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Making Love the Bottom Line

To want love, or to believe in the power of love—all that is wonderful.  But where the rubber meets the spiritual road is at the place where we decide whether or not to act on love.

One place where putting love first is not always easy is in the area of money. This isn’t because the issue is more complicated than any other area of life—it’s just the entrenched thinking of the world is that profit, not love, is the bottom line.  In a world that is dominated by scarcity, that thought makes sense.  In a world where scarcity doesn’t even exist, it makes no sense at all. Putting love first isn’t a life of “sacrifice,” as many have been taught. In fact, it’s quite the opposite.  Putting love first means knowing who you are and that you’re entitled to miracles. Putting love first means knowing that the universe supports you in creating the good, the holy, and the beautiful. It means knowing that you’re on the earth for a purpose, and that the purpose itself will create opportunities for its accomplishment.

Making love your bottom line doesn’t make you “lose”; it’s ultimately the way you inevitably gain. For what you give, you shall receive; and what you withhold will be withheld from you. As a friend of mine once said to me, the universe keeps a perfect set of books.  Making love the bottom line doesn’t mean that you have to give everything away or that you’ll never charge for your services.

The principle of fair exchange gives love to both giver and receiver. Making love the bottom line doesn’t mean that you’re compelled to do anything anyone ever asks you to do. Love always gives the loving response—but sometimes the loving response is “no.” But making love the bottom line does mean that we take seriously the idea that we are on the earth to do as love would have us do, and to do with our resources only what we are internally guided to do. I know from personal experience that when I’ve done this, I’ve gained financially as well as in other ways. And when I have not done this, I’ve lost.

The path of love might not lead to an immediate, short-term bundle of cash. But following the path of love leads to trust, to deeper relationships, and therefore to a greater probability of further good. Our internal abundance is ultimately the source of our external abundance. Who we are, not just the services we provide, creates money.

People who are positive and energetic when they show up for work—are they or are they not the people most likely to be promoted? People who are kind and

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helpful when you walk into their store—do they or do they not have a business to which you’re more likely to return? People who inspire genuine trust and faith in the excellence of their work—are they or are they not the people you are more likely to hire for your next project? You know that line about how nice guys finish last? It’s a lie. Yet at times we fear that if we give ourselves to love, we will somehow devolve into a puddle of weakness— that love will make us vulnerable to hurt or make us less effective in the world. We think it’s okay for God to have our spiritual lives, but we better not hand over our finances! A woman once told me, “I don’t mind giving God my money, but if it’s over two hundred thousand dollars, I think I better handle it myself.” And here is what makes that such a joke: it is often in the area of our finances where we need miracles the most!

Love is our sanity. It does not lead us to unwise behavior. It does not lead us to give our money away frivolously when there is a need to save it and provide for our family. It does not lead us to disrespect principles of money management or the appropriate laws of commerce. It does not lead us into unreasonable or immoderate behavior.  Love doesn’t ruin things; love makes all things right, by aligning mortal events with the natural patterns of an intentional and creative universe. Love makes us wake up in the morning with a sense of purpose and a flow of creative ideas. Love floods our nervous system with positive energy, making us far more attractive to prospective employers, clients, and creative partners. Love fills us with a powerful charisma, enabling us to produce new ideas and new projects, even within circumstances that seem to be limited. Love leads us to atone for our errors and clean up the mess when we’ve made mistakes. Love leads us to act with impeccability, integrity, and excellence. Love leads us to serve, to forgive, and to hope. Those things are the opposite of a poverty consciousness; they’re the stuff of spiritual wealth creation.

In 1992, I published a book called A Return to Love.  At the time, I was a bit naive—I had never spent time thinking about things like book contracts, bestseller status, or book royalties. I was happy to be able to live off the suggested donations at my lectures on A Course in Miracles; while writing the book I don’t think I even thought about how well it might sell. I do remember hoping it would sell enough copies that I wouldn’t be embarrassed! In fact, due largely to the enthusiasm of Oprah Winfrey, it was the fifth-bestselling book in America that year. I had a strong sense at the time that the money hadn’t really come directly from the book—that it had come through it, but not really from it. I felt as if the money was divine payment for something more than the book, particularly the charitable work I had been doing for years before, for no money at all. It was payment for how I had been trying to live my life, cleaning up any mess from my past and trying to be of service to others.

