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Living the Goddess Lifestyle: Thriving During Fallow Times

Living the Goddess Lifestyle: Thriving During Fallow Times by Lisa Marie (Rosati) Grantham | #AspireMag

Living the Goddess Lifestyle is most definitely about experiencing pleasure and enjoying beauty in all of its forms.

Personally, I’m ALL IN when “things” are feeling juicy and everything’s going my way, how about you?

Totally right?

How about when key areas of your life are looking a bit barren and your best efforts are slow moving at best?

Does the stillness and quiet trigger you? Do fallow times spark lack and fear based thoughts to bubble up to the surface causing you to worry and doubt your abilities or your divine right to have it all?

I know for me it did, but not anymore…

Here’s what I know for sure – everything in life is cyclic. The Moon waxes and wanes, the tides go in and out, the seasons change … cycles. And the waning, going inward, the resting, and the metaphorical winter are a key component of cycles – they are going to happen.

My relationship with my husband, Big Mike, has gone through winter; a time when we were as cold as ice to each other. The landscape of our relationship was barren and there seemed to be no hope. Our last “winter” lasted years, and it triggered all my fears big time. My security was attached to our relationship, and I craved a depth of intimacy with this man that just wasn’t there. He seemed impervious, cold and distant…

Sure we had some warm days during that winter, but nothing lasted, the freeze always came back. I was scared as hell, however I eventually settled into a peaceful acceptance of this barren time after doing the inner shifting needed for me to attain the emotional and spiritual fitness level needed to survive this winter with my beloved. Part of my daily practice was affirming that winter was part of the natural cycle, and that spring and summer would come again for us.

And it did.

I’ve experienced winters in my business too. There are times when nothing seems to be happening even though I’m working at it – diligently. I’m not going to lie; this still can make me feel crazy bananas when I’m not grounded! However, I know that my business must go through its time of rest too. The following metaphor has helped me tremendously and I hope it serves you too.

When life seems like it’s not going as you had hoped and nothing you do seems to help, visualize a pot of water on the stove. You know how long it seems to take for water to boil when you’re staring at it?

I know, it seems to take forever when you’re looking at the water, constantly searching for the bubbles to show up…

Nothing seems to happen {for what seems like an eternity} and then all of a sudden – the bubbles start forming. They come more and more, faster and faster, until you have a pot of furiously boiling water!

That is life – if you continue to put one foot in front of the other and stay connected to your faith, momentum is growing within the silence and stillness.

Just because things don’t seem to be going as you planned they would, it doesn’t mean that your desire is not on its way to you – it is! There’s divine timing involved. The only discomfort you will feel during fallow times is when you attempt to rush divine timing.

Instead of staring at the “pot of water” waiting for it to boil, light a candle on you altar and hand your worries, fears and doubts over to the Divine. I’ve written a Prayer For Surrender for you – may it bring you peace of mind and a strengthening of faith that all will work out exactly as it’s meant to and for your highest good.

Prayer For Surrender

Even though my efforts for _____________ seem to be fruitless,

I surrender the outcome to YOU.

Show me how to accept this fallow time and not lose faith, remind me when in doubt that there is a time for growth and a time for rest.

Allow me to revel in the beauty and gifts surrender brings, knowing that my heartfelt desire for ____________ is already on its way to me.

I surrender to divine timing and the natural cycles of the Universe.

And this I pray believing.

Amen.  And so it is.

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About the author 

Lisa Marie (Rosati) Grantham

Business Mentor and Lifestyle Expert Lisa Marie Rosati-Grantham is an International Best-Selling Author, Leader of The Goddess Lifestyle Sisterhood™, and Founder of The School of Magical Living™. Believing that women CAN have it all, Lisa has successfully created a thriving, global brand while raising her children. It’s Lisa’s passion to teach ambitious, soul-centered women how to create an abundant, purpose-filled life, and prosperous laptop business they love!

Lisa’s unique combination of strategic thinking, laser sharp intuition, vast knowledge of holistic health, psychology, human behavior, healing modalities and women’s spirituality plus 20+ years of metaphysical study and practice, results in an effective mix of spirituality and “real world,” no-nonsense practicality that supports her private clients and community in embracing their own Inner Goddess. Lisa exemplifies the Goddess Lifestyle as she embraces her powerful feminine nature with pride and encourages other women to do the same. Learn more at

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