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Magical Living Misconceptions Dispelled

Magical, LivingThere are a whole lot of misconceptions floating around out there in the world about “magical living”.  There are many who believe that all magical people are witches and evil – stirring a big black cauldron while working the dark arts.

* queue flying monkeys *

And there are those who believe that magical living and religion are mutually exclusive – you can be either religious or magical.

I strongly disagree with both points.

The Goddess Lifestyle Plan® has grown and evolved over the years, however its core teachings have never changed, at its essence, my work has always been about teaching women about {Practical} Magical Living and empowering then to tap into their Personal Power via self-mastery and living in alignment with Universal Law.

For as long as I can remember I’ve been fearful to speak loudly about Magical Living. The reason might be that I’m not a feather ruffler by nature, or it might be I hold cellular memory of The Burning Times, or perhaps it fear of Internet lynching mobs (aka trolls) that feel the need to publically shame and persecute those who think more expansively or differently than them. Regardless the reason, I’m done whispering to those I feel most safe with about WHO I AM.

I remember completing a written exercise while at a business training a few years ago where the question was, “What do you think your life purpose is? What are you here to do?” My answer still makes me tear up… I answered, “To help shift the global paradigm around religion and magick.”

Holy Shit. It still feels TOO BIG for little old me

Alas, it is my truth and I believe there is no time better than NOW to whip out my bullhorn and step on my soapbox. The consciousness of the planet has shifted, and I see women in my circles and community beginning to wiggle their toes outside the broom closet. So, my lovely, I feel strongly that the time is RIGHT NOW for us to discuss what magical living is not.

The 2 Misconceptions About Magical Living

Misconception #1:

Magical living and Religion are Mutually Exclusive – you can either be Religious or Magical.

SO not true. I don’t feel there’s one word that can sum up who Lisa Marie Rosati is, so I don’t call myself a Witch, although I do route the Witch Archetype often. I route a variety of different archetypes given my mood or situation; Teacher, Wounded Healer, and Priestess to name a few, and so do you… in Jungian psychology, Archetypes are a collectively inherited unconscious idea, pattern of thought, image, etc., universally present in individual psyches. A simple definition, it’s the way your route power on the physical plane.

I’ve never called myself a “Catholic”, even though I was born into the Catholic faith… I love Jesus and his teachings and I light candles to the Virgin Mary on my altar every day. I don’t consider myself “religious” as much as I consider myself reverent. I happen to appreciate certain aspects of all belief systems, so if I need to label myself, I’d say I’m a Spiritual Eclectic.

Is there such a thing as a Christian Witch? I haven’t decided, but I’m thinking deeply into that question lately.

Misconception #2

Spells and Ritual are EVIL.

You (and everyone else on the planet) are casting spells and participating in ritual whether you realize it or not.

Every thought you have is prayer and every word you speak is a spell. Words have power; they create your beliefs and your beliefs dictate how you maneuver in the world.

Ritual is simply something you do often in the same way. You probably have a morning ritual, a bedtime ritual, a good luck ritual (think throwing salt over your shoulder), etc. There are informal rituals like firing up a smudge stick and waving it about to break up the negative energy in a space, and formal rituals where you call in the Elements and Spirit and work magick.

I hope this article sparked curiosity with in you… AND I’d be tickled pink purple if my words brought up a “HELL YEAH” response from deep inside of you!

I invite you to look at the world through magical lenses, not to be confused with rose-colored glasses. Magical Lenses allow you to see the magic through the mundane, they symbolism in every moment, and the courage to take personal responsibility for your day-to-day life experiences.

YOU are more powerful than you realize and braver than you think. 

I thank you for the honor of holding the lantern for you as your walk your magical path in whatever capacity that feels good to you…

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About the author 

Lisa Marie (Rosati) Grantham

Business Mentor and Lifestyle Expert Lisa Marie Rosati-Grantham is an International Best-Selling Author, Leader of The Goddess Lifestyle Sisterhood™, and Founder of The School of Magical Living™. Believing that women CAN have it all, Lisa has successfully created a thriving, global brand while raising her children. It’s Lisa’s passion to teach ambitious, soul-centered women how to create an abundant, purpose-filled life, and prosperous laptop business they love!

Lisa’s unique combination of strategic thinking, laser sharp intuition, vast knowledge of holistic health, psychology, human behavior, healing modalities and women’s spirituality plus 20+ years of metaphysical study and practice, results in an effective mix of spirituality and “real world,” no-nonsense practicality that supports her private clients and community in embracing their own Inner Goddess. Lisa exemplifies the Goddess Lifestyle as she embraces her powerful feminine nature with pride and encourages other women to do the same. Learn more at

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