The seeker isn’t looking to “get money,” but to exchange energy. And when the energy we’re putting out is filled with the consciousness of love, then the energy flowing back to us comes in whatever form most serves our good. I figured that if I lived a good life and worked hard, I’d be taken care of somehow. There was a level of naiveté to the life I was living before that book was published. I had never transitioned to the more sophisticated principles by which wealth is supposedly created, and as a consequence I was blessedly unaware of them. There’s no way in the world that my activities during those years would have been thought to be good for business, because there was no business! But I was, in my own way, “about my Father’s business.” And then, when the book was published, I saw that what I had done for love came back to me a thousandfold and more.

Such is the Law.

Excerpted from THE LAW OF DIVINE COMPENSATION: On Work, Money, and Miracles by Marianne Williamson. Copyright 2012.  Reprinted with permission by HarperOne, an imprint of HarperCollins Publishers.

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About the author 

Marianne Williamson

Marianne Williamson is an internationally acclaimed author and lecturer. Six of her eleven published books have been New York Times bestsellers; four have been #1. The mega bestseller A Return to Love is considered a must-read of The New Spirituality. A paragraph from that book, beginning “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure…” is considered an anthem for a contemporary generation of seekers. Marianne has been a popular guest on television programs such as Oprah, Super Soul Sunday, Larry King Live, Good Morning America, Charlie Rose and Real Time with Bill Maher.

According to Time magazine, “Yoga, the Cabala and Marianne Williamson have been taken up by those seeking a relationship with God that is not strictly tethered to Christianity.”

Additional books by Marianne include The Law of Divine Compensation, The Age of Miracles, Everyday Grace, A Woman’s Worth, Illuminata, Healing the Soul of America, A Course in Weight Loss, The Gift of Change, A Year of Miracles, and A Return to Love. Her latest book is TEARS TO TRIUMPH: The Spiritual Journey from Suffering to Enlightenment. Visit

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  • What an inspiring article 🙂 Thanks Marianne!! An example of what truly following your heart can bring you. Reading this was perfect timing for me. I have been struggling financially and though I have the information I wasn’t able to “push” myself to take the actions needed to make money in my business. I realize now I was focusing solely on the cash and completely forgot about my passion or the service I am offering. Duh, it is the “energy exchange”. Feel like that commercial, “I could have had a V8” (including the head slap lol).

  • Taslim Jaffer says:

    Hi Marianne – thank you for this awesome reminder about making love the bottom line. What I especially resonated with was when you talked about A Return to Love…you said the money seemed to come through the book, not directly from it. I must really understand that on a soul level because when I read it, I thought, “Yes, that’s so right!” Thanks for this.

  • This topic is so vital in today’s business, particularly those of us who are in the business to help others. I am just starting my business and I decided that my business model is transparency, following many of the principles from CWG. My flyer (and website when my content is done) state provide suggested fees for services. I’ve also instituted a pay-it-forward option if someone would like to pay for the next client’s Reiki or Meditation session which I will “bank” up for clients that may need treatment and don’t have enough funds for what they desire.

    I have focused only on my love for helping people and the gratitude I have for the opportunity. I have partnered up with a massage therapist and we have found space outside our homes to share our business, and everything we’ve focused on has happened for us. We both believe the synchronicity of meeting, our shared desires to help others, with the bottom line not being our focus – this is what is bringing our success. Fear is not a word in our vocabulary. Love is. In fact, I gave a treatment to my first paying client last week and at the end, she gave me a hug and said “I love you.” That was the best gift I could have received that day.

  • rainbow in my clouds says:

    Love is at the root of all miracles, kindness, altruism, compassion, life.

    History has seen countless individuals and collectives fight for their rights, freedom, justice, and equality against powerful nations, groups, governments, dictators; all in the name of love for oneself and for humanity to share in the rights and freedom one wants to behold.

