either pave the way to success or hold you back, influencing how you feel, how you show up, and ultimately, how you take action. When you change the way you speak to yourself, you change the way the world responds to you. 

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About the author 

Kristi Dear

Kristi Dear is an international mindset & success coach, multi-million dollar network marketing earner, best-selling author, and speaker. Also known as The Mindset Chick, she believes that all great success starts with building a strong mindset first. Kristi supports her clients and team to remove any limiting beliefs holding them back so that they can go BIG, step into their true potential, and manifest the life and business that they desire. Her bubbly, fun, and loving personality has caught national attention! She has been featured in Fitness magazine, YFS magazine, The Huffington Post, on several podcasts from around the world, Good Day Dallas, Good Morning Texas, CBS 11, Channel 5, and The Dallas Morning News. Kristi has been married for over 24 years and is a mom to 3 kiddos ages 24, 22, & 17. When she is not working on her biz (which she loves) you can find her hanging out by her pool, working out with her hubby, or spending time with her family and friends!

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