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Living Your Life from a Soul Perspective

Living Your Life from a Soul Perspective by Dr. Debra Reble | #AspireMag

“You are here on purpose, for a purpose. All souls are part of the divine plan.” – Bryn Blankenship  

Viewing your life from a soul perspective expands your understanding of yourself and why you are here. It helps you discover who you are at soul level and what your purpose is for being here at this unprecedented time. Most of all, it answers the ultimate cosmic question: Why am I here on Earth at this particular time?  

From a soul perspective, the answer is: To assist and be a part of the awakening and evolution of our human consciousness and support our own soul’s evolution.  

Like flying in an airplane and viewing the ground below, viewing your life from a soul perspective elevates your vibration and lifts you out of the shadowy aspects of human consciousness. From this vantage point, you see that you are, first and foremost, a divine being of light navigating the sea of human processes. Seeing life from this elevated perspective, can help ease anxiety, transcend any negativity, and navigate these challenging times in a higher vibration. 

Viewing your life from a soul perspective puts the cosmic power back into your hands for co-creating a life that aligns with your soul’s path. It offers you a more expansive vision of the infinite possibilities instead of seeing only the physical limitations of your life. Looking at your life from this vantage point not only opens you to a divine source field of unlimited possibilities that defy ordinary three-dimensional experience, but also allows you to purposefully engage with your team of spiritual helpers who are here to support you along your path. Once you adopt this perspective, you open up to a multi-dimensional experience in which can perceive and choose from an infinite number of enlightened choices. 

 Every person has a unique soul blueprint. Your soul blueprint determines the choices you made before you were born―such as choosing your body, gender, parents, and the genetic and environmental circumstances―of your physical life. owever,HoweverYou are ultimately responsible for these prior choices and how they affect your current choices while living on Earth because you were part of the decision making in creating them for your soul to experience in this incarnation. Knowing from a soul level that you made such choices before you were born can empower you to make current choices that shift you to a higher vibrational frequency. 

Each person’s soul journey is unique; yet, you are energetically connected to others in your soul tribe for your soul’s evolution. Ultimately, you cannot know another’s soul journey, even when that person is close to you. Yet, you can accept that whatever choices they make are part of their soul’s progression and not judge them. Regardless of the length of time you’ve spent together physically, your connection transcends the physical universe, and energetically resides in the eternal space of the soul. 

With this level of spiritual clarity, you can choose to transcend any outside forces you think limit you—from your upbringing to the difficult boss you encounter today. You don’t have to drop down into the drama, suffering, or turmoil of everyday life. Having a higher awareness of your soul’s journey lifts you out of perceived victimhood and empowers you to become aware and evolve. From here, you can make choices without fear, angst, or judgment and from an expansive multi-dimensional perspective of your life and more firmly connected to your spiritual helpers. 

You have come to Earth to acquire spiritual information and have physical experiences that you need for your continued soul progression. Your present life is like stopping for a momentary layover when traveling by plane to an eternal destination. You are gathering the people, resources, and experiences to continue your progression at soul level. These life-death-rebirth cycles are easier to move through and integrate the information when you view them from a soul perspective. When you clear the past at the soul level, you can clear issues carried over many lifetimes; yet, you remain in the same body, shifting your energy at all levels. 

Here are 3 Ways to View Your Life from a Soul Perspective: 

1.Expand to a Higher Level of Soul Awareness: By expanding to a higher level of awareness, you access a greater wealth of spiritual information to support your soul’s evolution. To do so, you can re-connect with who you are at a deeper soul level, to see your life from your original soul blueprint. This will help you choose new experiences that resonate with this pure soul energy. 

Close your eyes, put your left hand on your heart, and focus your attention here.  Let go of any thoughts and let them move out of your awareness. take a few deep breaths in and out of your heart center. Now visualize yourself in a crystal elevator that travels back in time as it descends. Take yourself back in time to the moment right before you were born into this lifetime. Feel yourself coming in to your body as a new born baby. Open your eyes into this new life and feel yourself back in a body and back on earth. See yourself as this pure divine being of light. You are open and aware, pure soul essence. You are in the template you’re created before you were born. Notice the vibration. What does this feel like in the moment? Ask your heart to show you what your soul blueprint looks like.  Allow whatever images, colors or information to come in. Imprint this energy upon every cell in your body.  

2.Tap Into Your Source Field to Create at Soul Level: You hold the power to co-create a life that is resonant with your soul’s path through tapping into your heart which connects you to your source field. You are connected to this field of universal energy that emanates from you. Thus, you are constantly attracting and co-creating everything in your life.  

Everything in your external environment is a reflection of where you are vibrationally.  

Therefore, You are responsible for the energy you bring to every moment. When you are with someone or in a particular situation, ask yourself: Do I resonate with the energy I’m in? Do I feel good about myself in this vibration? or Do I need to change the vibration I’m in? By becoming more aware of the energy you’re experiencing, you begin to sense, feel, and intuit what resonates with your soul’s path and what doesn’t.  

3.Perceive Life’s Challenges from a Soul Level: Life’s challenges are the universe’s way of showing you what you need to resolve or heal at soul level. The healing or resolution is what leads to our soul’s evolution in this lifetime. While you may not be able to control other people or certain situations, you can choose to perceive and respond to them from a soul perspective.  

The moment you find yourself reacting negatively to anything, pause, take a few deep intentional breaths, and shift your attention from your head to your heart. Learning to drop into your heart space in the midst of a challenging situation helps you let go of your physical or emotional reaction and respond more positively and from a soul level.  

Take a moment to try it.  Reflect and journal on a recent situation when you were faced with a challenge. Look at it from a higher perspective for the opportunity in it.  Why is this upsetting to me?  What energy did I bring to this situation? What do I need to heal or resolve? What is this situation revealing to me at soul level?  

By becoming highly aware of your soul’s path, you open yourself to the exquisite space of co-creation. When you bring awareness and energy to this space, you co-create what your soul needs to progress from an array of infinite possibilities. From this vantage point, you access the space of all possibilities available to you and can then make enlightened choices which ultimately lead to more positive outcomes in this lifetime. 

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About the author 

Dr. Debra Reble

Consciously merging her practical tools as a psychologist, in practice for over two decades, with her intuitive and spiritual gifts, Intuitive Psychologist Dr. Debra Reble empowers women to connect with their hearts, release fear and anxiety, and supports them in breaking through their energetic and spiritual blocks to self-love so they can live authentically.

Debra is the International Bestselling author of Soul-Hearted Living: A Year of Sacred Reflections & Affirmations for Women, Being Love: How Loving Yourself Creates Ripples of Transformation in Your Relationships and the World, (Inspired Living Publishing) and the author of Soul-Hearted Partnership: The Ultimate Experience of Love, Passion, and Intimacy, which garnered four book awards including the Eric Hoffer award, as well as a contributing author to numerous best-selling books.

Debra is a sought-after speaker and media guest and is the host of the popular Soul-Hearted Living podcast on iTunes. Through her popular Soul-Hearted Living workshops, retreats, and private sessions Dr. Debra is passionate about serving women. Her digital program, Anxiety RX: Balm for the Soul supports women in learning to see their anxiety from a spiritual perspective.

You are invited to her transformational 4 part Soul-Hearted Living meditation series as a gift from her heart to yours.

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