    Ordinary folk have risked life and death to stand up for the rights of others in wars, genocides, concentration camps; all in the name of love, to honour one´s values that can only be rooted in love when the outcome is bravery,courage, and compassion.

    People master their problems and circumstances and then go on to change society´s attitudes, make new law policies to stop their suffering from becoming another person´s same suffering in the future; all in the name of love where resentment, anger and regret have been released into the universe only to return back into re-newed energy of universal love.

    People like Michael J. Fox use their illness to help others by educating society about their symptoms and treatment, help raise awareness and funding for research into cures and prevention to stop others from having to face the same fate; all in the name of love for humanity´s greatest wealth: our health!

    Loving ourselves when life is going great, when we´ve got the winning hand is easy; the key to self-love and unconditional love for those around us is how to we treat ourselves when life throws us a curve ball, when circumstances change suddenly, obstacles arise, we lose jobs, relationships, health, finances, friends. Can you love yourself and others enough to see the truth that events happen in the external world but they are not who we are inside, that we are loveable beyond all words even when a relationship ends, a redundancy happens, a business fails, you file for bankruptcy, you get depression, your child gets into trouble with the law, your best friend betrays you, you betray yourself?

    Love is an eternal presence deep within our very souls that never leaves us, only our chattering minds sometimes wander off the heart felt path within our beating hearts.

    Here is a post on my blog to evaluate how you truly see inside yourself and others and that the truth of a person isn´t in the external events, possessions and surroundings but the truth is always deep inside our hearts and it´s truth can always be found most clearly in the darkest of nights:


  • LOVE this. It is so true. When you do things with love, that kind of energy exchange is so powerful. It can be so hard at times to send love when there is such a gap between love and what you feel for a person or situation at that stage. But it is possible to get there with a little effort at times. I like to imagine a beautiful pink, gold and silver love energy encompassing me and the person/situation I am dealing with. Eventually all negativity melts away 🙂

  • I agree fully,I have given unconditionally2 students,I get return of love in abundance,not at the same time.

  • “For what you give, you shall receive; and what you withhold will be
    withheld from you. As a friend of mine once said to me, the universe
    keeps a perfect set of books.” I liked these lines. I think we need to focus on giving and the receiving will come naturally.

  • Linda Connolly says:

    Basing all business and politics on love keeps us morally and ethically aligned. Coming from that base we create a world based on love and abundance, instead of scarcity. Oh what a beautiful world we world we create.

  • keeping in mind always, that there is plenty for all of us , when we give freely and lovingly ,knowing that everything is going back to the univese and will return to us a hundred fold,As I have always doan with everything I give a way, I Bless you I release you knowing that you are going back to the Universe ,and will return to me a Hundred fold., Giving Love, Money, or a Kind Word, a Helping Hand, What ever you give away, As Love is Everything,and it Srats fom Within Ourselves, Rembering that we are Love and so that Everyone and Every Living Thing Is Love There Is no Where there is not Love. Life is Love, Thank you from my heart to your heart for all your time and all the wonderful gifts you bring to all of us. Blessings and Love, Janette.

  • I agree with this 100%. I’m glad she is writing a book about this. Everytime I read books on business or marketing there are so many things that just don’t feel rigt to me because they are based on the scarcity mentality. How wonderful would it be if all business models could be based on love?!

  • Beautiful thoughts. So much of our thinking around money is dominated by a sense of a lack. When we love more, we know that there is enough for everyone.

  • Thank you so much, I really enjoyed the part I have read on your book, Making Love the bottom line, If all people in the universe, spoke to people as they would like to be spoken to, and treat all people they would like to be treated, we would have a wonderful universe, LOVE IS THE SUM OF ALL EXCELLENCE. Karen

  • I love to read your words for no matter how poignant, direct and powerful, you always deliver them in absolute love. It all makes such perfect sense. I truly feel that you are in divine alignment as I suspect this is how our ascended masters taught as well! Thank you for sharing your soul!

  • Thank you to “Aspire” for sharing Marianne Williamson’s wisdom. Her words provide motivation to transform my thoughts and actions in my career.

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